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#187976935Sunday, April 24, 2016 3:32 AM GMT

It was 1972, the Munich olympics came to an end and Europe is left in shock. The reason was that Palestinian terrorists commited the "Munich Genocide" killing Israeli athletes. Spy awareness is on an alltime rise, but in this fictional timeline a plot is made by the West German Intelligence and NATO Intelligence agencies to BRING down the Berlin wall. You are a spy, either for the Staasi (East German Intelligence) or the CIA (United States Intelligence). The Red Hemisphere is as diverse as the Blue, the Blue Hemisphere wants to bring down the Berlin Wall. If Blue Hemisphere, you must collect files across Europe encountering Red Hemisphere spies who must stop you. The Red Hemisphere's goal is to stop the blue Hemisphere. Note that many middle eastern countries and other non-european countries have been involved, please do not start political debates also. BLUE HEMISPHERE: CIA (USA) MI5 (UK) BND (West Germany) DGSE (France) RAW (India) ASIS (Australia) Mossad (Israel) AVD (Netherlands) CNI (Spain) SIMSI (Italy) MUST (Sweden) RED HEMISPHERE: KGB (USSR) SAVAK (Iran) ISI (Pakistan) Stasi (East Germany) MSS (China) SDS (Yugoslavia) MSS (North Korea) DISIP (Venezuela) GID (Egypt) THE YEAR: 1973 LOCATION: MUNICH, 1 YEAR AFTER ATTACKS CS: Name: Age: Height: Bio: Intelligence agency: Apparence: Nationality: Strenght: 0 - 100% (DONT OP) Smartness: 0 - 100% (DONT OP) Weapons: False Identities: It was a August morning in Germany, 4/23/73, particularly nice and warm. Not too cold, the area was quite poor but not exactly. The city was Munich. (we shall start from there)
#187977205Sunday, April 24, 2016 3:36 AM GMT

CS: Name: Roman Marco "Stoss" Einstosh Age: 27 Height: 5'10 Bio: (OPTIONAL) (YES OR NO) [NO] Intelligence agency: BND (West Germany) Apparence: He had a Adidas pullover, very olympic looking. Very crammed and colorful. Munich '72 Adidas shoes, and Jeans. Brown slick hair, and brown eyes. Nationality: German Strenght: 53% Smartness: 61% Weapons: Colt M1911, Switchblade, A grenade False Identities: Edwin Bismarck, Robert Dovhaub, Weishaput Ramzey He kicked his feet up on the small, luxurious plane. He looked out the window, looking down at Munich. The plane landed at Munich International airport, he got off and looked around. For International, not so diverse. He walked with his briefcase. 12:30 AM After 4 hours I finally got out and got a taxi to a hotel. It was not to nice, but quite nice. It was near the olympic stadium. And infact, near the hotel the Palestinian terrorrists captured the Israeli hostages. I unloaded my stuff, and put the clothes away. Considering I'd be here for a while.
#187978090Sunday, April 24, 2016 3:52 AM GMT

I took a walk that same morning, the nice road was filled with average German people. I just felt though, someone kept following me, everywhere I turned I saw a Arabic man in a black suit. I didn't know who it was, could have been Mossad? Thinking im Stasi? In the worse situation, it was SAVAK? Who knows. I go into the small cafe and order a coffee and take a seat, that same man entered the cafe. So I get up and walk out, the hair on my skin sticks up as he follows me out. I pick up the pace, so does he. And then, BAM! I run faster then I ever have, I dart through the crowds. I heard someone say "Watch it ya' punk!" I ignored him and moved and ran through the alley to my hotel. He followed me, into the alley. The Fire Ecscape in the back! I climb up into it, he follows me. I finally get into the hallway to suddenly look around, no one. I run to my hotel room when BAM! Was it what I thought it was? Was that me getting knocked out? In the flash of a day? I woke up in another hotel room, not mine obviously. I was tied in a chair, the man had a white tanktop. He said in Broken German. "I am SAVAK In. Iranian I am, not speak of this you do... Or I kill. Got?" I nod silently. "Good." He then grabs out a file. I yell "Hey thats mi- "Ah ah ah!" He opens it to only show pictures of spies of the KGB. Was this SAVAK a assassin!? I was caught spying on the KGB spy!? How! I hold my head down and he picks it up. "Look at me!" He punches me. "If you don't tell me who the person in the picture of the KGB man is I will not let you free!" "I won't te-" "OW!" I feel another punch. "You will stay here, and I will be gone." Said the SAVAK, he exited the room, and I look around. I stand up, the chair behind me. I slam it onto the wall behind me. It breaks and I grab a plank of wood. I can atleast inch my hand to cut the rope. I take off the rope and slip it off. I head into the bathroom and grab my pistol and knife. I look around, and get onto the balcony. I make my way down, wait, night!? It was 11:30 PM already I think. No one was out, I must've been out for a while. As I was about to hop down, the SAVAK Agent walked into the room. And I saw him enter. And I ran for my life! I was out of the hotel now, thank goodness.
#187978210Sunday, April 24, 2016 3:55 AM GMT

