#189521482Sunday, May 22, 2016 12:11 AM GMT

"Spells?" I ask, peering at the blue liquid. Electricity, huh? Force Lightning is difficult to master or even learn. But the Force is all I really need. Haruhi, on the other hand... "Haruhi, do you want some spells? We'll ask for a bit of money, too."
#189524832Sunday, May 22, 2016 1:09 AM GMT

"Sure... But what do you mean by 'spells'?" She asked, more towards the goblin than you. His eyes seemed to light up. "Ah, so you are interested in my spells, eh? Well, I have spells galore... Of course, all at a cost." He told you, looking right into your eyes. "Let me see your 'gold'."
#189525901Sunday, May 22, 2016 1:28 AM GMT

I nod to the man and pull the bag out from the back seat, opening it up and letting the goblin see the five gold bars inside. In doing so, I make sure to keep the bag away from the goblin to make sure he's unable to steal it all. "We're going to need a bit of money too for living expenses," I tell the goblin.
#189562974Sunday, May 22, 2016 5:46 PM GMT

The goblin's irises seemed to turn golden when you revealed the gold. "Oh, you can have anything you want for that!" He crowed in triumph, taking a small knapsack off of his shoulder. It seemed to clink with glasses that were inside it- probably a bunch of "spells" that he spoke of. With his free left hand, he pocketed his watch before pulling out a large leather wallet. "This has a thousand dollars- all in hundred bills!" He told you, beginning to walk towards the car door. "I stole it off of a rich man!" Was his claim, but the little voice inside told you that he seemed to... Hold off something.
#189564545Sunday, May 22, 2016 6:18 PM GMT

I guess goblins really like gold. His possession of spells and money seems a little shady. Then again, "shady" was the kind of person I've been looking for. I don't know if a thousand dollars is worth much. I don't know what anything is worth. I doubt I'll find another buyer easily though. "Deal," I say, handing over the bag and taking the spells and money.
#189569053Sunday, May 22, 2016 7:49 PM GMT

(Errrr, am I making this crud too boring? Could you offer me your opinion again on this ISRP, if it's changed? Sorry!) "Be careful with those spells!" The goblin warned you as he took your bag, abstaining from eyeing the bars for a few moments. "You throw them, and whatever you do, DON'T get in the radius of them!" He took this time to pause, looking back down at the gold, before glancing back at you. "...Except for the Healing and Jumping spell, of course! And the Rage Spell." He told you quickly. Seems like he wanted to get back to his gold real quick. "So... Any more questons? Or... Gold???"
#189569971Sunday, May 22, 2016 8:05 PM GMT

(ISRP is still good! I like how you introduced Ui as a character already through a dream sequence. I feel like it might be a good idea for you to have maybe a leveling system of some kind, something separate from buying equipment and stuff. Might get too complex though. Besides that, I think combat scenarios could be improved by having a health bar.) I hand the bag of spells over to Haruhi for her perusal of them. She really seems to be like the kind of person who'd be interested in that kind of thing. I turn my eyes back to the gold-addicted goblin. He must really, really like gold. I wonder what he does with it. "So these spells are single-use only?"
#189573356Sunday, May 22, 2016 9:08 PM GMT

(A health "bar"? Somewhat similar to a turn-based RPG?) Haruhi grabbed the bag, and slowly pulled out one glass bottle with a light-blue liquid inside. It seemed to be quite cold, as the inside seemed to have begun to ice over. She shook it lightly, and the goblin quickly reached over to grab her hand and stop her from shaking it. "No, no, no, don't do that unless you want us all to be frozen!" He cried out, then when satisfied that she wasn't going to shake it, he turned back to you. "Yes, they are only ONE-use; I think you should have three of each- not sure if the fools I swiped those off of had more. Cursed wizards and their brewery..." He muttered the last part under his breath as he looked down, then glanced back at you. "Just know that most spells have a 'limit' to it- after using them for so long they'll just dissipate. The smaller ones have a much shorter effect," He explained as the girl pulled out a small tube-like vial filled with a pinkish fluid. "They all are labeled accordingly, so make sure not to throw the wrong one! You don't want to make your foes sprint even faster, do ya?" He joked lightly.
#189574134Sunday, May 22, 2016 9:19 PM GMT

