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#19120709Tuesday, January 05, 2010 11:36 PM GMT

1052 --- The land of Darrel has always been famous for outlaws, from thiefs to murderers to traitor noblemen. But the greatest of all of these criminals are the highlords. They tax, they kill, they do all of the wrong you can think of. But how they got these powers was finally realized- fortune. The gold gets them the power, the power gets them gold, the gold gets them the diamonds, the diamonds get them the jealousy, and the jealousy gets them the hate. And, in the words of my master, "There is no justice until the enemy is rid of all possessions, killed, and sent into a void called afterlife. Perfect execution such as this comes from thieves." -Garrett on deathbed. And, his words were true. The one clear goal for me and many other thieves is to liberate the land. Today you will take the role of a thief of well. My name is Lenìv. I am a thief. WEAPONS LIST (Melee): - Ladro Scelta (A curved dagger. Thief's choice.) - Spada (Usual sword carried by guards.) - Sfregio (A double sided golden battle axe, used only by the Lord's choice, or royal guards.) - Escursioni (A sword with a hidden iron spear at the bottom, connected onto it.) - Vecchio (A double sided spear. Preffered weapon to both royal and thieves.) - Dagger WEAPONS LIST (Ranged): - Regular Wooden Bow - Throwing Knives - Thieves bow (Uses special arrows) ITEMS LIST (All) - Hook of Garrett (A thieves scaling hook. Excellent for going up distances, uses a special grip unit at the end to help scale almost any surface.) - Special Arrows (Vine (Used to help climb. Excellent with HoG), Water (Puts out fires and lights), Noise-making (Shoot it and the special metal clings at the side will make a rattling noise. Excellent for distractions)) - Sling (Shoots a rock and can be used to break a lock.) - Lockpick (up to 5 at once, try not to break them!) - Blackjack (Can be classified as a weapon, but it's a non-lethal club used for knockouts) - Nif (A double ended bar with sicle-like steel pointing to the ground, can be used to make pitfalls. Just hide somewhere and when the person comes near it, push him in.) (ALSO! I will not add Items to the CS because thieves have special packs that sling over their shoulders to carry these.) (Adding CS later.)
#19121128Tuesday, January 05, 2010 11:42 PM GMT

(I got to go. Tell me how you think of it.)
#19131942Wednesday, January 06, 2010 2:15 AM GMT

Name: Age: Appearence: Melee Weapon(s): (Only two!) Ranged Weapon: (Only one!) Race: (Send a PM to me with your race and if I post it on this forum, it's accepted. If it's a wild race, then it won't be a thief, just a creature.) Bio: --- Name: Lenìv Age: 32 Appearence: http://ui19.gamespot.com/2674/garret_2.jpg Melee Weapon(s): Spada, Ladro Scelta Ranged Weapon: Thief Bow Race: Human Bio: A thief determined to get revenge on the highrulers for killing his parents for crimes such as, Assualt, murder, and thievery.
#19132462Wednesday, January 06, 2010 2:23 AM GMT

I'll rp until someone joins. -Lenìv- "Master, are you sure this is a good idea?" I looked down at the bridge crumbling before me. "You said you wanted revenge. Now let's have it! He should be hiding out in that hut at the other side of the bridge. And now, the bridge definetly has something to do with Lord Julien. I'm guessing he cut a cross through the bridge, ran off and hid. And now the bridge is coming down. Do you still have your Thief bow with you?" I nodded my head yes and brung it out. I took a vine arrow, shot it to the other end of the valley, across the bridge, and we gripped our HoGs. He went first, stuck his hook into the fine, jumped down, hung on tight, and went across fast as a bird.
#19134002Wednesday, January 06, 2010 2:51 AM GMT

(Yeah... this is going to die.) -Lenìv- I went next. As I was going across, I accidentally lost my grip. "GARRETT! HELP!" I yelled up as I started to fall. -Garrett- I had two choices, live and stay still, or dive in for him. Trying to save him is a sacrifice, but standing here would give me a feeling of guilt. I decided that a master is a master, and that I would jump in for him and grab his arm, and so I did. -Lenìv- "Garrett! Hold on!" He reached for the rope of the bridge, fortunately I was able to grab it too, but as I got up Garrett fell. "No! I won't let you die!" -Garrett- "A true master protects his student at all times. You're alive, and that's all that matters. Steal their possessions, kill them, and end it with proper burial. Maybe we'll meet again." -Lenìv- I still couldn't let him go. With my free arm, I reached my hook out for him to grab it, but it was too late. My master was gone.
#19158990Wednesday, January 06, 2010 10:18 PM GMT

