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#19112941Tuesday, January 05, 2010 9:14 PM GMT

im going to make a track set for big trains. right now i only have a curve.. the space between the 2 rails is 10 studs and they will be placed like blocks (size of 1 block is 188*188 studs, butnote that the track goes thru the middle, so size of the curve is 100 studs instead of 188) im going to add: TRACK PIECES: -few different lenght straights -a douple size curve (4 blocks) -half-curve -a BIG half curve -a divide thingy that divides in 2 and one that divides in 3 and one that divides in 2 but on keeps going straight. -a X crossing -a Car crossing -a train turning yard thingie (a big piece of track that can rotate) -A stop thingie (the one with 2 round thingies, the thing on the end of the track) -Few different bridges TRAINS: -The seasaw cart thingie -A Cool steam train that needs to be loaded with water from water stations (it also needs coal but it cant be reloaded) -A Nice modern train -A "Tank" train that is REALLY heavy, and maybe has few guns on it. -A Electric atom network fusion tokamak train (lul) wich can accelerate to very high speeds, is very stable, and has some automatic systems to keep you safe (like a raycasting device that detects possible collisions and warns you, or a think that drops the carts to ground so they can drive with wheels if it crashes) im going to make the trains have cool guis with some controls, and ill try to make you have the feeling...
#19144219Wednesday, January 06, 2010 12:41 PM GMT

Big curve finished...
#19144642Wednesday, January 06, 2010 1:06 PM GMT

should the track switch buttons be the classic ones (a yellow round thing) or some other? im going to make a thing that shows what direction its going...
#19145180Wednesday, January 06, 2010 1:43 PM GMT

small curves done... now for the bigger ones...
#19145529Wednesday, January 06, 2010 2:02 PM GMT

big curves done... now the few left...
#19145934Wednesday, January 06, 2010 2:34 PM GMT

stop thingie and turning yard left...
#19146105Wednesday, January 06, 2010 2:47 PM GMT

the stopper is glued together, and the parts are anchored, but if its hit (train crashes) it unanchors all the parts and the glues keep it together (so when train hits it the stopper will slow it down but the glues wont last forever tho) and then it regens after some time.
#19146325Wednesday, January 06, 2010 3:03 PM GMT

i think i wont make the bridges as im going to make a bridge that fits the cap if i make one...

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