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#189780071Thursday, May 26, 2016 8:39 PM GMT

"http://pastebin.com/nE27Tx3N" Nation Desc. (As not filled by player): Findolph, a country that is known for its government uniquely specifically splitting it into four segments: city, tundra, woods/farmland, and ocean. It's also known for dropping out a large portion of its top government workers and employees in order to greedily gain a huge benefit. Why either of those decisions were made, no one really knows. Each segment is special in itself for their social interactions. In the city, named Grensville after its founder, governmental rule is high and strict. You'll never cross a sidewalk without seeing at least one police officer or governmental agent. This is where the most people live, and the most people lost their jobs in the eviction. The tundra desert, named Ishnoverihawt, is the second-most populated area, and home to a few scattered villages across the icy dunes. Roads are established throughout the land, and there is some government interference, so it's not completely wasteland-ish and the society is not a bunch of hunter-gatherers. Without a name, the woodlands and farmlands are found separated far from the rest of civilization and are used primarily for exporting and importing goods off docks from the neighboring ocean region. This ocean, also lacking a name, is home to nothing but a few ports situated on the shores and aquatic farming. (Before this begins, it's necessary of me to ask of you that you have the option of controlling Clyde's relationships as more characters of your own, or having me control them with the personalities you've developed. This choice is permanent and can't be changed, so make sure to be confident with your decision.) This was going to be the day. Yes, today was the day. The day you were going to begin making your change, a change for everyone. It had only felt like yesterday when you received the news that practically ended your life, and it felt like today was going to be the syringe that revived it into you. You've never felt motivation like this before, and you feared that you'd never feel it again, so it must be done today. Revolutionary change must be done today. Presumably lying under a tree in the woodlands, you, Clyde, would like up to a crisp morning breeze and fresh air that even smelled of change.
#189782343Thursday, May 26, 2016 9:12 PM GMT

(I'd like it if you controlled the relationships and develope their character and backstories. Do not that they are all orphans, cause uh edginess and stuff) (oh also "Ishnoverihawt" for real m8?) I have awoken from my slumber of 12 hours! Air fresh as always, but those numpty-arsed pillocks better get their arses up before I deck 'em. It's only been a year since the change. Not too long ago, not too shabby, orite? "Get your arses above water mates." I shouted to the squad, stretching then rubbing the sleep off me eyes. "I've got me big brain treatment do the work o'ernight, yeah? S'ppose I have an idea that's more likely to work than the others oo've tried theirs, innit?" (gl with the slang) Reisfeldz, making people cringe on TS3 since 2015.
#189784152Thursday, May 26, 2016 9:39 PM GMT

(What's wrong with "Ish-no-veer-hot"? and o god this brit) Aoife was already wide awake, apparently so, as she responded claiming with, "Aye, a'right! I'm up!" Proving so, she sat herself up and turned to face you, giving an expression of someone that hated to be bossed around for such simple tasks. James actually was asleep, though, but with an annoyed groan, forced himself into consciousness upon your order. "Ugh, what Clyde?" he asked wearily, rubbing his face down to prepare himself for the day. Pete was asleep too, but unfortunately he actually stayed asleep. His withdrawal of pizza was having a clearly bad effect on him, which included unnatural sleep routines. It was unfathomable to think that the government was against mere teenagers for their beliefs. But, sadly, it was the life these Findolphians were forced to live. However, it was also the same life they were going to change. It was a childish grudge withheld on them, but one that was not going to be rid anytime soon. One way or another, there was going to be a hell of a youthful rebellion.
#189813119Friday, May 27, 2016 6:34 AM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#191464899Saturday, June 18, 2016 6:14 PM GMT

(Here's your bump. Convenient that it's actually my turn to respond anyway.) Pete choked on a gasp lodged in his throat as his stomach churned externally like a tsunami. He sat upright at a speed much too surprising for a kid at that size, and gave you a glare that spoke of threats of sitting on you. Considering this was coming from the kid that could inhale full slices of pizza, this was a legitimate threat.
#191465697Saturday, June 18, 2016 6:24 PM GMT

"Sod yer silly sleep. Ge' up now mate." I yell at the fat arse. Turning me body round to face the others, with me hands on me hips, I declared what lil' ideas I have. "Aight, listen up. After close consideration and a bit of finkin' from the sleeps, I 'fink it'd be best if we gathered some governmen' or industrial-issue weps, ye? We'd then charge the guv building, guns blazin', leave a message and scare them s___-less. Ye? Not the best of plans, any suggestions are open." And with that, I pick up me bag and throw it round me back. I am all but a bunch of irrational numbers.
#191465742Saturday, June 18, 2016 6:24 PM GMT

(oh wow havent posted on this for song long i need ideas) I am all but a bunch of irrational numbers.
#191466550Saturday, June 18, 2016 6:35 PM GMT

(I gotchu on ideas. Also, we can change the name of the tundra region if you want to, too. It was supposed to be dumb but I'm reconsidering that may be a bad idea since it's going to play a pretty big part in the plot.) Aoife was the first to speak against Clyde's planning. Of course it would be the female. "Clyde, no, that's just ridic'lous. We're teens, and none of us are trained in firearms. We're going to need more... adult help." There was a vibe of Kids' Next Door and its disliking of grown people in her tone, shame that show doesn't actually exist in their world. James wasn't exactly too keen with this plan either, he was more of an up-close-and-personal fighter, and would probably prefer some melee action. Though he didn't speak up just yet. Pete still glared at Clyde, as if expecting a childish apology.
#191483373Saturday, June 18, 2016 10:43 PM GMT

