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#187826460Thursday, April 21, 2016 9:47 PM GMT

Hello, Soldiers! This is Bobroger1, and I'm running for Senator of The Galactic Republic! I hop after reading this forum, you can vote me for Senator! [Goals]: If I get elected Senator, I hope to: [X]Get more E-1's promoted. [X]Make sure divisions have the best men and woman suited for that division. [X]Make sure every soldier has a chance to be trained. These are the things I will uphold strongly. I WANT more E-1's ready to fight. I AM an E-1, and I know how it feels when you're waiting for a training, and you BARELY miss it, or when you won't make it to one. If you elect me, I will make sure that there are multiple training's YOU can make it to! I also want to make sure that divisions have the BEST people suited for it. Don't you hate it when you see some guy in a division, and he's doing his job poorly, or you KNOW you can do better? I want to make sure you have a fair shot at doing his job better. I want to make sure, that YOU, if you can, get that job! And, I also want to make it clear, that I take soldier's training and experience strongly. If there's anything I hate more, it's inexperienced soldiers. They don't know how to follow commands. They can't shoot, they can't march, they can't do ANYTHING! So, I want to make that nonexistent! I want ALL soldiers to be trained, and disciplined. The Republic deserves the best! [Political Experience]: I've served as a Prime Minister, and in a Cabinet. In the Cabinet, I was responsible for making sure training's were carried out, and the standards for training's. I served for a year. I served in the spot of Prime Minister for a few months, before the group's rebels led a coup, and kicked us out. With these former experiences, you can count on me to uphold both yours and my expectations. [Closing Remarks] I hope that after reading this you can vote me for Senator. I am well suited for the job, I can be active on the job, and I can be mature. Don't choose some other Senator who's going to steal you vote, and then waste your time. The guy that promises change, and does nothing. Vote for me! You can count on me for a strong, supportive Senator. I PROMISE to uphold my beliefs, and I PROMISE to listen to the soldiers. ~Bobroger1

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