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#190346248Friday, June 03, 2016 6:26 AM GMT

You spawn in the middle of nowhere. Where do you go? A. North B. South C. East D. West E. To the group of sleeping animals that can eat you whole Cuz' peanut butter rainbows are awesome!
#190346264Friday, June 03, 2016 6:27 AM GMT

E I rolled a 20 on my luck, I'm pretty sure I can beat em!
#190346303Friday, June 03, 2016 6:28 AM GMT

You go to the group of sleeping animals. All of them are sleeping, but one has it's mouth open. What do you do? A. Poke it softly with a spear B. Stick your finger in it's mouth C. Take it's teeth out D. Cuddle with it Cuz' peanut butter rainbows are awesome!
#190346328Friday, June 03, 2016 6:29 AM GMT

You didn't even give me a choice to escape but... B I rolled a 1 on charisma once, a whole town of elves chased me around town that night.
#190346363Friday, June 03, 2016 6:30 AM GMT

You stick your finger in it's mouth. It bites your finger off. AHHHH! What do you do? A. Stick your entire foot in it's mouth B. Cuddle with it C. Run Cuz' peanut butter rainbows are awesome!
#190346388Friday, June 03, 2016 6:31 AM GMT

You didn't give a choice to kill it with a spear! But go with C I once tried to snap a troll's neck, I massaged him instead because of my dumped roll.
#190346451Friday, June 03, 2016 6:34 AM GMT

You run. But you are surrounded by weird animals that are sleeping. What do you do? A. Scream (You yell what you want to yell.) B. STick your entire leg in it's mouth C. Poke it with a spear Cuz' peanut butter rainbows are awesome!
#190346496Friday, June 03, 2016 6:35 AM GMT

A THE JAPANESE TROOPS ARE COMING, RETREAT!!! I almost sniped a bandit off a tower once, instead, I sniped the hostage
#190346586Friday, June 03, 2016 6:39 AM GMT

Congratulations. You woke the unidentified animals and scared them away! Now they the animals are gone, you can see a town, a cactus, the ocean, and a tree infront of a sailboat on the ocean. You look up, and there is a helicopter. Where do you go? A. Town B. Cactus C. The ocean D. A sailboat behind a tree E. Super-jump to the helicopter Cuz' peanut butter rainbows are awesome!
#190346632Friday, June 03, 2016 6:40 AM GMT

To the town! I tried to use charm to a bartender that was woman, turns out, the chair was a mimic and ate me the moment I tried to sit on it. Woman said the place was full of mimics.
#190346660Friday, June 03, 2016 6:42 AM GMT

You go to the town, only to find angry citizens with big noses chasing you. What do you do? A. Fight! B. Superjump to the helicopter C. Run while crying like a baby Cuz' peanut butter rainbows are awesome!
#190346687Friday, June 03, 2016 6:43 AM GMT

Fight them with the spear I magically got back at spawn! Once, in Civ, Ghandi tried to allied with me to war with someone, so I did, and then Ghandi pulled a peace treaty with the enemy the moment I declared war with them. Now Ghandi calls me a warmomgerer
#190346730Friday, June 03, 2016 6:45 AM GMT

The citizens don't have anything except for their fists. You wait until the perfect moment. The citizens line up, and you strike them with your spear. By now there is only 27 citizens left. What do? A. Fight with spear again B. Ceasefire! C. Go to the helicopter Cuz' peanut butter rainbows are awesome!
#190346771Friday, June 03, 2016 6:47 AM GMT

B ceasefire, if they submit, I become king I tried to kill the boss the gm wanted us to kill by backstabbing him, ended up with me turning to a frog by failing a backstab and rolling to a shelf full of potions
#190346841Friday, June 03, 2016 6:49 AM GMT

They accept You are the new king! Luckily, the town is big and it has cannons, mortars, and even tanks they stole from more hi-tech civilizations. What do you do? A. Shoot the helicopter down with your mortars B. Attack the other civilization named "Agylaander" C. Sing "MONEYMONEYMONEYMONEYMONEYMONEYMONEYMONEY" Cuz' peanut butter rainbows are awesome!
#190346870Friday, June 03, 2016 6:50 AM GMT

Become Montezuma and attack the other civ Ever tell you about the time I "succesfully" seduced a dragon? It started by having a good charisma level, and a botched speech roll.
#190346928Friday, June 03, 2016 6:53 AM GMT

You order the tanks to fire straight at the city of Agylaander. The citizens try to remind you that Agylaander was their ally, but you're the boss, so you declare war on them anyways. What do you send? (You can say multiple choices at once) A. the tanks B. the archers C. the spearmen D. the swordmen E. the cannons on wheels F. the people with fists Cuz' peanut butter rainbows are awesome!
#190346958Friday, June 03, 2016 6:54 AM GMT

archers swordsmen and people with fists do you know nothing of being montezuma? He once finished off Canada using his main tech in reinassance
#190347021Friday, June 03, 2016 6:56 AM GMT

Turns out Agylaanders used their tanks. Your entire army died. What do? (multiple choice) A. Tanks B. Archers C. Spearmen D. Swordsmen E. People with fists F. Trolls G. The helicopter H. Nothing, ask for peace Cuz' peanut butter rainbows are awesome!
#190347045Friday, June 03, 2016 6:57 AM GMT

Helicopters? Helicopters, I guess... Montezuma got rekt by Ghandi because he didn't submit to his nuclear power
#190347104Friday, June 03, 2016 6:59 AM GMT

You tell the helicopter to destroy Agylaander The helicopter NUKES AGYLAANDER. Agylaander is in ruins. The survivors are held captive. Now who do you attack? A. Markantar B. Harving C. Irvus D. Coteden E. Irvaltic F. Crezionan Federation G. Arkine Oh, and your empire's name is Lorkia. Cuz' peanut butter rainbows are awesome!
#190347134Friday, June 03, 2016 7:01 AM GMT

Can I get information about those countries? I was sent a spy to find out what Germany was doing because I was not becoming a good friend with him Found out he was sending troops to conquer poland wasn't surprised
#190347193Friday, June 03, 2016 7:04 AM GMT

Crezion is the most powerful country out of those. Irvaltic is a good place to stay at the beach. Oserway (unmentioned) is your ally. Harving is the weakest country. Markantar is a weak nation but has the biggest city on the continent. Coteden is the same as Irvalic, a good place to stay at the beach. Arkine is the Japan of "the Berlogoes islands". Cuz' peanut butter rainbows are awesome!
#190347205Friday, June 03, 2016 7:04 AM GMT

Oh, and Irvus is the same as Markantar. The city of Irvus and the city of Markantar are tied for #1 biggest city. Cuz' peanut butter rainbows are awesome!
#190347207Friday, June 03, 2016 7:04 AM GMT

Closest country without tresspassing neighbors?

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