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#192942365Wednesday, July 06, 2016 12:55 PM GMT

-----------------------------GROUP INVESTIGATOR APPLICATION----------------------------- Hello! Here you can fill out the ( GI ) Group investigator application. When you are done with the application you send it to the Head of Administration 'skypefan1477'. -------------------------------APPLICATION---------------------------------------------- Question 1: What is scamming? Question 2: What is the task of a 'Group investigator'? Question 3: Are Group investigators allowed to HOST trainings? Question 4: Are group investigator allowed to CO-HOST trainings? Question 5: What woud you do with a member that is scamming? Question 6: Name five qualities of your self. Question 7: U have any experience as 'Group investigator'? Question 8: How active are you? Question 9: Shoud you suspend somebody for scamming Question 10: Why shoud we pick you? END OF APPLICATION. -------------------------------END OF APPLICATION--------------------------------------- When you are done you send the application to: Skypefan1477 ( HEAD OF ADMINISTRATION ). In 1-2 days you will hear if you are accepted/denied. Greetings, Head of Administration Skype.

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