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#189151213Sunday, May 15, 2016 3:21 AM GMT

Every single (or at least most in case if some items shouldn't be re-obtainable) discontinued item made and posted in the Catalog (hats/gear/faces/get the idea) should be capable of being placed into the Limited market. Here is my reasoning. 1. ROBLOX Trading feels somewhat trivialized by other games virtual item trading. The trading system is not up to date. As a popular example, look at the way Steam trading works. It's a huge market and almost EVERYTHING from any game is trade-able if it lands into your inventory. Want to trade a not-in-circulation M4 Howl for a bunch of keys? It can happen. Want to trade an 8-year-old Traffic Cone for a Green Bubble Trouble? Not possible, because the Traffic Cone is still not a limited item even though it hasn't been purchasable for several years. 2. ROBLOX is getting older and better, but many veteran players are getting old and uninterested. ROBLOX has been around for so long it's shocking. Players like myself have nostalgia stories that could be compiled into a series of books. But, some of us don't have interest in some parts of the game anymore. One thing I enjoyed doing was trading; but now Steam manages to fill that void due to how ancient the current system is. I, for one, would love to get back into trading on here. But, I don't see a point if a lot of the items I own are like heirlooms that I can't get rid of. I know ROBLOX is trying now to modernize the game by removing TIX and changing some variables in the currency system, but it isn't about time that items like my Blue Baseball Cap see a new owner? That's my idea; any criticism?
#189151683Sunday, May 15, 2016 3:30 AM GMT

I support. Trading is kinda restricting for low RAP traders, and with so few high demand low rap items its hard to get a good start without donations or help. To make alot of the older/newer not-purchasable items it would add alot more limiteds and more lower RAP items for players to trade and build upon, take the Shaggy hat for example, there were aton of those sold before being limited, and after becoming limited the average price goes at 50+ and it has decent demand, making it very marketable for lower RAP traders, or limited sellers.
#189152492Sunday, May 15, 2016 3:44 AM GMT

Ooh, speaking of the Shaggy limited, it reminded me of something that the ROBLOX company should consider as a benefit to doing this; ROBUX. All it would take is a mass switch of the variables to Limited instead of discontinued (I assume the database for all the items are in a neat fashion where it's an easy change, like in MySQL). That could take maybe a few minutes to a few hours for an individual, depending how orderly the files are. Now think about this; imagine the players who see hundreds of new Limiteds on the front page and decide to buy ROBUX.
#189166615Sunday, May 15, 2016 11:45 AM GMT

support, could help out the economy quite a bit, as it kind of needs some help [Vontore/Vonti/TotallyNotVekst/Inent/Veksto/Mistoka/MrTests/Vekst/MrBankz/voss99]+80k posts
#189166778Sunday, May 15, 2016 11:50 AM GMT

#189171156Sunday, May 15, 2016 1:50 PM GMT

They already do this if the think the item is an appropriate limited. - Ult
#189171461Sunday, May 15, 2016 1:56 PM GMT

rip economy if this happens http://www.roblox.com/Trade/TradeWindow.aspx?TradePartnerID=4568516 | COMRADEDOGGO
#189171597Sunday, May 15, 2016 1:59 PM GMT

what the point of classic sales be and anyway no one is gonna be interested in trading once UGC comes out
#189171645Sunday, May 15, 2016 2:00 PM GMT

A monthly limited item vote, and 5-10 of the winning items go limited.

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