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#192378823Wednesday, June 29, 2016 11:03 PM GMT

As I return to ROBLOX to clean things out I've taken into notice the groups of role players for popular games have slowly became more and more cancerous. A term used often, yes, but what I mean by this is that people are constantly thinking differently like humans should, just starting problems as they do so. With the complaints provided by " serious " critique and the game production the creators must avoid taking them to heart. When you spend time on something you find interesting it can also be very boring for you. Example would be creating a game and finding learning scripting, building and other necessities you must learn as you go into the industry of creation and taking into notice that everything requires time. Time you could be doing something else that can keep you excited for that period of usage, but with game creation you must spend time indulging a boring process of thought, plan, interruption and version. These things are what form a game's finished product and let the players explore the world you have created with time you have spent. That being expressed and explained, I move on to the issue of the players. When rules are established you are required to follow them and whatnot, but when you happen to be confronted by an admin or moderator, or just someone trusted with powers, it is an automatic instinct to find something to defend with. Such being a small gap in the rule, trying to turn the subject by bending it and excusing yourself with a alibi like " that isn't specified ". Staff members must deal with this each day as it is their duty, or job, to do so. So, why do people do this? Well, when you are in some sort of community or simply a group, you want to strive to be known. You want to feel acknowledged by higher-ups and given the right to command. This is known in the human race as the lust for power, or just lust in general. We become greedy if we're not in check, that is why we have mature, experienced superiors. But when someone cannot see themselves as a person of importance they decide to become known through complaints, accusations and constant conspiracy. These players are titled " cancerous ", which is quite fitting. They manipulate others into believing their accusations and joining them until finally they have a small group of trouble makers. What these people do is just make it not fun for anyone, so try to avoid these people. The only recommendation I can provide is to stay away from them, ignore them or just don't care. Seriously, people care so much about the virtual world they inflict themselves into drama. It's stupid.. Anyways, thanks for reading if you got this far, leave your thoughts below if you wish. Enjoy role playing and don't be cancerous. :)
#192378954Wednesday, June 29, 2016 11:05 PM GMT

Learn to use paragraphs and the enter/return key, please.
#192378974Wednesday, June 29, 2016 11:05 PM GMT

this is roleplaying forums tho you only talked about role playing games it alright
#192379108Wednesday, June 29, 2016 11:07 PM GMT

learn to get rekt m88888 oohhhh111
#192379194Wednesday, June 29, 2016 11:08 PM GMT

I can't be bothered to read word walls.
#192381064Wednesday, June 29, 2016 11:38 PM GMT

I tired reading this but I can't understand all of it so I might say a few wrong things. I'm guesting some people want to be cancerous because they think the community isn't going right and needs more help. But sometimes wouldn't cancerous would be a good thing. They can help or teach us a lesson about something else. But I'm just confused by this huge paragraph.
#192381446Wednesday, June 29, 2016 11:43 PM GMT

I can't be bothered to read word walls. [3]
#192382559Wednesday, June 29, 2016 11:57 PM GMT

#192383145Thursday, June 30, 2016 12:06 AM GMT

I have read this three times and hardly understand what you said. Please use paragraphs and commas. Also, I have no idea what you are getting at. You are legit the only person I know who you explained as cancerous. You are the only one I have seen lusting for power, the only one saying things for attention by higher ups, and looking for the right to command. You wanted to be a mod, and look over there? Xenh? Wowie. Really works, eh Excidious?
#192383215Thursday, June 30, 2016 12:07 AM GMT

I am unsure why you would post this, or what it is supposed to get at.
#192383918Thursday, June 30, 2016 12:17 AM GMT

Support [2] HOW TO WIN AT MAKING GAMES: dantdm.
#192385413Thursday, June 30, 2016 12:39 AM GMT

#192385668Thursday, June 30, 2016 12:43 AM GMT

"Analysis" Suuuuuuuure.
#192404606Thursday, June 30, 2016 5:08 AM GMT

tl;dr Absolutely nobody cares.
#192408435Thursday, June 30, 2016 6:20 AM GMT

And then we have Deshoras, lord of keyboard combat, patron saint of virtue signallers. Well, that is if a really mundane "Leave" is at the top of the bar. Piss off, you're just as bad by pretending to be some higher standard of human when you're equally trying too hard to sound intelligent and 'insightful'. Shove that ego far up the arse.
#192409410Thursday, June 30, 2016 6:38 AM GMT

you think im gonna read that im not even gonna read the one with paragraphs im just gonna call you a feg feg 𝒇𝓪𝓴𝒆 𝓪 𝓼𝓶𝓲𝓵𝒆
#192417786Thursday, June 30, 2016 11:40 AM GMT

@LN No, that was 1 paragraph. Theres no limit on a paragraph. Theres run-on scentances, But not 'Run-on Paragraphs' ;)
#192425277Thursday, June 30, 2016 3:16 PM GMT

#192427017Thursday, June 30, 2016 3:46 PM GMT


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