[This seems really good, I'll just need to read up on the Cold War and Berlin Wall removal. I don't know barely anything about this.] Name: Burke Hoover Age: 34 Height: 5,11.5 Bio: [NO THANKS.] Intelligence Agency: BND Nationallity: Prussian (Yes, at this time there were many to still identify as Prussian 40 years after it was dissolved.) Strength: (If you mean physically, he's German) 89% Smartness: 86% Weapons: Swiss Army Knife, Browning BDA Pistol False Identities: Karl Salsburg, Kurt von Trapp,
#187978679Sunday, April 24, 2016 4:03 AM GMT

DAY 2 (SO BERLIN WAS DIVIDED BY EAST AND WEST GERMANY AND THE BERLIN WALL WAS TORN DOWN TO RE-UNITE GERMANY UNDER WEST GERMANY, EAST GERMANY IS COMMUNIST) I found a file slipped through my door, I open it. Tear down the Berlin wall, spark a riot. How, the hell do I do that? I'll have to get through to other Blue Hemisphere agents. I sit, pondering... How did the SAVAK Agent know, who I was, how!? Cameras in my room, anywhere. After hours of searching, 7 cameras. 1 On my suitcase, 4 in the bedroom, 1 in the bathroom, 1 on the Balcony. I took them out, meanwhile I watched TV at my desk writing a letter to the BND complaining about how could I start a rebellion? I sigh, yesterday was messy. I look around in the room, and make some Champaign. I drink it as I watch TV. I go for a walk, today was normal. Still, I felt more watched. I got it. 3:30 PM. I pack my stuff up and book another hotel, I move there. And just at my room, I feel someone grab me. I elbow him and bash his head in my knee. I look down, a MSS Agent. He was Asian, 39 or something. Somewhat balding, with a brown suit. I put it in the trashbag outside and carry him, throwing him in the big trash box outside. I walk to my room and keep watching TV. 10:30 PM. I go to sleep, but. How did he know I booked that place!? Are they watching me.. What do I do? How can I stop them from watching me? Screw it, let me go to bed.
#187979024Sunday, April 24, 2016 4:10 AM GMT

{I DID RESEARCH!] *ahem* Alright. Munich is a town that struggled in rebuilding after the war, and was also the site of the Munich Massacre, in which after, Mossad launched 2 operations searching for the suspects. Munich is also located in the 'Bayern' state. It is connected to Brandenburg/Berlin by Thuringia and Saxony-Anhalt.] (Were there actually spy operations on the wall or is this fiction?)
#187979195Sunday, April 24, 2016 4:13 AM GMT

#187979364Sunday, April 24, 2016 4:16 AM GMT

[Forgot to mention, I'm wearing a button-up plaid turquoise/white shirt. Denim jeans. Work Boots with my knife concealed inside.] I walked through the streets. Average German people walked by. I tried to remember all the people. A rich looking man with a top hat. A little boy with some penny candy. A man with some Adidas pullover thing. A man in a suit and tie, walking to work. An Arabic man in a black suit. An American or British man with spikey blonde hair. I stepped into the cafe, and waited for an Agent. Stoss or Goodvin they said would be arriving.
#187979470Sunday, April 24, 2016 4:18 AM GMT