(change it as you wish.) (oh wait "Of course it would be the female." OH WOW) "Ah here now," I started, "you don' need training wiff guns. All the best crackshots I've seen, yeh, just raise the bloody thing and fire. It's simple enough." I protested. I then eye fatso down there. "Pizza, you bloody numpty. Told ye to get up, now do it before I belt you one." I am all but a bunch of irrational numbers.
#191501113Sunday, June 19, 2016 3:02 AM GMT

(dude u're freaking killing me, please keep this accent up) Again, Aoife spoke up frustratingly, "Clyde, it's more complicated than that. If you don't have a good aim, you're dead. And these government people are going to have high-powered assault rifles. What do you expect we'll be getting our hands on, hm?" Meanwhile, Pete was grumbling some curses to himself as he regretfully obliged to your orders and sat himself up with a few grunts. Even such a simple action like that required physical effort from the probable-diabetic.
#191519099Sunday, June 19, 2016 10:40 AM GMT

(i live in ireland i know british lingo) "Well sod that idea then." I state. "Here mates, 'ow 'bout we round up oll the bums in the city, and start a mass rebellion ey? Sure, some lives 'll be lost, buh' all I know is that it'll geh' a message across to those silly politicians." I am all but a bunch of irrational numbers.
#191523046Sunday, June 19, 2016 12:55 PM GMT

#191555171Sunday, June 19, 2016 9:11 PM GMT

Once again, Aoife would speak out her rejection against your idea. "Clyde, we can't go into the city e'her. They'll catch us without even taking a second glance." James, finally, would announce what he thought was such a good idea: "I don't see why we can't holder up some shelter at that tundra up north. No one sensible lives there, I'm almost certain, so we don't need to actually talk with anyone. We can just loot up what we find and, if we do come across anyone, punch some sense into them rationally!" James pounded a fist into a palm, showing he actually enjoyed the idea of being able to knock out the consciousness of any government folk.
#191603996Monday, June 20, 2016 12:15 PM GMT

(i forgot about my characters' personalities whyyyy) "Lad, that place up there's a freezer. Can't be arsed to go anywhere near that place, sod that idea." I disagree. Sure, it be a sensible idea, but we don't 'ave much rations to go out, ye?" I am all but a bunch of irrational numbers.
#191626497Monday, June 20, 2016 7:14 PM GMT

"Well, we do need SOME way to gather more belongings, Clyde," James still asserted. Everyone else, even Pete who wasn't acting like a fat slump of Play-Doh, seemed to of agreed with that statement. It was a shame no one actually knew how to carry out that statement and relied on you for an actual plan.
#191678121Tuesday, June 21, 2016 9:18 AM GMT

"Orite, fine. Jokes on ye lot, if we die, I'm laying the blame on James pal over here." I finally agree. "Get your packs 'n oll tha'. I swear on me mum's grave, if we don't find any bloody place of significance and die out, Then 'oll we've done 'll be worthless. Come on, leggo." and with that said, I turn to face the nearest direction towards Ishnoverihawt and make me way towards it. I am all but a bunch of irrational numbers.
#191862380Thursday, June 23, 2016 8:39 PM GMT

(Sorry for the delay, I've been busy.) No one seemed to of had any objections this time, or at least no objections to speak up about. Everyone readied themselves up with grunts and stretches, and then proceeded to follow you to the tundra. The trip was going to be a long one, with little to nothing of interest on the way, so you could probably expect frequent anonymous complaints of "I'm tired", "I'm hungry", "I'm cold", and of course, "What the f#&%, stop stepping on my heel!"
#192008774Saturday, June 25, 2016 1:51 PM GMT

(fast forward plz like tell me walking distance and length of time to get there and all cause it'll be fuuuun :) )
#192051171Sunday, June 26, 2016 12:18 AM GMT

(I'm terribly sorry, but I'm going to have to hold this RP off until Thursday. Things have gotten too busy around me. I understand if you want to abandon. Again, I'm sorry.)
#192135237Sunday, June 26, 2016 10:57 PM GMT

(No worries. I have too much clan stuff on my hands that I can barely even access this subforum)
#192397424Thursday, June 30, 2016 3:20 AM GMT

(I'm going to be continuing this tomorrow if you still want to. If you can't for some reason and want to hold it off longer or want to abandon it, you know, just message that here.)
#192457448Thursday, June 30, 2016 10:33 PM GMT

#192532590Friday, July 01, 2016 7:05 PM GMT

(Sorry for not posting yesterday. I'm on now and hopefully will be for a few days at least.) The trip would be a long one, as unfortunately expected. And with at least one complaint occurring per five minutes, you could imagine not a lot of ground was being covered in a fast amount of time. The further north it got, the colder it got. And thought it never got to the point where warm cloth sweaters and heavy pants were needed to keep warm and survive, frost did begin to appear on the ground and everything was generally covered in some form of whiteness. As the snow appeared, the sun seemed to of disappeared. Meaning this time would be a good one to make a temporal camp, unless walking in the dark cold with a bunch of whiners was your good idea of spending the night.
#193025059Thursday, July 07, 2016 10:57 AM GMT

(soz for me absence lad i was doin clan stuff.) "Mates, I'm not gonna be arsed to walk any inch up, ye? Bloody hell, I never thought bleedin' Findolph was this big, been an 'ole day and all that lot. All right, 'oo has the tents?" I ask. This barmy weather won't do any of us lot any jack, and my Lord I should've stolen anoffa' set of jackets from those poor bum children. :)))))))
#193039765Thursday, July 07, 2016 4:41 PM GMT

(ok) "Tents?" Aoife questioned you as everyone seemed to have look worriedly at each other in unison. Only one of them had the answer to that question, but whoever it was didn't hint at all or seem willing to answer. This left the bundle of you standing idle in shivers on top of a rather large patch of frosted grass, with your group clueless on their next motive.

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