#192585725Saturday, July 02, 2016 6:17 AM GMT

#192608162Saturday, July 02, 2016 2:38 PM GMT

(Sorry, was sleeping. Response coming soon.)
#192608235Saturday, July 02, 2016 2:39 PM GMT

Idk what to do when you get raided. Uhmm do we just let them..?
#192608308Saturday, July 02, 2016 2:41 PM GMT

( Alright. Seems like it's just gonna be us for now. ) On L M a D's wanted list as number one.
#192609352Saturday, July 02, 2016 2:58 PM GMT

#192609401Saturday, July 02, 2016 2:59 PM GMT

( They're gone. Mods have saved us. Thank you mods. If they even bother reading this. )
#192609446Saturday, July 02, 2016 2:59 PM GMT

(Who's gone?)
#192609550Saturday, July 02, 2016 3:01 PM GMT

( The lmad guys. Most of them are, I think. )
#192646241Saturday, July 02, 2016 11:38 PM GMT

*DM* The explosion made a scar on Goldthunder on the cut. A massive piece of rock was taken out. "You guys are powerful. I would say that we should stop fighting. I will introduce my master then."
#192647138Saturday, July 02, 2016 11:53 PM GMT

We should stop fighting huh? Hmm. Seems dangerous. But I'll trust. He too is powerful, but we've got Roxas. The one on our side that's quite powerful. The guy's telekinetic power is immense after all. Now, I'll just say something. Something... "We should stop fighting? Hah. Sounds dangerous. But I'll trust you. You seem to be a guy that doesn't lie." I say. {Roxas} Stop fighting? After all this attacking, this sounds quite like a trap. Introduce us to your master? Why would you do that in the midst of a fight? Sounds really weird. For all we know, you're planning a trap for us. Having your master kill us instead, talk about weak. But, I guess I'll believe it. Besides, I'm pretty tired anyways. That move from earlier I used to make all those crystals disappear drained a lot.
#192651198Sunday, July 03, 2016 12:44 AM GMT

*DM* "Alright. Now here he is. I am not the strongest of the villains." Goldthunder said. He lead Roxas, Gold and the Golden Warriors into the villains lair. *???* "Well... look who interferes with my plans. Anyways. I am not going to fight right now. I am the God of Desturction, Evil and Villany. Who are you imbeciles doing in my lair and what do you want?" The tall and large spirit was sitting in his throne in a massive room. To ask without do is right but to do without ask is wrong. Sign the petition to change the filter!
#192660690Sunday, July 03, 2016 2:52 AM GMT

(Response?) To ask without do is right but to do without ask is wrong. Sign the petition to change the filter!
#192661333Sunday, July 03, 2016 3:01 AM GMT

(thought i already did) "I'm Gold, Former God of All. The guy beside me is Roxas. We're here because your servant here wanted to introduce us."
#192723618Sunday, July 03, 2016 9:38 PM GMT

*Destrucias* "I have feared other gods that they might banish me, like they did millions of years ago. Luckily, you have failed to notice me while you were in your peak. I have created an army hoping that you don't know about me. And here you are, with your partner in my lair... The world shall fall, trust me."
#192747681Monday, July 04, 2016 2:16 AM GMT

"Well, I couldn't be bothered to do such a thing back then. I had to care of the Omni Verse after all. And I just didn't care. The world will not fall, I'll make sure of that." I say. Back then, I didn't care about the pleas of the so called "gods". I hated them in fact. If you want to be labeled as a god, you need to be omnipotent to me. Hmph. They were fools. Fools with great power. I hate pantheons and still do.
#192761076Monday, July 04, 2016 5:09 AM GMT

*Destrutcias* "I just need one more piece, and the Destructias dynasty will start. I will become omnipotent. I just need the Crystal of Life. I will become a god. Ruin my plans and you shall see how strong I am. Now, shoo!"
#192762894Monday, July 04, 2016 5:33 AM GMT