(Yeah, yeah. A lot of ISRPs involving combat do that. It's usually written out just like "100/100 HP," or whatever number for health you want, and the first number goes down as health goes down.) I nod to the goblin. We'll run out of spells eventually. That's okay though, there's always that rifle. And, maybe by the time we run out, I'll be skilled enough to teach Haruhi how to use the Force. Maybe, maybe not. "We're done here then," I say, rolling the window back up and turning to look at Haruhi. "Do you want to go get some breakfast now?"
#189580526Sunday, May 22, 2016 11:43 PM GMT

Haruhi seemed a *little* fascinated by the "spells" the goblin gave you. She seemed not to hear you for a moment until your words seemed to register in her mind. "Huh? Oh, yeah, I'm fine. It's your call, really," She told you. Meanwhile, the goblin outside began walking away, staring down at his gold as he did.
#189586109Monday, May 23, 2016 1:44 AM GMT

"Let's find something to eat then, I'm hungry," I say, starting to drive past the goblin and away from the neighborhood into the main portion of the city. I don't know what kind of restaurants are around here, but I'm sure I'll find a nice-enough place sooner than later.
#189590377Monday, May 23, 2016 2:59 AM GMT

As you drove about, Haruhi turned on the radio because she was done examining the spells. What you heard next as you drove was: "...FIB agents are searching for the fugitives who made off with gold yesterday from the apparently-impregnable National Deposit bank. Blockades have been 'tactically' positioned to make sure they do not escape. More from Weasel News in ten minutes." Of course, as you rounded a nearby corner, guess what awaited you? ...A SUV barricade, with two heavily-armed soldiers standing guard. Just your luck. "Umm, maybe we should run..." Haruhi mentioned. Then again, that wouldn't make a good first impression on the soldiers, right? On the flip side, if you went in and got caught you would be like a lamb to a slaughterhouse...
#189596806Monday, May 23, 2016 5:30 AM GMT

I'll need to get past that barricade if I want to get into the main part of the city and get a nice breakfast. And, if I turn around now, they might get the wrong idea and try to stop me. So, how to get past? They haven't seen my face, I'm pretty sure I hid it with my goggles and scarf. They might recognize these clothes. But, they haven't seen Haruhi, right? Plus, she's really, really cute. I can't imagine any guy being able to say "no" to a girl as cute as her. Um, I probably shouldn't think these thoughts out loud. And I think I'm starting to stare at her now. "Well... maybe you could go talk to them and ask if they'll let us through?" I suggest.
#189625184Monday, May 23, 2016 9:12 PM GMT

#189625703Monday, May 23, 2016 9:20 PM GMT

(Out loud? Wait, Adam was speaking aloud his thoughts? Sorry; I'm kinda messing things up today, what with forgetting to post and asking dumb questions like these.)
#189625809Monday, May 23, 2016 9:22 PM GMT

(He means that he believes he shouldn't vocalize what he's thinking. He's not actually saying what he's thinking.)
#189626247Monday, May 23, 2016 9:30 PM GMT

(Oh, all right then. Sorry.) Haruhi stared at you for a few moments, examining your expression, then simply nodded. "Sure. But maybe we should switch seats?" She asked you; however, it was too late- you were already at the barricade, and the pair of soldiers were closing in on your vehicle. Haruhi glanced forwards, then back at you. "Actually, never mind. Just roll down my window, I think I have this..."
#189626707Monday, May 23, 2016 9:37 PM GMT

I wonder what she saw in my expression. Nothing I wouldn't want her to see, I hope. I nod to Haruhi as I roll her window down. I hope she knows what she's doing. If the soldiers don't let us through, maybe we could find a useful spell and throw it at them, or just drive really fast.
#189628848Monday, May 23, 2016 10:13 PM GMT

