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#189627057Monday, May 23, 2016 9:44 PM GMT

I have been thinking about the removal of tickets and how this affects the community, which it does indeed do so greatly. It may not be noticeable now, but as NBC users spend the last of their robux reserves, several problems will arise. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PROBLEMS: First of all, NBC users have been completely isolated from everything except playing games and making games. They cannot buy clothes, because clothing is disallowed from being free, they cannot buy hats, only hats that are free, and they cannot buy game passes or contribute in any way to the success of their favorite game developers. Only good NBC game developers have the opportunity to make any money, and they are a small minority compared to the rest of the NBC user base. Clothing makers will receive less purchases. As the NBC user base far exceeds the BC user base, clothing makers will lose a majority of their customers. This could cause future potential clothing makers to become uninterested in making clothes due to the small pool of potential customers. Game makers no longer receive tickets from place visits. As was stated in a roblox blog, the top game developers made little from place visits in comparison to what they made overall, however, they failed to see it from the perspective of the majority who aren't successful game developers. One thing that inspires many people on roblox who haven't made games to start trying to make games is the rewards. When people play games the top games, which are sometimes not the most complex or hard to make, and they see how many visits the place got and imagined: "Wow, I know I could make a better game than this, and I could make so many tickets!" The first thought when making a game isn't about the expensive developer products, a game has to be successful before anyone would consider buying a game product or pass. The immediate reward is the tickets. Also game makers lose the patronage of the NBC users who have saved up their tickets and converted to robux to purchase their products. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In summary, NBC users who do not buy robux or become successful game makers will be completely isolated from all aspects of the game aside from playing games, to which they serve the game maker no purpose. And BC users will lose a majority of their customers. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUGGESTIONS: I do have several suggestions to address this issue. 1. Bring back tickets. --But considering that tickets will never be brought back: 2. Stipend of 1 robux for logging in, which is a problem that the blog addressed. -or- 3. Stipend of 1 robux for visiting a certain number of games for a certain amount of time within a day. -or- 4. 1 robux visit revenue per 10 visits. -or- 5. Anything that doesn't basically isolate the majority of NBC from the entirety of the currency feature. I recognize that my opinion is nothing more than my opinion. You don't need to tell me that my opinion is stupid, you merely show your own lack of understanding of what opinion is. However, I encourage criticism and the sharing of perspective on any flaws in my logic addressed here.
#189627411Monday, May 23, 2016 9:49 PM GMT

I have a problem with number 2, 3, and 4 all of these can be botted one most likely to be botted is number 2 however, 3 and 4 still can be botted +3k i want tree fiddy
#189629297Monday, May 23, 2016 10:20 PM GMT

@primal Require a capcha when making a new account Problem Solved
#189629686Monday, May 23, 2016 10:27 PM GMT

I have to support this. The removal of Tix will prevent NBCers to support their developers and customize themselves. Even though it is always important to have fun, supporting whoever made the place of fun you were in is more important. It let's them know they did a good job and to keep it up.
#189645394Tuesday, May 24, 2016 2:53 AM GMT

@primal I understand your concern, excessive botting causes inflation which potentially puts others users at both unfair advantages and disadvantages, but I see the removal of tickets as the greater of the two evils. It causes more problems than it fixes. However, #3 would be a lot harder to bot, because aside from just logging in, a game has to be joined, and the character has to remain active in the game to not be automatically disconnected. I'm really just spitballing here, all I know is that the current situation has cut a majority of NBC off from a major feature of this game, the currency.
#189645555Tuesday, May 24, 2016 2:56 AM GMT

Yeah. Support.
#189647280Tuesday, May 24, 2016 3:34 AM GMT

Here's how we solve the botting problem: If you want your daily bonus, you have to click a link saying "Get daily bonus" and solve a captcha. This allows legitimate bots, like my group wall spam killer bot to remain operational (not getting any ROBUX) while effectively destroying botting for ROBUX. In short, I agree with 1, and failing that, numbers 2 and 4 should be added. Place visits are an important part of early game development. Nobody's going to buy gamepasses and developer products if you can't even fill half a server, but without any ROBUX reward for filling that half a server, you're never going to be able to advertise your game and get it big enough to do so.
#189647751Tuesday, May 24, 2016 3:46 AM GMT

It is kind of pointless.. I do support this but Roblox doesn't listen anymore. They probably don't even look at the forums much. There is still one chance they will fix this mess but that is very low. Roblox should have thought about the consequences before this removal. Or maybe they just want more money but they said they don't. Roblox should learn that when they said something about Tix be "complicated" for new users it was not true. How did we use Tix all these years? What is the community growing dumber or something. Maybe technology is rotting our minds. Look, what new player had trouble with Tix. Removing Tix made it MORE complicated even if it wasn't complicated in the beginning. Now new players are asking, "WTF IS ROBUX!!!11!"
#189647784Tuesday, May 24, 2016 3:47 AM GMT

Or Tix I mean in that last sentence xD
#189647800Tuesday, May 24, 2016 3:47 AM GMT

Agreed. "Wow! Two currencies!" is a lot easier to wrap your head around than "How the hell do I buy a shirt without paying 5 dollars?"
#189649002Tuesday, May 24, 2016 4:24 AM GMT

If roblox has an idea of some kind of new system that addresses all of the problems they just created, which I doubt they have, they should have announced it with the announcement of removing tickets. I just don't see how they just one day decided, "Wow, tickets are doing so much damage, they need to be removed." The only motive I can see behind the removal of tickets is "Why not take away NBC access to currency so they have to buy robux or BC to do anything except play games, so we can still advertise ourselves as a free platform?" I mean, I don't want to believe that's the driving motive, but I can't see any other reason for this much lack of foresight.
#189649072Tuesday, May 24, 2016 4:26 AM GMT

I admit, I made 20 accounts for tickets stipend every day. What's saying someone can't for robux too? OpticUniversse | YT: OpticUniversse | Since 2012 | they.them.com
#189649325Tuesday, May 24, 2016 4:33 AM GMT

@optic Captchas could be used as Internecivus suggested, stricter account registrations could be used, a system could be thoroughly thought of before removing tickets without thinking of the repercussions... Do you think that the pros outweigh the cons? NBC users are able to abuse the money, so take away their access to it, which takes away their access to most of the game.
#189657865Tuesday, May 24, 2016 12:59 PM GMT

hmm, well, i always thought of there being rewards, or achievements?? sorta?? similar to the stripend but 10-50 robux, depending on how hard the achievement is.
#189659359Tuesday, May 24, 2016 1:55 PM GMT

I Agree, I Made My Money By Visits To My Games And 1 Tix Is Better Then Nothing At All.
#189659786Tuesday, May 24, 2016 2:11 PM GMT

No support, bots.
#189659924Tuesday, May 24, 2016 2:16 PM GMT

#189660741Tuesday, May 24, 2016 2:42 PM GMT

"any ROBUX reward for filling that half a server, you're never going to be able to advertise your game and get it big enough to do so." https://forum.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=185639803

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