"Alright. Oh and you're a bad villain. You just told us what you were looking for, good luck with that. We just need to get that crystal before you do. Now, Roxas. Bring us back home using your almighty telekinesis." I say. What stupidity. If I was a villain, I wouldn't have done that. How stupid of a villain do you need to be to tell the people who are definitely going to stop you what you're looking for? God. Villains are pretty darn stupid these days. I remember when they used to be actually smart people. Hmm. {Roxas} "Alright, Sir." I reply back. Now, to use one of my more extreme telekinetic powers. Bending space and time itself is hard. But not as insane as reality. Oh boy. Alright. Now, to create....a portal? I guess? Eh. Alright. Using my immensely powerful telekinetic power, I create a portal back home by bending space and time itself. Which took a ton of energy to do. Woo.
#192763429Monday, July 04, 2016 5:41 AM GMT

*Destructias* [I might as well grab that Crystal before these fools. The Crystal of life is not what I need. What I need is a secret that only me and my generals know what it is.] Destructias thought on their stupidity. That crystal is not what I need.
#192769592Monday, July 04, 2016 7:26 AM GMT

Hmph. Crystal of life. What kind bull crap is that. This ain't no dang game. That doesn't sound like something that would give you omnipotent power. Sounds like it'll just give everything life. That cliché #$%& won't work on a person of my intelligence. Can't hide anything from my eyes that see things other people can't. I'm a walking lie detector. Unlike those fake machines. Those machines can't perceive the truth like I do. I'll just play along for now. That line has been used so many dang times. So many villains, intentionally telling the heroes what they're after. Only to think of how stupid and naive those heroes were and searched for something else.  Now, I'll just go through the portal and be back at the scene of the right. {Roxas} I walk through the portal. Crystal of life huh? We're going to have to get that first if we want to stop him. Okay. We'll go search for that thing. He won't be getting to it first. We'll make sure. We'll destroy it before he gets his dirty and evil hands on it.
#192815947Monday, July 04, 2016 10:48 PM GMT

(Grabbing all of the crystals will make the Ommiverse's greatest gem.)
#192865649Tuesday, July 05, 2016 3:45 PM GMT

*Parso* Like I can't see any lies. I heard this statement before. I know it's a lie. Maybe it is him who is the stupid one. I really do not know at this point. If we can grab that Crystal of Life and the secret Crystal before he does, we will have the power to defeat him. He even claims himself as a god, when he isn't omnipotent at all.
#192865908Tuesday, July 05, 2016 3:51 PM GMT

Hmph. He really of us as imbeciles. The others might be imbeciles, but I am not one. In fact, I'm the smartest guy there is. The factors of intelligence that I have are all on a level that is infinite. The intelligence of a god is what I have left. Not the knowledge of one, but the intelligence. My intelligence is on a level of absolute. Now, what to do, what to do. I'm getting bored myself. Now that I've gone through the portal that Roxas created using his extremely superior telekinesis, I don't really know what I should do. Go home? Nah, I don't want to be bored again.
#192867647Tuesday, July 05, 2016 4:24 PM GMT

"*Destructias" ((Sorry to interrupt your RP, but do you play RangeMeludE's The Lord of Ranges Cape by any change? It's a game on roblox. It had a HUGE update planned to it called DoD (Dawn of Destructias) but it didn't happen yet after all those years. Probably discontinued.)) Help us get a cooking subforum:
#192868062Tuesday, July 05, 2016 4:31 PM GMT

(This is a different type of villain. Not based on TROMC) To ask without do is right but to do without ask is wrong. Sign the petition to change the filter!
#193000880Thursday, July 07, 2016 2:19 AM GMT

(Interaction time. Go here to make new characters/interact with other people around you.) *Parso* We head back to RPA HQ using our Helicarrier. Since the battle was close to the capital, it wasn't a long flight. We got off and rest.