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#187784673Thursday, April 21, 2016 12:54 AM GMT

First off, I just want to let it be known that this is not truly a "goodbye". I'll be on Roblox once a month and might be active on Steam depending how much free time I have. All of this, of course, assuming that my roblox addiction doesn't keep me from coming back to this game and become active on this game once again. Once I go to bed tonight, that's it, I'm done with this game, at least for another 20 days or so, and then I will only appear sporadically. So, without further ado...Today is my last day on Roblox. Once again, relying on the stuff above ^. First, I'd like to thank the Roblox admins for making such a great game, I loved playing it and never stayed off for more than a week. You guys work tirelessly to improve your game and have fun while doing it, a winning combo. Not sure what else to say but, keep up the good work, may this game live on forever and brushing462 (my brother for those out of the loop) enjoys it as much as I did. Secondly, I'd like to thank the Off Topic forum. I was with you guys from January 2009 - late 2010, it was very fun getting on early in the morning and playing til' sundown just being random and having "OT parties". All of the people I know besides the ones on the SF have left by now but if you ever see this by some chance...<3 Third, of course...I'd like to thank the Sports Forum. Endless hours of entertainment for a whopping FIVE years. Just think about that...I've spent nearly 1/3 of my life on this forum, nearly 1/2 on Roblox in general. Maybe you might think that's sad, I think it's great...:). I've enjoyed every second with you guys, whether that second was "good" or "bad" at the time, none of that matters at this point and time. We're all just kids having a great time on a great game, playing ro-sports and posting on the forum. Shoutouts: First, to the guys I've known since early 2009, for 6.5 years now! Rune - You've always been awesome, I don't need to tell you that. From RSFL back then to the MLS these days, we've been through it all...Will miss you dude. Pri - Once again...What is there to say? Pretty much everything's already known. You're hilarious and keep up the good writing dude, you and the siblings have a bright future. Tato - The funny guy...Your SF Con is still the hardest thing I've ever laughed at, and you're definitely one of the top 3 funniest guys I've met on my time here. Ddude - We never really got to know each other too well, but I've pretty much grown up with you, I guess. Back on OT I remember our friendly USC - Ohio State debates, lol. Toy - RSFL, ISL, RIHL, you've done it all with me...Looking forward to talking to you more as I start to become active on steam. Montreal is the best team I've played on in my time here (along with RSBL Walmart). Next, a little love to the Bay Area guys... Tiny - I've always looked up to you and your success, and how you ignored all haters that came your way. Best of luck in your future. Donny - Another guy I've looked up to...We didn't talk too much one-on-one but when we did it's always been very enjoyable. Good luck on your web design...I'll take your job one day tho Dark - You're not really a Bay Area SFer, you're a NorCal guy, but I'll include you anyway. If I could choose one person on this forum to meet irl it'd be you, I can't tell you how much fun I've had with you. And finally, some mini-shout outs. I like you guys just as much or more but for whatever reason I gave the guys above longer descriptions. The order means nothing, I'm just picking people I see on BML's official SFer list. If you're not on here, do not, by any means, take it personally...If I included everyone I enjoyed I would not finish this thread by midnight. Death - Gonna miss you so much dude, at least on Roblox, I'll be on steam more often than not most likely but we've had too many good times on here. Zammy - Enjoyed playing with you very much and posting. IDK if you and death are better than me and brushing though, probably not. sit Fire - You're not here but you have no idea how much I appreciate all the work you did for me in ISL and playing in RIHL. Not to mention "hell" (you'll understand) Vez - Thanks for supporting me all these years, for being a great guy and knowing how to have a good time. Mop - Same applies to Vez. I'll miss your cute little phrases and quotes. iSS - Decided to include you in here because I've always appreciated you and your posts, I felt like I never got to thank you properly. At this point, I got tired of writing so I narrowed my selections down to like 3 more people out of 50. Chriz - Love you dude! You're the only person on this forum that I can go to and know what I'm going to get. You're trustworthy, are super-nice, look phresh, and have great taste in music. Camboo - I don't care if anyone says "but cam's just 10", I've had some amazing times with you and you have a bright future. Keeping this a tad bit short because we already said our goodbyes :) Wist - Being completely honest here, you're one of the very, VERY, few people I can hold a regular conversation with on the SF. For that, along with all the great times we've had, I thank you. Ignore the haters. Short little list of "Favorites": Favorite League - ISL, but if I had to choose one I didn't own, RMLS Favorite SF Team - RMLS Montreal 2nd Favorite SF Team (barely) - RSBL Walmart Favorite SFer - you. JK, sit One last time, I want to stress how much I enjoyed my time here, all of it. Any fights I got in, I enjoyed. Any snarky comments directed my way, it might have bothered me at the time, but looking back, I'm glad for all of it. You all have very bright futures ahead of you, and you should relish that. I honestly can't believe I'm about to attempt to leave this game behind after all these great memories, I don't feel entirely ready but I've planned for this day for nearly 3 months now. Let the no-life comments stream in after seeing the length of this thread, but I wanted to make one completely genuine goodbye thread that people can look back and on say, "that was a good way to go out". Not in a fit of rage like a noob, like DeanMcRoblox. JB, out
#187784756Thursday, April 21, 2016 12:56 AM GMT

rip man sad u didnt talk about me but its all good. good luck in life bro.
#187784890Thursday, April 21, 2016 12:58 AM GMT

you do realize this was jimbo's message from like 1282191222890 years ago right
#187784983Thursday, April 21, 2016 12:59 AM GMT

Solid prank. Prank Range Zero Seven approved. "Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until they speak." - Unknown ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ
#187785202Thursday, April 21, 2016 1:03 AM GMT

I upset, Why was I not metioned
#187785229Thursday, April 21, 2016 1:03 AM GMT

Solid prank. Prank Range Zero Seven approved.
#187786497Thursday, April 21, 2016 1:25 AM GMT

Solid prank. Prank Range Zero Seven approved. i r white mamba
#187789279Thursday, April 21, 2016 2:05 AM GMT

#187789516Thursday, April 21, 2016 2:09 AM GMT

See you tomorrow
#187789617Thursday, April 21, 2016 2:10 AM GMT

Cya Book face
#187789678Thursday, April 21, 2016 2:11 AM GMT

#187789926Thursday, April 21, 2016 2:14 AM GMT

ROFL i just skipped to the part where i saw brushing's name and i was like "What? thats odd" then read some more and realized it was jimbo's thread 10/10
#187793546Thursday, April 21, 2016 3:11 AM GMT

i got trolled =(
Top 100 Poster
#187830200Thursday, April 21, 2016 10:41 PM GMT

I was kind of hoping this would be some iconic thing that people look back at and cry at wondering "where has Jimbo gone?" Yeah. I'm just a big fat meme now.

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