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#189071171Friday, May 13, 2016 9:58 PM GMT

== ROUND 1 == [01] Las Vegas - GrabOG Not shocked to see a team owned by Piratesfan go with a former Tropic, Expect Grab to go #1 Overall tonight [02] Orange County - Ebenton95 Ebby is going to go #2 Overall because this is simply a move Cheesey would do. Going a bit attitude over quality by drafting ebby over the svugs [03] California (from POR) - Pinkysvug This is where it gets hard. BMLGuy has very unpredictable draft preferences, taking the maturity gamble and taking a svug #3 overall seems to fit his criteria. [04] Las Vegas (from IND) - Bryanfehr Another pick I can see a P21 and Milan team to choose. A person who has played a bit for the trops. [05] Las Vegas (from CAL) - Frostysvug I don’t think this is a move I can see P21 make, But Frostysvug dropping to #5 Overall might be a bit too tempting to pass up. [06] Minnesota - Mariokartaddict A strong defenseman which I can see vikings go for. Great at stopping goals but activity will be a question for MKA this season. [07] California (from GNS) - Obbert Obbert vs Appleman was a hard decision to make, but with taking Pinkysvug before I can see BML wanting a 2nd forward to pair up with him, taking the risk apple is avalible later on. [08] Toronto - NHLHockeykid25 NHL sounds like the type of player somb will utilize in one of his teams, but I think somb will look to signings to build his team coming off of a dominant cup win. == ROUND 2 == [09] Toronto - Thunderpants11 Thunder is probably the least probable to go this high, but I have a feeling due to his reputation somb will give him a go. [10] Orange County (from GNS) - TForcier I can see scar going to Orange County for Nostalgic reasons, but he has the ever-so-present concern of being rusty. [11] Minnesota - Appleman28 Appleman28 can be the goalkeeper minnesota needs. He has shaken off some rust and is ready to play some RHL. Stolen away from California. [12] Orange County (from CAL) - Camboo6 Camboo going this high? What the heck. Yes I said it. Macral might look to take a chance at the 11-year old MBHL Prodigy, but the question is, good pick, or bust? He can score on his days, but how many days will he have? [13] Orange County (from IND) - Sportsfan1414 Could probably go above camboo. Still a competent defenseman who can be reliable in front of net. [14] California (from POR) - Korminatorz Korm could easily go in the 2nd round, he is a strong defenseman. The question is, would BML take a chance on him? Or will he fall to Las Vegas. I can see BML taking korm as this could be one of the better picks of the draft. [15] Orange County - Zammy67rocks5 Zammy could add to the strength of this SF team, as he was a essiental part to the possible cup winning (as of when im writing this) Victoria Secret team. [16] Las Vegas - Dammaster Dam is probably good enough to go top 10, the only concern is that the SF owners don’t know much about Dammaster. He is a very capable defenseman who will be competing with Nastyeddie for the defenseman of the year trophy in RHL-DL. == ROUND 3 == [17] Las Vegas - Look09 Probable top scorer of the RHL-DL season for Orlando, Could be a crucial pick to the Aces as they look to bolster their offense, quality scorer in Look09. [18] Orange County - Theunkownshoe Theunkownshoe is probably very Unknown to Macral, but he was one of the top scorers on the affiliate Victoria Secret this past season. He can score, but mainly with another quality forward. [19] California (from POR) - Spt188 Spt188 is sort of a bold pick for California, and probably will be a bust, but can potentially do something on offense. This pick will compensate for BML’s poor knowledge of the RHL-DL, which will hurt him in later rounds. [20] Indiana - iiScrubs I doubt that wist knows who iiScrubs is, but if he looks at RHL-DL stats he can see that he is a strong player on both ends of the ice, who can score and defend. Sort of a blind yet quality pick i’m seeing for Indiana. [21] California - Bookface6 Book can be a good goalie on his days, but recently has made