#191334053Thursday, June 16, 2016 10:19 PM GMT

(Not entirely sure the helicopter is friend or foe so I'll just write an introduction post for now.) [ Clint Morales ] Meanwhile, on the ledge of a tall skyscraper, sat Clint in his titanium form, eating a triangle-cut peanut butter and jelly sandwich. It had been lunch break for all of the students at Utopolis High and he had decided to climb up a building and eat there. Clint had been at that stage where he had friends, but they wouldn't be worried if he was nowhere to be found during lunch. Besides, he preferred this tall building rather a dirty wooden table. At least he could look at the amazing view from above. Clint spotted the JUSTICE building, which was quite easy despite it being bigger than the current skyscraper he sat on. "Man, one day...I'll be in that building listening to the mission plans, heh, perhaps even give orders. One day..." Clint spoke, placing his empty bag which once held a sandwich inside a brown bag. He looked down at his bulky silver watch, which happened to show the time below the red button. "Few more minutes 'til I better head back." He sighed, wishing he would be able to stay longer. Clint looked back up and sighed once more. He lifted his arms into his eyesight and looked at them for a silent moment. "Even after three months, Clint still doesn't know if this is yet a good thing or a curse." Clint narrated, chuckling softly and feeling his odd titanium skin. He thought as he did so, what it would feel like to have his human hand touch his titanium hand. What would it feel like? From the skin of his hand to the metal of his other hand, what would the titanium feel like? Clint shook his head, sighing for a third time. Clearly, he would never know. "I better head back now." The kid put all of his trash into the brown lunch bag and threw it on the scraper roof. Turning back around to the ledge, Clint slammed his palm onto the big red button of his watch and a blast of purple and blue energy formed around him, changing the skin, hair, and eyes of the user. Soon, he looked human. Clint smiled a bit. This was his favorite part of lunch on the scraper. Clint closed his eyes and performed a cannonball into the air, gaining speed. He suddenly grabbed ahold of the wall and flung himself towards the building, but then, before he could hurt himself on the building wall, he vanished. Clint suddenly appeared in a cannonball position, rolling on the grass of Utopolis High. He laughed, ignoring both the whiplash and the pain. The teenager picked himself back up and ran towards the school yard where everyone ate their lunch.
#191335671Thursday, June 16, 2016 10:46 PM GMT

(The helicopter is from the Soviet Union who decided to ally with Utopolis, so even though the are very wary, you could consider them friendly. You would also probably be able to tell it was from the Soviet Union because of the red star on it.) ~The Red Hero~ After an excruciatingly long time, the helicopter began to drop altitude and lower towards the military base. Strangely, as the helicopter lowered, Matvei began to consider his situation a little bit more. War was declared, yes, but he doubted it would be as horrible as the things he had seen. Just look at these buildings and this scenery! It made him think about the whole communism thing for a moment, but brushed the thought off quickly as if someone was reading his mind right now. Then again, he was dealing with people with powers, and he had no idea of knowing who was on his side and who wanted to stomp the world into gravy. He decided not to make a judgement this early on- at this moment, his comrades were his fellow Red Army soldiers, his leaders, and the people at JUSTICE. Hopefully that would change for the better. After a little while longer which seemed like hours, the helicopter landed safely in the Soviet military base in Utopolis. He stood up and took the golden moment to finally stretch his legs. He and the pilot had somewhat become friends over the flight, so he decided to say goodbye to him for now. In Russian, he said to the pilot: "Thanks for flying me here, my friend. Have a safe journey." Matvei said to the pilot with a smile, to which the pilot jokingly responded: "Heh heh, it's no problem, comrade. If you thought your flight was long, now I have to fly all the way back, as well!" The pilot replied, a somewhat cheesy grin on his face. "Oh ho ho, God help you!" Matvei retorted, and they both waved each other goodbye as Matvei disembarked the helicopter. His uniform was definitely worn and had seen better days, but could you blame him? He would have probably hugged moss if it meant giving him some cover. In fact, he probably has. Matvei disembarked to see a powerful sight. It was two rows of his fellow Red Army soldiers, stood with perfect posture like a Soviet soldier should, one row leading from a little bit away from the door leading to the military base to the helipad, and the other row exactly the same, except on the opposite side as the other row. Matvei began approaching the door to the military base, and as he did, the Red Army soldiers saluted him as he walked in between the two rows. He had to admit- he has had this type of thing happen to him before on a lot of occasions, but he felt a really strong sense of pride every time it happened. It felt like the people he saw die, the people he killed, the betrayal... It was worth it. Best not to get too excited, though- it would be pretty embarrassing to have his Russian Pride power occur right now.
#191336733Thursday, June 16, 2016 11:01 PM GMT

(Creating my hero, it's name is Subject 1. What should I make it look like?)
#191337178Thursday, June 16, 2016 11:07 PM GMT