:( Bump.
#19160183Wednesday, January 06, 2010 10:35 PM GMT

Meh. I don't mind roleplaying alone. -Lenìv- Now that I got myself into this, I couldn't turn back. I climbed the rest of the way and walked up to the house. Maybe I could steal some of his items first, I thought. I climbed up with the HoG, cut a hole into the top of the house with the Nif, and jumped in. I stayed silent and sneaked into his bedroom. Inside I found a chest, a golden Vecchio on the bed, and a necklace. I walked to the chest first, and took out a lockpick. Behind me I heard footsteps, perhaps he was about to go to sleep. I quickly rolled to the wall and stayed close to it as he walked in, yawning. I got up behind him, kicked him in the back, and... There I was. In a prison. In a dirty cotton pair of undergarments, a cheap shirt, and a cut on my wrist.
#19160341Wednesday, January 06, 2010 10:37 PM GMT

Name: Sarah Age: 30 Appearence: black pants and shirt,cape and hood also black,face mask black also Melee Weapon(s): Ladro Scelta Ranged Weapon: throwing knives Race: Human Bio: A thief who steals and tricks people
#19161026Wednesday, January 06, 2010 10:48 PM GMT

i ran swiftly across the rooftops as i was being chased by guards
#19162382Wednesday, January 06, 2010 11:06 PM GMT

(Sarah:Accepted, just one thing- check your appearence, I think you messed up there.)
#19162856Wednesday, January 06, 2010 11:13 PM GMT

(Wait, nevermind. It's alright.) -Lenìv- I looked behind me at other people that I know. All of them were thieves. One of them stared at me in astonishment. "Hey! You're that apprentice of Garrett, aren't ya? I'm sorry for underestimating you before you went into action. I mean, well, you were just so young at the time, so weak... But I know that Garrett only picks the best apprentices. So, let's talk about that other thief that was chosen by Garrett, you know, Sarah..." I just ignored him and checked around the area for something I could use. After a long time I found a bent stick of medal hiding in the corner. I grabbed it, and with all my might, bended it back into a straight position and tried picking the lock. (By the way, all thieves who join this are apprentices of Garrett.)
#19162879Wednesday, January 06, 2010 11:13 PM GMT

sorry Appearence: completely black pants,shirt and cape with hood
#19163459Wednesday, January 06, 2010 11:23 PM GMT

Name: Krow Also know as "The Fox" Age: 15 Appearence: Light green hair,purple eyes, pale skin, and an innocent face. wears black baggy pants and a white vest (no shirt) hair is straight and to his chin. Melee Weapon(s): (Only two!) Ladro Scelta and Veccio Ranged Weapon: (Only one!) Thieves bow Race: (Send a PM to me with your race and if I post it on this forum, it's accepted. If it's a wild race, then it won't be a thief, just a creature.) Human Bio: Just a thieve who was abandoned by his Highruler parents. he wants to kill them.
#19163663Wednesday, January 06, 2010 11:26 PM GMT

i appear out of the shadows outside the cell swiftly taking out the guard with a throwing knife as i picked the lock with little effort i pointed at leniv and gestured him to come follow me
#19164456Wednesday, January 06, 2010 11:38 PM GMT

Name: Illi Age:15 Appearence: Black robe, blue hood. Melee Weapon(s): Spada, Escursioni. Ranged Weapon: Thieves bow. Race: Human Bio:....
#19165442Wednesday, January 06, 2010 11:53 PM GMT

Back. I looked at Sarah. "Stay in stealth. We don't want any attention. Sneak over to that evidence chest at the other side of the hall, pick the lock, and bring my possessions back to me." I whispered.
#19167273Thursday, January 07, 2010 12:23 AM GMT

#19185046Thursday, January 07, 2010 1:56 PM GMT

Yeah, it's like a winter storm where I am, so I'm staying home from school! :D
#19185085Thursday, January 07, 2010 1:58 PM GMT

(me 2) i follow his orders and bring him his possesions
#19185183Thursday, January 07, 2010 2:03 PM GMT

-Lenìv- I grab them, and quickly put my clothes over what I'm currently wearing. I also grab my weapons, items, and arrows. "Alright. I want you to take cover behind that wall, take my bow, shoot a water arrow at the fire, then a noisemaker at the window. It will attract the jailkeeper probably and when he comes you kill him, take his keys, free everyone in this prison, and we'll have an easier time out. Got it?"
#19185293Thursday, January 07, 2010 2:10 PM GMT

"sure" i say taking his bow and taking cover behind the wall.i shoot the water arrow at the fire and the noise maker out the window.i hear the jailkeeper run over and with a flick of the wrist and a well placed throwing knife he is taken care of.i grab the key and unlock the cell.
#19185340Thursday, January 07, 2010 2:12 PM GMT

-Lenìv- "Now that we have them back, guards will be easier, because they don't have as many guards as we do prisoners."
#19185357Thursday, January 07, 2010 2:12 PM GMT

"good idea" i say "now what"
#19185470Thursday, January 07, 2010 2:18 PM GMT

"Ok. The doors just out there. I'll check for traps at the window here and you check traps at the door." I looked around the window and saw a rope leading up to it. Do they really think that we're stupid enough to fall for a conveniently placed rope? I thought. I ran over and joined Sarah at the door.
#19185580Thursday, January 07, 2010 2:25 PM GMT

i looked at the door and admired the lock.it looked diffrent from other locks i waved a peice of wood over it and a dart shot out hitting the wood

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