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#190543806Monday, June 06, 2016 12:16 AM GMT

I've worked on many different projects outside of ROBLOX in the past, such as one MMO that ended up not going through but had a semi-large fan base. Now focusing on film and freelance work, been doing work for many businesses and individuals. I can provide specifics if needed. Been doing work in film for about 7 years and music composition for 8. Been getting into design for the past 4 years. Again, I will provide examples over a private message, but I don't feel comfortable giving out links directly on the forum. If you have a need for my services, I am willing to do it for free if it an interesting project. I also have experience in web development/design if needed. Again, willing to provide work if needed via private message. Let me know, R2D2Builder
#190544058Monday, June 06, 2016 12:19 AM GMT

I'm purely looking for experience, which is why I am offering these services for free. I'd also love to learn more about development on ROBLOX and would love to one day be developing my own game. So I am also willing to do some development if you are willing to show me the ropes.
#190545197Monday, June 06, 2016 12:34 AM GMT

Unemployment strikes again! Welcome to Roblox , the developing area of college students who need money to afford their grades with Dex Ex. Have fun! :) Here's some free dev (building/scripting) tutorial made by Roblox themselve on their channel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkMLcBPXHUA&list=PLuEQ5BB-Z1PLiLI_As4MC3SMS5Gwbwl40
#190545398Monday, June 06, 2016 12:37 AM GMT

Did you read my post to completion? I clearly said " If you have a need for my services, I am willing to do it for free if it an interesting project." I'm not doing this for money, just wanting to gain experience.

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