#192483414Friday, July 01, 2016 3:53 AM GMT

*DM* "Hmph. Your defiant." He made multiple crystals to barrage Roxas, Gold and Gabe. He then made a shield to protect him from attacks. "FEEL THE WRATH OF OUR RULE. WE WILL NOT MAKE THE SAME MISTAKES. WE WILL NEVER FALL." *Golden Warriors* Now we all went out. "Everyone needs to go!" Parso fired a yellow beam the Goldthunder hoping to solidify him. Noobibus got trapped between 2 huge crystals trying to get out with his sword. Ripturner weakened the gems surrounding Noobibus so that he could get out. Gabe slowed down time so that he could make his move. He dodged through crystals and even if the crystals hit him, they barely did any affect. Gabe shot some bullets using his "Mini Shotgun." Iron put his Iron shield in front of the squad and fired a few crystals towards Goldthunder. Allaysus raised some of his skeleton armies from the dead. They attacked Goldthunder using weapons. *DM* "Gold counters gold. You cannot defeat gold with gold." The beam just got absorbed.
#192483519Friday, July 01, 2016 3:54 AM GMT

I am not made of Gold, that is simply my name.
#192483609Friday, July 01, 2016 3:55 AM GMT

(He was talking to Parso.)
#192484225Friday, July 01, 2016 4:02 AM GMT

Oh. Well, time for my response to the monster's response. I formed a shield of bio energy in order to black the incoming crystals. This should do. Alright, after I guard myself, I began to shoot more beams of bio energy. "You're talking to one of the oldest beings in this Omni Verse, punk." {Roxas} I simply used my telekinesis to manipulate the ground beneath me and turn it inti a shield. I then continued to create swords of pure energy using my immense telekinesis and throw them towards the beast once again. And this time, I chose to stay silent.
#192485583Friday, July 01, 2016 4:18 AM GMT

*DM* "I am also a pretty old being. Your just a person who knows all about the ommiverse." The shield took a bit of damage. He summoned crystal fissures by just slamming the ground to pop up under Roxas and Gold. "I am an all-seeing being. I am one of the most feared villains in the ommiverse's history. I saw the terrors your civilization caused. The other villains you met, MAN, the Overseer, Hunter, ToT, Jokyr, Giantguestus, and the Zerycon are just puny villains. My master is the ultimate villain and he is unstoppable. I recommend you leave. You do not want to see my master angry..."
#192485867Friday, July 01, 2016 4:21 AM GMT

"You're Omniscient? That's it? I was once Omnipotent, The Creator of All, The First One. But due to immense boredom, I made myself weaker. Seriously, it's boring having all the power in the world." I say as I continued to fire beams of opaque bio energy from the palms of my hands.
#192486188Friday, July 01, 2016 4:25 AM GMT

*DM* "Yes. I am just a mere pawn of my master. He is omnipotent. Well let's just say, near omnipotent." The beams were breaking off the shield. "If I died my master would be angry. This is my final warning. Leave, or face the consequences of my master." On him was many crystal guns pointing at Gold. They were all capable of firing crystal at near light speed. "Good luck if you dare not to leave.?"
#192486463Friday, July 01, 2016 4:29 AM GMT

(Continuing.) I take a bit of damage from the attack below. It made me fall down, I began to fly up in order not to get damaged by those attacks from underneath. "And you do not want my partner here to get angry either." {Roxas} Why are they conversing in the middle of a battle? I don't get the point. We're supposed to be fighting, yet they're talking. Then I get hit by that attack. That hurt. I'm a bit angry now. And nobody would like me she I'm irritated or angered. I simply use my powers to fly up and continue attacking the way I did earlier.
#192486977Friday, July 01, 2016 4:35 AM GMT

*DM* "Well. Your partner will find the same fate." He duplicated his firing squad of crystal guns and aimed them at Roxas. "Last chance. Escape in 10 seconds or suffer a huge fate or get injured." The crystal guns were charging and ready to fire. "10." *Golden Warriors* I think Roxas and Gold can survive the crystal gun barrage. They are powerful anyways. At least the shield is breaking. Iron replied with his own crystal gun which fired at Goldthunder.
#192488307Friday, July 01, 2016 4:51 AM GMT

#192488811Friday, July 01, 2016 4:58 AM GMT

(Response from Roxas?)
#192492278Friday, July 01, 2016 5:52 AM GMT

( sorry for the late response, had to go to the mosque with my father for the friday prayer ) "Hmph. You certainly underestimate us." I say. He's in for a time of his life. Challenging my student, whom I've trained for years and years. Wait until he sees what a grave mistake he's done. Roxas is far more powerful than lots of the people here, it's just that he doesn't show it. The telekinetic power of Roxas is by far one of the most powerful, if not, the most powerful. He's certainly come far. {Roxas} "You're doing something you'll regret." I say to the monster. He underestimates us, I thought he was all seeing. If he was, can't he just see how powerful I am? Gold's told me so many times that I am immensely powerful, but I do not believe at all. Sure, I was one of the more weaker guys of the Association back then compared to what I am now. I've grown. Stronger and more powerful than ever.
#192492958Friday, July 01, 2016 6:03 AM GMT

*DM* "I have not underestimated you. This is not my full strength. I can do much greater than this." And he continued with his count down. "9." "8." "7." "6." "5." "4." "3." "2." "1." "0." The beams flared up and charged really fast at them. Then they shot tons of light-speed crystals at both of them. "I warned you."
#192493684Friday, July 01, 2016 6:15 AM GMT

