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#193009131Thursday, July 07, 2016 4:16 AM GMT

Hey there, so I'm making a RP game and as I don't RP I would like to know what actual RPrs would like to have / what they love in a RP game (exemples: morph changing, morph cahnging, housing system, name changer, bio, job, etc) Leave suggestions in the comments and thank you!
#193009218Thursday, July 07, 2016 4:17 AM GMT

We don't want games. We want Forum RP's. Sorry, that's what this subforum is for.
#193009493Thursday, July 07, 2016 4:22 AM GMT

I don't know when it was decided that game rpers and forum rpers were separate. Most people in RP games will go based on the setting instead of a story. A name changer is a must for any RP game, possibly bios. Morphs are also good considering the sheer amount of free players. Other than that, try seeing for yourself in RP games to see what type of trends are made and try to meet those trends. This is why games such as Darkened Dawn and Eternal Moon are so much more popular than Starship Roleplay, because of trends that are set. But then, don't create exact copies of the trend, or else you'll have a situation where DD is basically EM but larger scale and more forgiving to sci-fi elements.
#193009617Thursday, July 07, 2016 4:24 AM GMT

Forum RP'ers here. Use text-based roleplay. Game roleplayers do not. Seems simple enough.
#193010165Thursday, July 07, 2016 4:33 AM GMT

The thread is already here, so it is to late to change it. Really don't think you should post here, though. I think there is a game forum for these ideas, but I'm going to be nice because of nostalgia. Most people who do participate in RP games want a semi-open world setting so that they can adapt it to whatever story they want; if the setting is a town, or a city, a house system is popular. Not exactly needed, but without one annoying players may argue over whose house is whose. It is different if you want a more of a fantasy setting. Name changers are also more popular, and so are those bio GUIs? I personally never saw the use for them, but that is because I quickly moved from RP games to forums because I prefer the written aspect. The only time I go on a game is when I'm fooling around with my friends. It's funny to see characters who decide they are 50% angel, 50% cat, and 50% demon. Ha. Basically, keep the world semi-open, and adaptable to a story. Allow players a chance to create their characters, whether it be with a name changer / bio guide, or some morphing options.
#193027232Thursday, July 07, 2016 12:16 PM GMT


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