As you rolled down the window, Haruhi looked out to meet the soldiers' glances. You could hear their conversation from the front seat. "Why, hello there, madam. Errr, who's driving in front?" A muffled voice asked Haruhi, light-toned and juvenile-esque. "Oh, just my chauffeur. I wanted to take a look around this city." She responded to him. To this, the second man- not muffled, and deeper- responded to her. "Why here? Isn't it quite... Dangerous?" "Well, I guess I wanted a little bit of action to spice up my life, you know?" "...I see. Well, if you can just step outside of the car and produce your ID, you'll be right on your way." The second voice said, and you thought you heard a hint of lust in his words. Something didn't appeal to you, and when you glanced in the rear view mirror Haruhi's expression told you that she had the same thoughts.
#189629363Monday, May 23, 2016 10:21 PM GMT

Her chauffeur? Couldn't she have come up with something mildly less... degrading? I listen as the two speak. If that hint of lust I'm detecting has any real truth in it, it doesn't surprise me. She's attractive, after all. I know I don't have an ID, and Haruhi may not either. Regardless, you don't need to step out of a car to show an ID. I need an excuse to keep Haruhi in this car, at least for awhile so she can maybe think of a way out of this. "The madam is very sensitive to the sun -- look how pale she is -- it's best for her health that she stay out of it," I tell the the second soldier.
#189636160Tuesday, May 24, 2016 12:09 AM GMT

The first soldier- the younger one- jumped at your voice, startled by you. "Wait, who said that?!?!" He asked, looking around wildly. Obviously he was quite clueless, and chances were he probably was one of the idiots who were getting shot at by Haruhi yesterday. The second soldier, however, kept calm. "Aye, the chauffeur speaks? Well, it won't take her long to produce an ID and scan it in the truck," He told you, his head gesturing towards the SUV. Chances were he wasn't bluffing, and he probably had some scanner to make sure it wasn't fake. Looks like the FIB was smarter than the Old Republic in some ways- they obviously couldn't be fooled by fake IDs unlike the Coruscant and fake Identichips. Your odds weren't looking good right now... "Well, I would rather not go out in the sun, please? Could you do a lady a favor, and let us through?" Haruhi asked, tilting her head and trying to sneak her way out of this by words. "We'll be coming out, anyways- you'll see us later, right?" She asked, but both of the soldiers shook their heads. Well, looks like you won't be able to put this on a "tab".
#189640792Tuesday, May 24, 2016 1:30 AM GMT

I sigh and gently nudge Haruhi into her seat. I lean slightly over her lap to get myself closer to the two soldiers. Once done, I wave my hand in front of their faces, hoping to be able to invoke the Force Mind Trick. If these are the same soldiers from yesterday, they can't be too bright. "Just let us pass," I say.
#189643324Tuesday, May 24, 2016 2:13 AM GMT

(I guess that since you wanted an EXP system, now is the perfect time to introduce it...) The first, inexperienced soldier succumbed easily, and through the mask his eyes seemed to glass over. "Yeah, yeah, of course," The youngster told you, but the second wasn't going to be fooled as easily. He slapped the first one, snapping him out of his trance. "Sorry, but protocol doesn't let us do that," He explained- stupid explanation. FORCE EXPERIENCE: +5/10
#189644309Tuesday, May 24, 2016 2:32 AM GMT

(yay) Again, I wave my hand in front of the first soldier as I speak. Perhaps I can still get what I want from this situation. I focus as my hand waves. "You'd put protocol away for awhile to be kind to a lady, won't you?" I suggest.
#189646332Tuesday, May 24, 2016 3:13 AM GMT

(...Just thought of a catch for the XP, though: Using the same "trick" repeatedly causes your XP amount to decrease with every use.) The first soldier went back into robotic mode, and looked at you. "Yes, of course I would, master," He monotonously told you. Probably a bit suspicious. XP GAINED: +4 -> 9/10 "Woah, Steve, snap outta it!" The second soldier said, shaking his partner. He remained zombie-like. "Okay, you two, I need you to step outta the car right now." He ordered you both, reaching for something as he did. Well, maybe you should work on your Force skills a *little* more.