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#188546049Wednesday, May 04, 2016 12:41 AM GMT

Crash 2 Crash by Young Awesome [PRODUCED BY DJ WEEZUS] -Weezus on the Beat Bro- [Young Awesome] Who's mans? Who's mans? Not mine I feel like Samuel, hitting Sean with that two piece Yeah I got a lease Yeah I got an issue But you gon need a tissue when I rank you back to suspended Screaming Cyclops "I-MISS-YOU" I didn't want to hurt you but you made me do it God helped me through it I'm raging harder than BOS when MIA pulled an upset I'm raging harder than SPP when he thought MIL was beast They're the LEAST competitive team Most repetitive coach Truth is the kid looks like a roach [DJ Weezus] Get em Andy [Young Awesome] Truss Weezus I'm sorry Sean I didn't want to hurt you But you IRK me, in every sense of the word What a nerd, had to exploit my place to prove a point? Yeah I'm a mistake, but your a stupid disgrace Don't come at me again before I hit your mom in the face twice Like Ray Rice In plain sight In broad daylight Bang her head on the railing Then celebrate with the Ravens Cause I'm Adrian Peterson When he's raging and heated in On the way to go beat his kid So for now I'm going Crash 2 Crash Yeah I'm going Crash 2 Crash :Crash Seanmick :Crash %NRBABOS :Crash Lmj :Crash ProfessionalHandyMan I'm crashing everyone who's doubted me, made me mad, cause that's how we do it at the MIA gym. Shout out to my Ghost Writer, DJ Weezus [DJ Weezus] DANG MY MANS ANDYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY GET EM BROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SEAN DON'T EVER PLAY YOURSELF [CREDITS] Young Awesome: MrAwesome521 DJ Weezus: RauryPrime (Waviiplayboy1) Lyrics: Ghost Writer (Maybe the same one Drake used on Views) Video Shot by: Speepee (SouthPolePlaya) [COMING OUT 5/15/16] Produced by: DJ Weezus Assistant Producer: Kiddingus Ink (XIIKiddy), SamuelDeLaProjects (SamuelDeLaGhetto) Special Effects: Joshy Poo (Joshua19Barnett), Angy Poo (Angelo46Williams) Other people: Deno (Deooon), NoVisioon (IVisioon) [FAQ] Q: Young Awesome, as much as I love the track, Seanmick is wondering why didn't you use a mic? A: SeanMick destroyed my mic when he exploited my place, and inserted an ocean, with buses floating. It made me turn into Gungle, I had to reset my pc, it rebooted for like 2 hours. Q: Young Awesome, why did you attack Gungle in this track? A: I wasn't attacking him at all, the truth just slipped out, if his team couldn't say nothing to him, I had to. Q: People are wondering who's your Ghost Writer, so who is he? A: GhostLovesAlissa, he actually made everything possible, and the most love to him. I'm grateful I could make a diss track to get back at SeanMick. Q: Why did you attack the NRBA Boston Celtics? A: To keep it 100, they be chatting more than SPP when he says he winning an EBL ring. Boston just complaining that MrAwesome backspaces too much. Well, I think Boston brags too much. I don't know what they gonna brag about after this diss track. Q: What about LMJ and ProfessionalHandyMan? A: LMJ be giving me an attitude, like bro I can fire you for just looking at me with that rat face. Professional thinks he can ref. I think Handy Manny has to go back to Disney, if we keeping it 100. Like put some RESPECK on my name. Q: Can we expect more diss tracks from you? A: Nah, I proved my point, whatever Sean says after this is irrelevant. He won the battle, I won the war. Q: Any comments regarding Cyclops? A: Nah, he's just a troll like me, he'll soon learn that Young Awesome was always right. Q: Will you suspend SeanMick? A: Nah bro, we cool. Let me stop, he can sign to a team. I've come to the terms that he'll never get on to a team so what have I been wasting my time for? You feel me? Q: Will Roblox ban this? A: No comment. I'm out my mans The Troll of the Year ~ GhostLovesAlissa
#188546143Wednesday, May 04, 2016 12:43 AM GMT

#188546303Wednesday, May 04, 2016 12:45 AM GMT

I thought you f**kers were gone...ok let me break it too you this isn't a single. This is poetry, and it's pretty bad too. Add a beat too it and record yourself saying it then maybe it will count...still will probably suck because you are intact trash.
#188546757Wednesday, May 04, 2016 12:51 AM GMT

davidisamazing25, more like davidisSALTY25 Boddizl[e]
#188546788Wednesday, May 04, 2016 12:51 AM GMT

literally who responding above
#188553517Wednesday, May 04, 2016 2:31 AM GMT

What kind of DJ would name themselves DJ Weezus?
#188554223Wednesday, May 04, 2016 2:42 AM GMT

Trash in the form of text

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