a lot of crucial mistakes in net. After a poor season for S12 RNHL Carolina, I haven’t heard much of him. But when put on the spotlight can be a good goalie. [22] Minnesota - iiPostman Sort of a blind pick based off of knowledge from Victoria, but a great one. iiPost, more commonly known as Martinkjansen, has had some great moments for Victoria. [23] Indiana* - Nhlch33z3h One of the gems in the draft that I think will fall late, Nhlch33z3h has had some great games on a sadly struggling washington team, Falling 15 picks below linemate NHLHockeykid25, Nhl can make a good impact on the ice. [24] Orange County (from GNS) - Moldycheese89 Another SF pick for OCMD, Orange County look to a sort of unpredictable Moldy, one that can score but hasn’t proven himself much on the hockey scene. [25] California (from TOR) - Roseart2 Former Carolina Warriors hall of famer Roseart2 made his return this season after a 3 year hiatus spent at VGC. Rose is a good defender, serving on L2 at Victoria. He can also score if nessecary. == ROUND 4 == [26] Toronto-Argranator Argranator is the last quality player who will be drafted. He was a little shaky in RHL-DL, but a 1.94 GAA doesn’t lie at all. [27] Gainesville - DabDayy305 Sort of a blind pick, but a decent player whatsoever. Didn’t achieve much at Cairo in RHL-DL but was a regular L1 player, sadly on a underperforming team. [28] Minnesota* - Brettfavrefan101 Sadly a pick which I don’t see going many places. Minnesota probably could’ve picked a bit better. Brett was a ok player in RHL-DL [29] Orange County (from MIN) - OptimusGenre A pick which I can see as a real steal. If he is active, he can be HUGE. Seriously I sometimes compare this guy to some of the best players when they began, he has the potential to be a crucial player. [30] California - Infamousguy33 Was a good player in RHL-DL who could work in a BMLGUY playbook. A player who can GK and forward too. [31] California* - Hockeyfever14 Hockeyfever would’ve easily gone top 2 rounds if a throttling penalty didn’t get him suspended for the entire RHL-DL season. [32] Indiana - DominantshredderII Probably a decent player, but his main question is activity. He could or could not be active, he didn’t show up to any games in RHL-DL however. [33] Portland - TNTnight33 TNT has sort of been around forever. He is a well-known name and can be a ok scorer. [34] Indiana* - Xxcristianoronaldo7 Brother of Victoria Secret defenseman Nastyeddie, Xxcrist can be a good goalie on his days. [35] Orange County - Acceptablehockey55 Due to the fact I have a feeling I will assist in drafting in the 4th/5th round for orange county, I think a good pick would be acceptablehockey55. He is a ok scorer who can make something happen when needed to. [36] Las Vegas - Cobra_Commander Bluebandits has really had a poor season as always, but still can be a decent player nevertheless. Has really only watched as Victoria went up 3-1 in the series. == ROUND 5 == (not doing descriptions) [37] Las Vegas - iiKvngsmoove [38] Orange County - Marensfootball12 [39] California* - Muddysports44 [40] Portland - Lambentcurryz [41] Orange County (from IND) - Bigfootluver [42] California - Smaiizy [43] Minnesota (compensatory) - flame1030 [44] Minnesota - Pavelzacha [45] Gainesville - iiReceiver [46] Indiana* - Lugia12358 [47] Toronto - Kyle1345kraft (Free car winner.) Undrafted: sw4mp South16 Roboloxesss
#189071329Friday, May 13, 2016 10:01 PM GMT

osht cairo player might be picked in round 1
#189071410Friday, May 13, 2016 10:03 PM GMT

and dom came to a couple of games but only played for a bit
#189071503Friday, May 13, 2016 10:04 PM GMT

Ez. I am already on Portland. Ez Pz.
#189072859Friday, May 13, 2016 10:28 PM GMT

U put me going 43rd r u dumb...
#189073017Friday, May 13, 2016 10:30 PM GMT

If anyone drafts me in the 1st round they're a ding dong because I don't have any plans of playing until my school year is over on June 10th.
#189111751Saturday, May 14, 2016 3:45 PM GMT

#189111964Saturday, May 14, 2016 3:49 PM GMT

@cracker wtF did you play for cairo

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