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#190523278Sunday, June 05, 2016 7:27 PM GMT

I posted this a few days ago and although most people supported it, it got lost in the sea of posts and I already lost it from my recently posted threads. So I'm going to repost this suggestion but make it a little more user friendly (it was cluttered and hard to read before). -------------- For the people who are going to say tl;dr, just read the main points and not my explanation. -------------- 1. Tix are just gone. No reason to bring them back. End of story. 2. "ROBLOX ISN'T FREE ANYMORE!" That's what many people think, but the funny thing is that they are completely wrong. The whole idea behind ROBLOX is building and playing games. Can you do that still? Yes! Having virtual cash and hats to make your avatar edgy and cool isn't what the game is about. I mean it sure is nice to have all of these hats that I can wear and all this fake money to blow everywhere but it's not required to play the game. 3. ROBLOX is a company. If you are not familiar with what this means, I'll enlighten you. Google's definition of the word company is "a commercial business" which means they are not non-profit and make money. Where does that money go? To their employees and servers. They have to be paid in money, not brownie points. Giving out Robux is like throwing away profit. Let's also not forget that they have to pay to keep the website and servers up so you can play them. 4. ROBLOX is not entitled to giving you stuff. Nowhere does it say that ROBLOX is required to give you freebies, yet they do. I know that promotional hats are not the best in the world, but it's better than nothing. 5. Make the money yourself. Go learn how to script, or practice building in studio! Are you good with Photoshop or other picture editing programs? Make icons, logos, and ads for other users. There is a demand for this kind of stuff! 6. Inflation of R$. If they give out Robux, then it will be inflated like tix were. 7. They never said anything about giving out Robux in the first place. (?) I'm not quite 100% sure about this but I believe that they never promised anything of the sort. 8. Use the Promotion tool. https://www.roblox.com/My/Money.aspx#/#Promotion_tab If the link doesn't work, sorry. You can advertise on other sites and when a user joins, you will earn a fraction of whatever purchases they make. -------------- I could say more points but this should do. She gave up on Jesus for living on Venus, all dressed up with nowhere to go.
#190533331Sunday, June 05, 2016 9:45 PM GMT

bump She gave up on Jesus for living on Venus, all dressed up with nowhere to go.
#190534010Sunday, June 05, 2016 9:56 PM GMT

I think you're in the wrong forum hun
#190534185Sunday, June 05, 2016 9:59 PM GMT

ummm no? She gave up on Jesus for living on Venus, all dressed up with nowhere to go.
#190534530Sunday, June 05, 2016 10:04 PM GMT

You're just stating how updates that have changed ROBLOX didn't effect us or how they won't fix it/bring it back I'm pretty sure this isn't a suggestion, but okay. I do agree with everything you're saying, I just wish people would stop ranting about bringing back tickets.
#190538567Sunday, June 05, 2016 11:05 PM GMT

Well it was a suggestion to the company to not listen to all the kiddies complaining about how they are not being spoon fed everything they want. I guess it was also a suggestion to the kiddies, too. I can see how you might not think of this as a suggestion. She gave up on Jesus for living on Venus, all dressed up with nowhere to go.
#190539005Sunday, June 05, 2016 11:11 PM GMT

I really love this thread, OP. Nobody understands the logics anymore, so there's no point getting it in their heads. Because nobody hasn't yet, I want to be the first to give lots of kudos for this thread. I may share this link around with my friends.
#190540798Sunday, June 05, 2016 11:37 PM GMT

@Dragon I know. The lack of logic and reason in this community hurts me a little. I mean I'm not saying I don't do or say stupid things from time to time. But still, thanks for the nice comment. Means a lot. She gave up on Jesus for living on Venus, all dressed up with nowhere to go.
#190542183Sunday, June 05, 2016 11:56 PM GMT

#190548393Monday, June 06, 2016 1:22 AM GMT

^what She gave up on Jesus for living on Venus, all dressed up with nowhere to go.
#190548522Monday, June 06, 2016 1:24 AM GMT

Thank you for spelling this out to those who are unaware of the benefits of removing tickets.
#190553253Monday, June 06, 2016 2:29 AM GMT

Good job. Actually giving reason to removing tix. I honestly thought of them as useless. R$249 The moment Roblox does what you want and not what you need, is the day that Roblox dies. -ArchKnight99
#190554138Monday, June 06, 2016 2:43 AM GMT

Wow, support. I just lost it with S&I a few days ago and all I been doing is to give out stupid miniature rants with reason which don't even hold consistency. I'd just like to thank people who acknowledge that ROBLOX isn't going to uphold a petition without reason due to ROBLOX's own choices.
#190592992Monday, June 06, 2016 7:54 PM GMT

bump She gave up on Jesus for living on Venus, all dressed up with nowhere to go.
#190593646Monday, June 06, 2016 8:03 PM GMT

Well. As you do have a point, the only use of robux is buying virtual hats or gear or getting more, unless you have OBC AND tons of robux to make 250 USD dollars. Anyways, that contradicts this bit. ' Having virtual cash and hats to make your avatar edgy and cool isn't what the game is about.' Yes it really is. Also, you need money to make money. You need to hire GFX, advertise your game, perhaps hire other scripters or builders if you want a good game. So I believe that daily login is beneficial to the community because it will increase game output. Better games will make it to the front page, and that means fun for everyone!
#190594360Monday, June 06, 2016 8:14 PM GMT

tldr c: | I need a new siggy ;/ | R$447
#190594771Monday, June 06, 2016 8:20 PM GMT

Well explained and formatted explanation as to explain why ROBLOX doesn't just hand out tix/robux anymore. Although not really a 'suggestion', it is good to post here as many of the 'suggestions' in this forum are regarding tix or more ways to 'earn' robux. I completely support this thread. rut.acs://eV
#190595487Monday, June 06, 2016 8:31 PM GMT

#190597750Monday, June 06, 2016 9:03 PM GMT

Good job. Actually giving reason to removing tix. I honestly thought of them as useless. [2] 2012 account terminated in August. Since then all I do is speak my mind.
#190597809Monday, June 06, 2016 9:03 PM GMT

It happened again ._. i always end up reposting Archs logic lol
#190598031Monday, June 06, 2016 9:06 PM GMT

I think all of you in this thread should read this: http://pastebin.com/zwKTR96y If you can't read it because it is too long, than please stay off this part of the forum cause not all only does it talk about the future of roblox, it takes about the economy. I highly suggest you read this before spouting stuff like: "Nbcers need to gtfo and stop begging you idiots."[3] Gotta Go Gaming!
#190603160Monday, June 06, 2016 10:19 PM GMT

^If you are talking about me then you have the wrong idea, buddy. She gave up on Jesus for living on Venus, all dressed up with nowhere to go.
#190629096Tuesday, June 07, 2016 4:28 AM GMT

bump She gave up on Jesus for living on Venus, all dressed up with nowhere to go.
#190629239Tuesday, June 07, 2016 4:31 AM GMT

why are you guys supporting this - like, why are you supporting this when there's no need
#190651983Tuesday, June 07, 2016 4:52 PM GMT

Not reading pastebin due to risk of a virus.

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