{Roxas} Right at the last second, I had used my telekinesis to stop them all at the snap of my fingers. Now, you've really done it. You've made me more angered now. Hmph. I'll show what you get for unleashing my wrath. "Neither have I." I said, a tone of seriousness in my voice. I have never shown my true strength, and he hasn't as well. The crystals are right in front of my face and Gold's face. The ground has started to shatter and shake at the sheer power of my aura. An expression that shows anger shows itself on my face. The ground cracks, and the cracks have floated up. "Dispersion." And with the muttering of a single word, I used my telekinetic power to disperse the particles of the crystals. They had all disappeared at the blink of an eye after I said the word. This is power I am capable of. This is my telekinesis. Those years of training did pay off. Heh. At the sight of such a scene, I could feel joy as his mentor. It's all payed off. His power has grown since all of those years. This shows how powerful he is, I've trained him until he reached the ultimate level of his immense telekinesis. He's a beast in the skin of a human. And then I spoke in my usual calm tone. "And that's why I told you, you're underestimating us.
#192493859Friday, July 01, 2016 6:17 AM GMT

( change that neither have i to "I'm not showing my full strength as well." )
#192494271Friday, July 01, 2016 6:25 AM GMT

*DM* "Your partner has been trained well. I respect him. But I am not just done yet..." He breaks the shield, splitting it into many crystals hurling straight towards Roxas and Gold. He sent some of his crystals from his body to go defend himself. The crystals shot beams at the duo and Golden Warriors. *Golden Warriors* Now Roxas is mad. We can make our attack in the progress. Iron absorbs the beams with a bit of damage to his shield. Iron then retaliates with homing crystals towards Goldthunder. Parso runs towards Goldthunder and slices one of his crystal beams in half. His katana reflects the beam towards Goldthunder. "Weak. Why are you all-seeing when you can easily be countered?" He taunts him with the fact.
#192494886Friday, July 01, 2016 6:36 AM GMT

{Roxas} "You're quite powerful as well, I'll respect you too." I spoke in response. Snapping my fingers again, I simply create a shield out of pure energy using my telekinetic power to block those beams. Then, I controlled the particles of the air and turned them into blades of steel and throw them at Gold Thunder. Maybe this will work, or not. I've got more attacks coming. I create another shield of bio energy to shield myself from the beams, though some of them still hit me as the shield doesn't cover my entire body. And then I proceed to shoot more beams of bio energy at the monster.
#192518058Friday, July 01, 2016 3:50 PM GMT

*DM* Using his strong powerful arm, Goldthunder manages to deflect the blades. A few crystals are cut off though. Some of the crystals ambush Roxas in the back. Gold's beams are countered by Goldthunder's beam as it's a struggling fight. One of the crystal beams are sliced off by Parso. The homing crystals from Iron just simply bounce off him.
#192519207Friday, July 01, 2016 4:06 PM GMT

Oh, you're gonna make me drain myself here. Oh boy, I should've left a small bit of my old offensive power instead of just a godlike brain. I try to push the the other Gold's beam by using my own beam. It's constantly draining my life here, but I'm gonna be alright, I think. The probability of my surviving this fight is small, but I'll manage. {Roxas} The crystals hit my back, they pierce through my back and make me feel an unbearable pain. I shout in pain when they did. He really is tough. Using my telekinesis, I get the crystals out of my back. I feel really tired right now, so this is gonna have to be my final attack before I collapse in exhaustion. Now I'm really mad. You'll face my real wrath soon enough, buddy. In fact, I'll show it to you right now. The expression on my face changes into an even more angered one. He's making my blood boil. I'll show you. I'll show you what I'm really capable of! I then fly up high into the sky and raise my arms above my head, hundreds of energy swords appeared in the sky and using the last but of energy that I had left in me, I threw them as hard as I can at Gold Thunder. I feel really, really exhausted now. I really hope this will work.
#192527111Friday, July 01, 2016 5:53 PM GMT

*DM* Goldthunder just smiled as he let all of the swords stab him, just to let all of them fall off at once. His beams were draining his crystals as well. They start evaporating. He looked just fine. *Parso* He is holding up for very long! If I can slash him in a specific way, he will be cut. Aha! Found his weakness! I jump towards him and slash vertically on his body. *DM* Goldthunder has a big cut mark. "Ugh, how did you find my weakness? I thought I have none!" Goldthunder trapped Roxas in a crystal so he could not retaliate.
#192531973Friday, July 01, 2016 6:58 PM GMT

(Response from Roxas and Gold?)
#192543676Friday, July 01, 2016 9:09 PM GMT

(Any response?)
#192555782Friday, July 01, 2016 11:25 PM GMT

{Roxas} Ah, crap. Dangit! I feel really exhausted now. And I'm trapped ins crystal. But, I can keep going. I have to. I can't let it end like this. I can't let him win. I cannot let this monstrous being kill us all! Think! Think, Roxas, Think! You're better than this. Wait, I think I can get out of here easily. If I do this... I began to use my telekinetic power to emit vibrations that can shatter this thing. Come on, baby! Please work.
#192564356Saturday, July 02, 2016 1:06 AM GMT

*DM* The crystal is cracking slowly. At first small cracks, then the cracks grow bigger, and then there were more. The crystal was really strong. Eventually, the cracks grew so big, they fractured the crystal into pieces without it shattering. All that remains are pieces of the crystal trapping Roxas.
#192566061Saturday, July 02, 2016 1:28 AM GMT

{Roxas} Yes, it's cracked. I'm free. Finally. Now, to attack that monster again. This may be my final attack, or not. Depends on the amount of endurance I can muster up. Hmm... I think I'll do...this. I then snap my fingers and use my telekinesis to induce an explosion onto Gold Thunder. Maybe this would work.