(Well, if it's a robot, then you should probably give it some robotic characteristics. Also, we probably need some villain characters. We have like 6 heroes and 1 villain. I'm probably wrong on those numbers because I didn't go back to check.)
#191340941Friday, June 17, 2016 12:02 AM GMT

Name: Subject 1 Age: 1 year since creation Gender: Android Occupation: Prototype Battle Robot Appearance: Subject 1 is a shiny metal humanoid robot. It's head is a metal cylinder with a blue glass dome in front in the middle of the front of the head. It's torso is a metal vertical block, with a blue screen in the middle of it. It has 2 armored metal hands that float by it's body that look like metal gloves, but a blue dot is behind each hand. It's legs are metal with metal boots. The boots have a blue dot underneath each boot. Personality: Subject 1 only speaks to show it's status, but it can make it's dome flash green or red to respond to a question. Subject 1 will obey all JUSTICE orders, but when not obeying orders, it is always trying to patrol the skyscraper. History: Subject 1 was created by the government to help JUSTICE help fight evil with other battle robots. However, VILE raided the factory Subject 1 was being created, destroying all the robots except Subject 1, which was badly damaged after JUSTICE heroes defeated the villains. Subject 1 was barely ready for battle, and it took a long time to repair. After repairs are done, Subject 1 is deployed to the Skyscraper, ready for battle. Other: None Alias: The Guard Power[s]: Upgraded Super Strength. Subject 1 will boost it's strength if it's nearly destroyed, but it only lasts for 10 seconds and has a cooldown of 1 minute. DANGER will show on the Guard's screen while the power is activated. Laser: Subject 1 can fire fast but weak laser blasts with it's gloves at enemies. Supersuit: Subject 1's glass dome and screen will turn dark red until battle is over. After the battle is over, Subject 1 will turn it's dome and screen green, then after a few seconds, the screen turns back to blue. Catchphrase: "BATTLE SYSTEM ACTIVATED." Affiliation: JUSTICE Origin Story: Guard is the battle system of Subject 1. It was created to help Subject 1 fight evil, and the system was slightly damaged after the raid. However, after the repairs, Guard has been repaired and ready for battle. (If declined, may I have criticism?)
#191342197Friday, June 17, 2016 12:21 AM GMT

(Accepted, but be warned, I will accept only VILE CSes until they're more than halfway equal to the amount of JUSTICE CSes.)
#191342741Friday, June 17, 2016 12:30 AM GMT

(Alright, dunno what a villain should be. Another robot, but VILE captured it and reprogrammed it?)
#191343092Friday, June 17, 2016 12:35 AM GMT

(...At this point, anyway. Possibly, BTW.)
#191347885Friday, June 17, 2016 1:44 AM GMT

If you don't mind me asking, when was VILE & JUSTICE created?
#191348487Friday, June 17, 2016 1:52 AM GMT

(VILE was made during 1967. JUSTICE, 1971.)
#191365608Friday, June 17, 2016 6:59 AM GMT

(Marc, I don't mean to be rude, but do you have a CS?)
#191366505Friday, June 17, 2016 7:29 AM GMT

#191368559Friday, June 17, 2016 8:59 AM GMT

(I'm going to have to delay my shrinking hero then. I'll be working on a villain/VILE character as we speak.)
#191372603Friday, June 17, 2016 12:42 PM GMT

