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#192802562Monday, July 04, 2016 7:49 PM GMT

Here you can find the official list of management positions for our group with detailed information regarding each position and whom holds that position. Chief Executive Officer: -AndrewOfPeace President of Operations: -good-evening Universal Creative President: -DrKevin Creative Directors: -kbg123 [Attractions] -ToxicBlockCsc [Events-HHN] Show Development Director: -AndrewJamenson Board of Directors: -banterr [Security Director] -kingAdminRoblox [Ride Development Director] -TeamUsaBoss [HHN Director] -Vritix [Technical Development Director] -Roboloxesss [Park Operations Director] Universal Creative Design: -AidanThDev -DrAmy -UniversalHiacro Universal Creative Technical: -DanzLua Managers: -N/A [LAST UPDATE: 7/4/2016 | 3:47PM EST]

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