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#187773937Wednesday, April 20, 2016 10:14 PM GMT

Due to recent discovery of Master Phoenixeous believes I do not understand the purpose of the Knight's Core, I am creating this thread to state my beliefs of what the Knight's Core's purpose is on SWOA. Let's begin shall we? The Knight's Core was found with one purpose: The restoring of the previous status of the Jedi Order as a group of respectable Jedi that share knowledge and do not seek power. Trough the Knight's Core, we have been able to teach many Jedi of all ranks new information that they did not before know. I myself was promoted to the High Order of the Knight's Core, and have attempted to take action in aiding the Core in their goals to better the Order. Master Ryan stated during our meeting today, "I am the MotO" and "I do what I want." (As seen here https://twitter.com/Jalnier_Buntjua/status/722903088869171201 ) Now, we have tried in the past two meetings that have occurred that have become a problem then main problem being: The rise in the number of Jedi that are turning to the Sith. The solutions that the Core came to a consensus on is that we need to enlist discipline, respect and communication in the Order. My solution to trying to bring about this order within the Order is to create the other three existing Councils within the Jedi Order that are supposed to exist within the Order. Allow me to elaborate: The Jedi Council is supposed to be made of of four different Councils within itself: The Jedi High Council The Council of First Knowledge The Council of Reconciliation The Council of Reassignment Each Council was meant to control a different aspect of the Order. To install the discipline and respect within the Order I suggested that these Councils could be made. The Council of Reconciliation would be charged with having Jedi placed in front of them that have broken the Code and need to be disciplined along with their Masters if they are Padawans. Upon being disciplined, if the Council of Reconciliation deems that they are not worthy, then they can go before the Council of Reassignment for rank change to the proper rank in order to relearn what is needed and work their way back to whatever rank they need to learn. Master Ryan believes that this sense of order within the Order should not become reality and should remain the dreams of the Core. Now if anyone reads The Jedi Path by Daniel Wallace, they can learn more in depth about what the Councils are meant to do. A big portion of why the Jedi Order is failing currently is due to the massive amount of members we have with so little amount of HR's to control them. Lack of governing leads to a state of Anarchy that will ultimately lead the Jedi Order's downfall. If we enlist the creation of these other Councils, we can establish order within the Order. Respect, Discipline, and Communication will become fundamental parts of the Order's existence. Some may say I am power hungry for a Council spot for saying all of this, however, I don't care if I even get one of the Council spots, so long as the people whom do get the spots understand what the Council's jobs are and how they are meant to function in the Order. Next I would like to address the statement that Master Ryan made regarding the Knight's Core's say in what occurs in the Order. Master Ryan stated, "The Core serves the Order. They get no say in whom is promoted to Master and whom isn't." I agree that the Core doesn't decide who gets to become Masters and who doesn't, however if the entire Knight's Core, which once again allow me to remind you was founded on the principle of bettering the Order, does not believe that an appointed Master is ready for their position, then wouldn't it be clear that that Master need further training before taking on the role of Master? However upon making this statement and Master Robin agreeing with me, Master of the Order Ryan Phoenixeous suspended both myself, a High Order member (the highest ranking officials of the Knight's Core aside from Master Ryan) of the Knight's Core, along with Master Robin from the Knight's Core until we "realized the true purpose of the Knight's Core." If we are working in the Core daily for it's purpose of bettering the Order, and Master Ryan only takes action in the Core during meetings, how can he know what we think the purpose of the Knight's Core is? With all due respect to Master Ryan, I believe he needs to rethink his actions of whom he promotes to Master. Not everyone can just be thrown into a position of power and understand how to function in it, as many of the Order members have seen within the last week. If you agree with these points, please comment below so that this can be a petition for change within the Order. May the Force be with you all, Sith and Jedi alike, Jedi Knight and Knight's Core High Order Member, Blake Conners Garnel
#187774212Wednesday, April 20, 2016 10:17 PM GMT

He's the reason I went rogue.
#187774359Wednesday, April 20, 2016 10:19 PM GMT

One Word. Derp ~(o-o~)
#187774442Wednesday, April 20, 2016 10:20 PM GMT

Three people now might go rouge, due to this bull. We will give the Order one month.
#187774700Wednesday, April 20, 2016 10:23 PM GMT

Star Wars groups..?
#187781681Thursday, April 21, 2016 12:09 AM GMT

*nods* Master Commandant Kerzone
#187793935Thursday, April 21, 2016 3:19 AM GMT

*rubs nipples at failing Jedi Order*
#187793949Thursday, April 21, 2016 3:19 AM GMT

There needs to be change in the Order, I want to help in anyway that I can. I support this petition.
#187794063Thursday, April 21, 2016 3:22 AM GMT

#187794472Thursday, April 21, 2016 3:30 AM GMT

I am in full support. #RemoveAdurite
#187795734Thursday, April 21, 2016 3:59 AM GMT

We are living within a period of vast reform for the Jedi Order, and with our former leaders gone we have to look to ourselves to bring about a change. The issues that existed before will exist again without a proper restructuring of the ranks and laws of the Order. The period between the beginning and now were marked, no, marred, by rising inactivity, poor behavior, and an inadequate ranking system. The inactivity was within the higher ranks, unto the holding members esteem was, even in their inactivity, irrefutably proffered by their subordinates. Multiple major and minor examples of poor behavior are left unaccounted for due to the absence of proper disciplinary action, and we are still left with the mortifying scars of this behavior through the remarks of the members of the Sith who oppose us. The ranking system assures that at one point or another, sometimes without actual justification, members will become Jedi Padawan. The issue with this is that not all Jedi are suited to become Padawan, even though they have Force abilities. I cite pages forty-four and forty-five of “The Jedi Path” by Daniel Wallace, “But competency at the Initiate Trials is not enough to earn a Padawan apprenticeship. You must forge a bond with a Knight or Master, and some of you will discover that the Force does not wish you to follow such a path.” Those that show a lack of will, a lack of participation, a lack of self-discipline, or a lack of any notable growths are all dangerous to the future of the Jedi Order, and these are the ones that should be returned to be laypersons of society. What will the Order do with those whose destiny it is not to be a Padawan but also not to be a layperson? The Order needs to have a Jedi Service Corps for those that I have aforementioned. The change is already occurring, we must either embrace it and become new leaders or fade away into the memory, a remembrance of what could have been.
#187812457Thursday, April 21, 2016 4:49 PM GMT

no idea because i just rejoined sounds crazy af though
#187815242Thursday, April 21, 2016 6:17 PM GMT

Full support. For people who don't know, Adurite is 13.
#187828814Thursday, April 21, 2016 10:20 PM GMT

I'm writing this in haste, but I do believe that changes need to be made in the order, to keep it functioning, to keep it from crashing and burning. A Master of the Order should really logically think about things, and see the purpose behind why they do it, not just use their rank as leverage during meetings or arguments. If master Ryan is unfamiliar of how to act in his current position, we could resort to impeachment, but in my personal opinion, I'd recommend him to gain more knowledge about his role, and fix his perspective on the authority of the MotO.

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