Name: Sean O'Neil Age: Twenty Five Gender: Male Occupation: An Art Teacher - Member of VILE Appearance: Sean has a short black greased and combed 70's cut on his head with strangely orange pupils in his eyes. His jaw has been shaved completely showing a face with an odd shine to it. Before his 'change', Sean wore thickish glasses, but not 100% thick. Sean's body is quite thin but still a strong man. As a teacher, he wears brown pants with black shoes below. He often wears a sky blue long sleeve buttoned shirt under a navy blue vest. Above the vest is a normal red tie and a brown jacket. When not teaching, Sean wears a clean white shirt with a brown greaser jacket above. Below the jacket and shirt is a pair of blue skinny jeans and black boots. This appearance obviously gives him that 'cool guy' look. Personality: Sean has a split personality disorder: one for teaching, one for outside of teacher, and one for being a villain. As a teacher, he can be a bit paranoid about his students getting answers right and staying quiet in class. As a civilian, he has this greaser thing going on where he is seen riding a motorbike. Almost instantly after the school day ends, he would change into his greaser outfit and get on his bike. Finally, as a villain, he acts as the perfect "I will destroy you!" villain with a cliché touch. History: Sean O'Neil, a failing cartoonist seeks help when his full time job as an artist is taken by another artist, Dillion Miles. He receives help from a fake titled company VILE gave itself; Lang Industries, which was supposedly going to give him a job as an advertiser for this 'company' so more people will buy their products. Sean was easily betrayed and was put into a tube, where a group of scientist injected Quamlitan (Claw-Lit-Ian) into his blood stream and DNA. This caused his brain to go insane, potentially giving him split personalities. Once taken out of the tube, the leader of VILE, General Mamba, explained Quamlitan. The Quamlitan injected into Sean caused himself to gain the manipulative ability of animation. This meant whatever he drew could become either a 2D being stuck on walls or flat surfaces, or a 3 Dimensional being, controlled by Sean. Sean fled from VILE into a local forest and found out he could also animate fire, earth, water, and months later, ice. By now, Sean O'Neil was supposedly missing by the public until a year later, when he came back, but not normal. Instead he wanted revenge. Not to VILE, but to Dillion Miles, the rival artist. Meanwhile, Miles had been living a successful life as a cartoonist and earning money. Sean broke into his home and murdered Dillion with his own creations. Moments before death, Dillion thought to himself, "From all the graphic novels I had to be making at the moment, I was making a monster one." After Dillion's murder, Sean realized he enjoyed that feeling of exacting revenge and murder, and felt he wanted more. A suit. A record. A name. Sean returned to VILE and killed many scientist until he was face to face with General Mamba. Rather than be executed by all of the members of VILE, he was given what he wanted. A suit of armor, A soon-to-be criminal record, and more importantly, a name. The Animator. Not as evil sounding as General Mamba, but it would do. During the golden age of the Animator, his potential split personality disorder began to act up, and he became an art teacher at a school. That, and a greaser to the public. Sean was still the evil man he was, but with the split personalities, he sometimes even forgot about the Animator, and focused on his normal life. That was until he always received calls from VILE, changing his personality instantly. VILE has often told him they could provide a dorm for him so he would stay the Animator, he has always refused. Perhaps, one day, he may change his mind... Other: When he is in his villain personality, Sean seems to sound like the Shredder from the 80's cartoon. The James Avery one to be exact. Alias: The Animator Power[s]: I have decided to only give Sean one ability because this power can be a bit overpowering at times. Sean O'Neil has the ability to take something inanimate and animate it into the life, whether it's 2D on a wall or 3 Dimensional. However, whatever he animates' actions must be controlled by Sean, meaning he can only make so few things alive without losing energy. If he tried to control too much at once but COULD control it, the situation would be 'Make one move; then make the other move; then the other' with only one or two moving at a time while everything else stood still. This ability also includes turning a normal campfire into a person made from flames, and the same with ice, earth (soil, rocks, and grass), water, and so forth. Sometimes, Sean does not need to find something to animate, as he can animate his own drawings into minions. Seeing he's an Art Teacher, you can imagine these animated drawings won't be Stickmen. Supersuit: Sean wears a black skin tight costume from his neck down with white streamlines located around the edges. Above the skin tight suit are small stone gray pieces of armor on his elbows, shoulders, knees, pelvic area, chest, feet, and hands. The armor around his hands don't block his fingers nor does the black suit. This allows him to touch inanimate objects to change them. And to top that appearance off, Sean wears a majestic maroon cape, which at night, can change from maroon to a dark violet color. For a helmet, Sean wears this: Sean's eyes are visible through this mask and as you know, they are orange, so it gives the helmet a weird glow. (I tried to go for some sort of Shredder look from TMNT, where he wears a small layered helmet with his eyes visible.) Catchphrase: "...Prepare to witness my creations!" Affiliation: VILE Origin Story: View History. (BOY did that take awhile! I just came up with two other villains with a Bebop and Rocksteady personality. If we ever need more villains, I can work on the idea.)
#191372701Friday, June 17, 2016 12:46 PM GMT

Skimmed. Gonna say accepted. :)
#191372945Friday, June 17, 2016 12:56 PM GMT

(I read it all, and well done on the CS, Rox. It looks really good. :) ) (Also, Pawz, if you don't mind me asking, are you going to participate in the RP?)
#191372983Friday, June 17, 2016 12:57 PM GMT

Well I have this character sheet, and I wrote up my guy's powers but that's about it, lol. I might be doing events.
#191373033Friday, June 17, 2016 12:59 PM GMT

(Oh, okay, lol. That's okay, I was just asking.)
#191373077Friday, June 17, 2016 1:01 PM GMT

