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#191710714Tuesday, June 21, 2016 9:22 PM GMT

It's Fall in the town you live in, and it's time to go back to school. You're just starting high school, and you don't know anyone at Maplewood High. You're in highschool, and little do you know (or maybe you do know) that there are vampires attending Maplewood High this year. There might be romance, there might be death, but the one thing that the vampires fight so hard against is humans knowing what they are. Because if humans find out, everything is over. Rules: 1. ROBLOX's rules apply, so make sure you have read and understand all of them. 2. Please post at least one good-sized paragraph, meaning at least 10 sentances, and no two or three word sentances. NOONE LINERS!!!!!!!!! THEY GIVE ME CLUSTER HEADACHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3. Make sure you read everything on this page, because it's important. 4. Please don't post random things here, and wait until I have made a discussion thread to post character forms. 5. Keep your posts neat and pretty, I don't care whether or not you use coding, colors, or all that jazz, but make everything look nice. 6. Please post at least three times a week. I know it's a lot to ask, but I don't want to waste any time sitting around waiting for someone to post and advance the story. If you're going to be gone for any reason and won't be able to post, please PM me to let me know and I can tell people. 7. You may put pictures in your posts, but don't cram everything you do with pictures. 8. Pictures of your character must be appropriate, which means (even for vampires) no blood, gore, or anything else that can scare people easily, because this website has many users under the age of 18 on it, and even some people over 18 get easily scared. 9. Your character may not drink/smoke in this RP. Also, no swearing, even minor swearing, no using the H-Word, even when using it as the name of the place, and no using the word God in bad ways, because many people get easily offended by that. No starring out swear words either, and no saying "he/she swore quietly" or anything like that. 10. Don't break my rules, because I will have to kick you out for it. 11. Please use real photos, including pet photos. (Yes, you are allowed to make ONE pet, but only one.). This means no anime, no art, no nothing besides real life people because it's stealing. 12. You can make up to 2 characters, but only ONE vampire, because I know a lot of people want to make vampires. 13. Once the RP has started, please do not make new characters. Also, don't make a new vampire if all the vampire roles are taken, and the same goes for humans. 14. Keep the genders 95% minimum even, please. If you see that there are 5 girls and 3 boys, don't make two girl characters, because I won't accept. 15. Don't start posting on the RP until I say that your form is accepted. 16. No god-modding/powerplaying. It's annoying and not allowed. Vampires can be hurt just as easily as humans, and more information about vampires is in this post. 17. Ages are 15-19, that's it! Vampire Information: Vampires are not super powerful, so I wanted to explain some of the things they can do. They drink blood, of course. They also eat human food, though. Their diet is basically the same as that of a human, but instead of drinking human liquids, they drink blood. They can drink animal blood or human blood, both quench their thirst. Some vampires choose to drink human liquids, like water and soda, but it doesn't taste as good to them and they still want blood, although it's not a dire need. Also, all vampires have red eyes. However, they wear contacts to hide their eye color. They only take out the contacts to change them (normally), and don't show humans. Humans are not supposed to know about vampires, so the vampires keep it secret. They try not to mingle with humans too much, and relationships aren't supposed to happen, because the vampire society strongly frowns upon it. Vampires do not have superspeed or superstrength or magic powers or anything like that. Character Forms: Picture: Name: Age: Gender: Species: Positive Traits: Negative Traits: Physical Description: Pet:(Put N/A if they don't have one.) Other:
#191711231Tuesday, June 21, 2016 9:28 PM GMT

Man you are really persistent. I've seen you post this exact same RP in this forum before I was Perambulation. I just ask if you think this is even worth it anymore? Why not actually create a fun little RP for us to join and critique. Why not try to actually improve your RP skills and be respected for once in this forum? It's just a little frustrating to see you "troll".
#191711890Tuesday, June 21, 2016 9:37 PM GMT

Wait she's a troll? I always thought that she was serious about this. Minty, you disappoint me.
#191714256Tuesday, June 21, 2016 10:09 PM GMT

I also very distinctively remember this the first time around. I recall cracking jokes about Covenant blood being blue.
#191725056Wednesday, June 22, 2016 12:30 AM GMT

Honestly, I'm not sure why she's even still doing it on this forum specifically. She has the whole wide web to post stolen roleplay stories and Transformer po-rn, and yet she hasn't branched out to any other website.
#191726044Wednesday, June 22, 2016 12:44 AM GMT

I think Minty is an OTer
#191726408Wednesday, June 22, 2016 12:49 AM GMT

#191726475Wednesday, June 22, 2016 12:50 AM GMT

"NOONE LINERS!!!!!!!!! THEY GIVE ME CLUSTER HEADACHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" How do you know what it's like to have one of your joiners in an RP just post one-liners even though none of them are successful and you've never gotten a single joiner?
#191813409Thursday, June 23, 2016 2:34 AM GMT

#191813906Thursday, June 23, 2016 2:41 AM GMT

lel the rules are bigger than the story itself and i swear that bump ignores the previous people
#191814387Thursday, June 23, 2016 2:48 AM GMT

Minty is someones alt here and they do it for the lulz every once in a while.
#191824664Thursday, June 23, 2016 5:34 AM GMT

... Are you Minty, then?
#191824959Thursday, June 23, 2016 5:39 AM GMT

Shhh... Let it be a mystery, Stilts. I'm not in the mood for a big mind bomb right about now.
#191873124Thursday, June 23, 2016 11:15 PM GMT

No, I just happen to know who is.
#191873270Thursday, June 23, 2016 11:17 PM GMT

Is it roquinah? It's roquinah, isn't it.
#191876574Friday, June 24, 2016 12:07 AM GMT

Spell my username correctly and no, it's not me. I don't make alts just to troll an entire sub-forum.
#191894537Friday, June 24, 2016 4:18 AM GMT

ooooo i love a good mystery! c'mon, tell us!
#191898678Friday, June 24, 2016 5:20 AM GMT

I bet you 5 bucks it's Tikobe.
#191898945Friday, June 24, 2016 5:24 AM GMT

his alibi is that he hasn't here for a while he could've made minty then when he got bored he claimed that he came back now that he's back, the activity of minty has increased perfect!
#191899511Friday, June 24, 2016 5:35 AM GMT

Bruh! I turn away for one glass of tea and next thing I know, I'm being accused of being minty. Stilts, even you know that if I was gonna make an alt account and post terrible rps (Which, in all truth, sounds really appealing) I'd do a fantasy one. You yourself have accused me of being way too into that genre.
#191899600Friday, June 24, 2016 5:36 AM GMT

well this IS modern fantasy
#191900912Friday, June 24, 2016 6:00 AM GMT

Point made.
#191912723Friday, June 24, 2016 12:44 PM GMT

Seems reasonable, but why did Stilts think that Minty is my alt?
#191915065Friday, June 24, 2016 1:52 PM GMT

You were the first poster after Minty, although I'm really just wildly speculating here. Anyone who has a chance of being Minty is going to get fingers pointed at them, even me! So it's a good thing that there is no possible way that I could in any way shape or form being mintyvampire. ... or am I?
#191917357Friday, June 24, 2016 2:40 PM GMT

"I think Minty is an OTer" as an oter I can confirm this

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