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#187795754Thursday, April 21, 2016 3:59 AM GMT

Alright, this may not be the best place to discuss this but whatever. Would a 3.7 GPA currently be considered good, and is it possible to get that up to a 3.9 by the end of the year? I've currently finished my 3rd marking period with a 3.75, and this'll be my last marking period. I'm just wondering this as I'd like to get it up to a 4.0 - 4.1 upon graduation to get into the university i'd like. also - i'm not familiar with the whole extra credits system, where like if you're in honors/AP you'd receive more credit. In your opinion, would it be beneficial to take AP classes, and can it really help your GPA out if you're doing well with CPE level classes? thanks in advance
#187795790Thursday, April 21, 2016 4:00 AM GMT

some1 plz bump
#187795821Thursday, April 21, 2016 4:01 AM GMT

go away scammr
#187795835Thursday, April 21, 2016 4:01 AM GMT

idk but I'm fairly lazy with a 3.2 so i guess i focus more on production rather than giving a damn about my school it's more important to any future jobs they care about production rather than a bunch of arbitrary numbers and if they care about their arbitrary numbers and say no, I'll go make my own company, take my ball, and leave. go all egolaytor #code "How old must I been, when I was obsessed with the fantasy of a steel castle that floated in the sky?"
#187795842Thursday, April 21, 2016 4:01 AM GMT

@Armanda; thank you for the solid advise
#187795843Thursday, April 21, 2016 4:01 AM GMT

u know this why schools have counselors
#187795867Thursday, April 21, 2016 4:02 AM GMT

@Harb; What year are you, and have you thought about which major you'd be pursuing?
#187795998Thursday, April 21, 2016 4:06 AM GMT

#187796081Thursday, April 21, 2016 4:08 AM GMT

So basically, the AP system works off of a 5.0 scale like all weighted grade classes. So instead of an A counting for a 4.0, it will be a 5.0. By adding up the weighted and unweighted grades and dividing by the total, you can find your weighted GPA for that semester. Weighted: A = 5.0 B = 4.0 C = 3.0 D = 2.0 F = 1.0 Unweighted: A = 4.0 B = 3.0 C = 2.0 D = 1.0 F = 0.0 Once you have all your semester GPAs, you can add them up and divide them by the number of semesters taken to find your cumulative weighted or unweighted GPA depending on which you calculated. #code | devTools || I'm more random than math.random() |
#187796097Thursday, April 21, 2016 4:08 AM GMT

@Dev; Okay, thanks.
#187796233Thursday, April 21, 2016 4:12 AM GMT

AP classes are 'weighted' so a C counts as a B, a B counts as an A, and an A adds onto your GPA past a 4.0. My weighted GPA ended up being 4.1 and the colleges I applied to thought that was phenomenal, though disclaimer, I didn't apply to anything Ivy League or w/e, and the college I attend currently had an optional extra application that was what got me their highest scholarship award. An AP weighted GPA with B's and a C or two usually looks better than a non-weighted GPA because the weight indicates you challenged yourself with harder courses even if you didn't do perfectly. [UAFVIZ] ~Moo~
#187796372Thursday, April 21, 2016 4:15 AM GMT

Good for you. To be honest, I haven't had my scheduling meeting yet and I'm considering challenging myself academically and taking 1 or 2 AP courses. These were the two courses I was recommended for honors, so I'd need to opt out. But, i feel like I could handle the work load.
#187796476Thursday, April 21, 2016 4:18 AM GMT

Don't follow my path because it's full of traps and plenty of ways to screw up, But I'm a junior hoping to go to a nice school while majoring in Computer Science (aka the easiest route possible) if that doesn't happen I can either bail to the DigiPen Institute of Technology (you get rejected at a place like that you're royally screwed. If you can't get into a games school after failing to go to a big college for computer science, there's nowhere to go other than try and Mark Zuckerburg life. That worked once. That will probably not work again. I don't want to only own 80% of my stuff and get the other 20% sued to death by my classmates.) you're better off getting a high GPA I make up a decent GPA with overwhelming numbers of projects I've done and completed (that's where the tenebrosity dev time went) that range between crap to impressive + a little ego boost from national knowledge competitions that always looks nice on paper especially when you win You have to be a perfectionist who gets everything done early if you go down this path The thing with "If I don't get into college I want to push so hard I don't need college, do what Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg and all these other tech giants did. Force your way through, and if in doubt, force your hand through anyway because you can." not a very safe path Go for the high GPA Anything upwards of 3.8 is good anything higher than 3.5 is good enough, but push for the 3.8 and don't do what I did with pushing as many AP classes as possible for the sake of having AP classes Only take easy as hell AP classes (AP Government, AP Human Geo, AP Comp Sci, AP English if that's your thing (otherwise hell no), AP your favorite subject, and that's all I can think of) any more than that and expect to have like 5x - 15x the workload of a normal class do more if you can handle it but expect a lot less roblox time AP Chem and AP Physics (especially) and AP Bio are literally a pain in everywhere imaginable AP Chem will dump you with more homework than you can imagine, but it's an easy 5 if you master everything in the world about chemistry (aka 0.00000001% of people.) AP Physics is literally impossible the class is alegbra-based the test is calculus-based if you're not a senior who is taking AP Calc as well don't even try AP Bio will make your memorize everything I haven't taken it but that's what I heard ap comp sci is a joke if you learned programming when you were 7 it's literally just data manipulation no playing with graphics or GUIs it's just printing to console + messing with data, arrays, tables, etc. the Java API will literally roll over and give you everything you ask it without a second thought if you just learn how to manipulate a javajoc (hint hint, cntl f) it is however a lot of memorizing (spend time to memorize basic things about Strings, their methods, stuff like that.) if you don't know a thing about computers, give it a try anyway but expect frustration the first 3 months and maybe an okay score for the AP test as for the extra credit thing, only some colleges do it and they add a GPA point for how hard your classes are (generally our of 5 for Honors and AP) but as I heard some colleges don't even look at that weighted GPA and others do, but don't care until after you apply and only use it for placement. basically push your way to as close to a 4.0 as possible #code "How old must I been, when I was obsessed with the fantasy of a steel castle that floated in the sky?"
#187796666Thursday, April 21, 2016 4:21 AM GMT