(I forgot to add something in the Animator Character Sheet which connects with Clint Morales. During the three months of Clint Morales being the Traveler, The Animator has formed a rivalry with the Titanium Teleporter.) [ Sean O'Neil and Clint Morales ] The art teacher shut his book once the bell had rang. All of the children left the classroom except one. Sean placed the book to a counter and turned to find the young Clint, who was holding a drawing of the Traveler. "What is this?" Sean asked, a bit ticked by this sudden appearance of the drawn Titanium Teleporter. ", drew it. What do you think?" Clint explained, awaiting an answer. "It's..." Sean thought for a moment while dragging on the word 'It's' for too long. As a villain, he would want to destroy the paper with all of his might, but as a teacher, he tried to think of a kind response. "...very, impression..but the color lacks! I think his skin should be red, like his bl-, I mean. I think his skin should be red because...I like the you can see on my tie." "Thanks?" Clint asked, suddenly running off to his next class without a 'Your welcome' from his art teacher.
#191373100Friday, June 17, 2016 1:01 PM GMT

Or maybe I'll live vicariously though the life of Temporal Lass. Idk.
#191374753Friday, June 17, 2016 1:56 PM GMT

(Well, I'll be honest, at some point, someone's going to have to be Temporal Lass, lol.) (Also, do you think it would be okay if we made our own news articles on certain events that happen (for example, massive numbers of Soviet soldiers parading through Utopolis), or would that be an admin-only thing? It's just a suggestion, you don't have to.) (Yet another point, I suppose I'll refer to my character as "Matvei Sorokin" for the most part and only refer to him as "The Red Hero" when he's in combat or something.) ~Matvei Sorokin~ ... Then again, it did come off as a little uncomfortable sometimes. He somewhat awkwardly greeted and thanked his fellow Soviet soldiers in his native language of Russian as he approached the door to the Soviet military base in Utopolis. The helicopter had already taken off and was heading back to its home country, the blades at the top spinning around like windmills. Or, erm. Like a helicopter. Matvei pitied the pilot for having to do double his flight. "Thank you. Yes, thank you. Y- thanks." Matvei mumbled to the soldiers he passed, slightly awkwardly, but hopefully they either respected him too much or just didn't care to notice. He was about to open the door to the inside of the base, but one of the Soviet soldiers opened the door for him, and he was met with just about as many of the soldiers inside, if not more, once again two rows of them, stood shoulder-to-shoulder and at opposite ends of the interior, and stood perfectly upright and at attention like a soldier should. Like he said before, it wasn't as if it hadn't happened before or that he didn't appreciate it, but it was a little uncomfortable. In front of him, a little bit further away, was another man in a black suit and tie with multiple medals on the right side of his suit jacket. He had a brown cane that Matvei was relatively sure that he didn't really need- he was probably only using it to look more sophisticated. He was also wearing a hat which looked like a military officer's cap, but it wasn't one that Matvei recognised. He assumed that this must be some sort of ambassador for Utopolis or something. He wasn't entirely sure. As he got closer to the man, he offered a handshake, and Matvei shook hands in greeting. "Good day, Mr. Sorokin! Did you have a good flight?" The man said to him. He was speaking in English, which Matvei had to take a second to realise. He didn't seem to have a Russian accent, either, so he must have been directly approved or he would have been shot or arrested before he even got here. "Ah, more or less. It is not a short journey from Russia to here, let me tell you!" Matvei replied, still finding time for jokes, to which the man reacted with a short chuckle. They let go of their handshake, and they began walking down a corridor to another room, where the Soviet soldiers that were at the walls stood at attention picked up their weapons simultaneously and began to turn and follow them, forming a sort of wall around them. "Ah hah, I bet! We'll just grab your weapons, and then we'll set you on your way to JUSTICE headquarters, Mr. Sorokin." The man explained, as the rhythmic marching of the soldiers beside them nearly drowned out their conversation. "Alright. Thanks." Matvei simply responded, as he nodded at him and continued to walk down the corridor to an armoury. There were still people on computers and hard at work around them, but even they seemed to be momentarily distracted from what was going on. At the same time, temporary traffic lights and a small number of roadblocks began to be set up around the general area of where the base was and where they were going- no doubt for Matvei and the safety of the soldiers, and no doubt momentarily, but it was probably going to make some people curious.
#191375780Friday, June 17, 2016 2:21 PM GMT

Subject 1 A helicopter flew in near the JUSTICE HQ. Subject 1 was deactivated, with a gray star on it's chest. The metal shone brightly when the sun shone on it. The helicopter landed. "ALL SYSTEMS... ACTIVATED. ACTIVATING PATROL PROGRAM." The glass dome and the screen went from black to blue, and Subject 1 began to head down the Skyscraper, when he saw the roadblocks and weird traffic lights. "UNKNOWN ACTIVITY DETECTED. INVESTIGATING."
#191377464Friday, June 17, 2016 3:00 PM GMT

@supermariobunny go back to rpnation
#191377782Friday, June 17, 2016 3:07 PM GMT

(I don't even know what that is, piano.)
#191378073Friday, June 17, 2016 3:13 PM GMT

(Hey, quick question: Is this also functioning as a crossover RP? Wondering if I should join this or not.)