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#192906938Wednesday, July 06, 2016 12:54 AM GMT

"JACK!" *facepalm* "B-ut i-i ughhhh sor-RY!" "I-I just never mind. forget it." "This is the second time this WEEK you have burned yourself!" "Whatever..." "You do NOT talk to your mother like that!" "I can do whatever i WANT, bossy!" *GASP* "Go to your room, mister!" "fine." >:O Dear journal-diary thingy I wish mom wasn't so BOSSY all the time! I mean, COME ON! I just said "whatever!" she is just SOOO sensitive. She needs a counselor or SOMETHING. Hopefully she doesn't read any of my LAST journals...heheh Dear diary, NOOOOOO my dog just SCRATCHED up my whole bed! (I wish she did that to mom) Dear diary, MOM, DO YOU WANNA KNOW HOW I FEEL?? YOU ARE AN OVERREACTING, WEIRD, MEAN, TERRIBLE, BAD, AGRESSIVE--um--POTATO WHO DOESN'T CARE ENOUGH DO EVEN GIVE ME A TOY CAR!!!!! Wait, where ARE my journals??? OH NO I FORGOT. MOM TOOK MY JOURNALS. SHE'S GONNA LOOK AT THEM. AND SHE'LL SEE WHAT I WROTE AND I'LL BE GROUNDED!! This is what i'm talking about. BAD CHILD CARE. They're MY journals, after all. I mean, WHO DOES THAT? Well, I'm already grounded for TWO MORE MONTHS, Thanks to that advertisement... "Your child could be doing ANYTHING. Make sure you are taking care of your child and making sure he/she is doing the right thing or make sure they are staying safe everywhere or with everything they do." I hate ads. Do you wanna know how i'm ALREADY grounded? My other journals. Yep. Right after that "opposite-of-awesome" or TERRIBLE ad, she did it. She looked at my journals. For some reason she got these weird, FIVE-PAGED journals and called them, "Starter journals" I have been using journals for the past 5 years. She STILL hasn't gotten me a REAL journal yet. I guess she doesn't think i can handle 370-paged writing books. Don't blame her, I still read KINDERGARTEN books. I guess by age 12, I SHOULD be getting to read biographies and stuff. But I don't believe in school If i read big books, It'll waste by brain power and leave me "Pea-Brained" BUT I CAN HANDLE WRITING! IT'S MY BEST SUBJECT!!!!!! ANYWAYSSS...I kinda, sort of, probably, maybe started dancing on my table I DON'T KNOW WHY I'M DUMB! So yeah i was dancing on my table and i um, broke not only the table, but my dog's paw, MY left arm (GOTTA CARE ABOUT ME PEOPLE) my left leg, and knocked some teeth out...yeahhhhh sorry world what have i done i am the next ULTRON! :( WHAT'S GONNA HAPPEN NEXT?? find out in the next one (link will be posted when finished)
#192910262Wednesday, July 06, 2016 1:34 AM GMT

thought this was gonna be a fresh prince of bel air meme 0/10 kek
#192910753Wednesday, July 06, 2016 1:39 AM GMT

This was honestly pretty terrible "DUPLO!? I'LL 'DUPLO' YOU IN THE NUTBAG!" | Term'd. Add 12k posts.

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