"ap comp sci is a joke if you learned programming when you were 7" You need alg2 to get into it generally as soon as you're done with it go into it #code "How old must I been, when I was obsessed with the fantasy of a steel castle that floated in the sky?"
#187796670Thursday, April 21, 2016 4:21 AM GMT

Well, I've got high expectations for myself and I'm not limiting myself. I'm still a little stuck on a major, even though i'm a freshman.
#187796698Thursday, April 21, 2016 4:22 AM GMT

Do you program/script?
#187796699Thursday, April 21, 2016 4:22 AM GMT

"idk but I'm fairly lazy with a 3.2 so i guess" >2.6 LET'S GO DAEMON KICKING.
#187796895Thursday, April 21, 2016 4:28 AM GMT

"Do you program/script?" I do everything with computers. You name it I can do it. I'm part of that statistical 0.5% that take Comp Sci that do nothing and pass with flying colors lol. (that statistic is made up but I assume from how most people who take this class with no prior programming knowledge struggle for a while until it just clicks, it's a guesstimate.) The only scary part about the class is the AP tests and practice tests + maybe class tests. (you don't get to use online javadocs and you can't just hover over to correct a mistake.) If you know Java well it will be a cakewalk. just note you do public static void main(String[] args) { //code } instead of public static void main(String[] args) { //code } the second way is acceptable but because they want you to do the first way, do that. It's a whole chapter in the book you're supposed to use. unless they use the other book for some reason chapter 3 fun #code "How old must I been, when I was obsessed with the fantasy of a steel castle that floated in the sky?"
#187796915Thursday, April 21, 2016 4:29 AM GMT

">2.6" well there's always central washington university lol or eastern cheap cheap + literally easy as hell to get into #code "How old must I been, when I was obsessed with the fantasy of a steel castle that floated in the sky?"
#187796922Thursday, April 21, 2016 4:29 AM GMT

if ur gonna make a crap post about the style of brackets get real ribbit
#187796949Thursday, April 21, 2016 4:30 AM GMT

3.7 is fine - it may not be high enough for the ivy leagues, but it can get you a good education - your friendly neighborhood medical nerd
#187796954Thursday, April 21, 2016 4:30 AM GMT

3.7 GPA unweighed minimum if you want to go to a good college
#187796968Thursday, April 21, 2016 4:30 AM GMT

"if ur gonna make a crap post about the style of brackets get real" i kid you not this was a whole chapter in the book with a graded test and 15 homework problems/day you literally lost points for not doing braces the way the book wanted you to #code "How old must I been, when I was obsessed with the fantasy of a steel castle that floated in the sky?"
#187796971Thursday, April 21, 2016 4:31 AM GMT

4.0 for dayz
#187798123Thursday, April 21, 2016 5:12 AM GMT

ap physics isnt that bad, there's physics 1, 2, physics C: mechanics, and physics C: electricity and magnetism only the physics C tests are calculus based, and 1 and 2 used to be combined into one test until last year most high schools in the US make AP/IB (international baccalaureate) classes weighted so that you receive 1 gpa point more, but my stupid school district not only removed class ranking but also weight for ap/ib classes to pander to the rich influential voices of the community, so i only have a mid 3.9 despite having 6 out of my 7 classes be combined ap/ib for all my years there are some easy ap classes which you could take like ap stats, the english tests, and probably a few more if you havent already done them (last year someone i knew just self studied stats without taking the class but her math class was calc BC anyways) i took the apcs class last year with zero programming experience, and while the class itself was hard as the microsoft instructors pushed us and we had lots of homework, the test was an easy 5 gpa is very important as colleges have tons of applications to sift through, and one of the easiest ways to disqualify many students is through gpa. if you are applying to selective state universities you should be fine with a 3.8+ but your essays are what make you stand out extracurriculars are also nice but you dont need to be a super genius in math competitions, science competitions, etc unless youre trying for ivies or scholarships. if you are going for ivies, you also need to see which sat subject tests to take also wow are you a fellow washingtonian harbynger

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