This is a mix of 1 and 2 I guess ^
#187979481Sunday, April 24, 2016 4:18 AM GMT

I call Hoover on the big white Nokia phone, explaining I was chased by a SAVAK Agent and that we could scheduele tommorow. I hang up on the hotel phone.
#187979636Sunday, April 24, 2016 4:22 AM GMT

I hear my Motorola Flip Phone ring as it would be hard to trace. I flip it up and say 'Hollo?'. I hear Stoss quietly ranting of being captured by a Savak agent, before I can reply the phone hangs up. I leave the cafe bathroom and start heading towards my hotel. I walked through the door and headed for my 4th floor room. I open the door, and lock it. I step in, and immediately sleep. I wake up the next morning at 11 AM and head towards the 'Edelweiss Diner'.
#187979721Sunday, April 24, 2016 4:23 AM GMT

#187979747Sunday, April 24, 2016 4:24 AM GMT

I arrive, I put on my shades and take a seat. I informed Hoover I'd have shades on and to refer to me as Edwin, I notice the SAVAK agent in the room. He doesn't notice me.
#187979852Sunday, April 24, 2016 4:26 AM GMT

Seeing Sto- EDVIN's glance, I see an Arabic man. I quietly say "I think I saw him walking the other day." "Edvin, call me Kurt, it's the name I se for business." I say to him directing attention towards being businessman. "So Edvin, ve have a problem. Zhe boss vants us to do zomething nearly impossible! Do jou have any ideas for how to advertise?" I just prayed he got the message.
#187979933Sunday, April 24, 2016 4:28 AM GMT

I noticed Hoover hasn't arrived and take off my shades, I leave, followed by the same SAVAK agent. I lead him into a alley where we have a fight, I punch his face and he's knocked cold. I run for my life to my hotel room. DAY 5 All BND agents got a call, pack up now and take the ticket in you're room. Meet in Terminal 27 of the Munich International Airport. I pack up for the day and take one last night, tommorow I shall get there.
#187980001Sunday, April 24, 2016 4:30 AM GMT

Wait ignore my last post. I nod, "yeah.." I get up, the SAVAK Agent follows me. "I've got to go.." I run out, (continue my post from there.)
#187980032Sunday, April 24, 2016 4:30 AM GMT

[Here let me rephrase your post to compinsate] On the way you notice the SAVAk agent. When we leave the diner after you tell me where to meet, he engages.
#187980102Sunday, April 24, 2016 4:32 AM GMT

Ignore my last post as well :/. NEW POST I watch Stoss leave. I wait 20 seconds, and then follow the SAVAK agent. I see Stoss up ahead curve into an alleyway to escape. I see the SAVAK agent follow. I run towards the alley but enter the restaurant adjacent to it, and run through the kitchen to the alley door. I see the SAVAK agent knocked out on the ground.
#187980237Sunday, April 24, 2016 4:35 AM GMT

I turn to Hoover, no response. Just panting, "Jesus christ man, that was.. Crazy." "So we have to get to Terminal 27 tommorow in Munich International Airport, where heading to East Berlin."
#187980301Sunday, April 24, 2016 4:36 AM GMT

I stare at Stoss. "Is zhe boss mad! Zis is so early for vat... How vill ve prepare!?"
#187980427Sunday, April 24, 2016 4:39 AM GMT

"No clue! I don't think he's mad, just in a hurry. The SAVAK, MSS, and KGB have been on our *sses. It's likely he wants to just get out of here and distract the 3 agencies so while there distracted we can fund the Rebellion in Berlin."
#187980518Sunday, April 24, 2016 4:41 AM GMT

I'll quit the typed accent. 'Honestly though, how does he expect us to go straight into enemy territory with no plan to start a rebellion at all..."
#187980549Sunday, April 24, 2016 4:42 AM GMT

"I guess he'll tell us at the airport. Lets just hurry," I run to the hotel through the fireecscape in the back and pack up. Driving there.
#187980953Sunday, April 24, 2016 4:52 AM GMT

I open the passenger door and jump inside, hiding the briefcase in the seat of the rental car.
#188047377Monday, April 25, 2016 2:43 AM GMT


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