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#188641749Thursday, May 05, 2016 11:22 PM GMT

Kurt Wittman had a dark childhood. With Sith parents, his father being a high ranking Sith. He was almost surely destined to be a Sith lord. But when hew as young, his father saw the horrible actions preformed by the Sith empire, so his father plotted to join the Jedi and assassinate the Emperor. Whilst in the middle of planning the assassination, he was found out by the Empire and charged with treason. Kurt's father was sentenced to death along with Kurt and his mother, but they escaped to their home planet Geonosis. Kurt's life seemed to start being epaceful, although he resented the Sith for killing his father. When the Sith dark Lord Verdun Malgus was sent to Geonosis to kill Kurt and his mother, Kurt had lost all hope until a young Jedi Padawan by the name of Kwift Chemlaka. Kwift and Veradun fought a fierce battle that ended in Veradun's defeat. After the battle, Kwift explained to Kurt that he had great potential to be a Jedi, thankful to Kwift for saving his life, Kurt eagerly accepted Kwift's invitation. Kurt is now currently training under Knight Kwift.

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