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#193112991Friday, July 08, 2016 12:27 PM GMT

PROLOGUE: Icarus: Badlands - Long after the Great War, the deserts of Icarus were left desolate and destroyed. Many began to ravage what was left of the broken world. An organization led by Rylock, began to harness advanced technology and arithmetics to create a better world for being... A world before the Great War. LOCATIONS: New Albion - The city is located above the endless prairies of the north. It is a developing city and most of its economy is built on trade and tourism. It is used as a port by many industrial cities such as Reka and Alera. The population consists mostly of humans and bephians. Orians, Thundermaws and Alikans are often enslaved and forced to fight in the arena as an amusement to the wealthy. It is also home to many developing guilds. Most of the people are employed as industrial workers, either in New Albion or traveling to one of the cities nearby. The skyfleet takes care of the defense of the city as it protects the trade nodes. Though the pirates are decreasing, there are still some causing trouble on the trade nodes. The Prairies of the North - The prairies seem endless. Down there life is harsh and unforgiving. It very little cities - the best known of them is Steamson, a small town filled with criminals and other outlaws. It's main population is Thundermaws, Orians and Draconids that live either alone or in tribes. GAEA - It's the most green part of the planet. It has a lot of forests that are home to tribes and small villages. It's native population is very diverse. It consists of Valkyires, Orkins, Aelari and Alikans. Columbia - Columbia is the wealthiest city on the planet. It is constantly flying in the sky above the prairies and cities such as New Albion. Their healthcare and education excels any other city. It is also home to many inventors that go down into the industrial cities to sell their gadgets. The city is said to be built by Cor-clocks but there is no exact proof. WEAPONRY, TRANSPORT & MAGIC: The ranged weaponry consists only of flintlocks and muskets. Bows are also produced but in very small amounts for the GAEA refugees. The close-combat weaponry is all kinds of. The most frequent of them are swords, polearms and daggers. (There are no revolvers, bolt action rifles or anything more advanced. The close-ranged weaponry is usually from steel or other metals, so don't go around fighting people with laser swords or etc.) (!)The only magic that can be used is the one that is in the in-game shops.(!) The magic in Icarus is undeveloped and hard to learn. It's harvested by vigors - strange liquids with terrible taste that are created in Columbia. Their recipe is unknown. When a person drinks it he goes through horrible pain in the first day. For example, if you have drunk a fire vigor, it would feel as if you are burning alive for a day. After it's over the user can start using his spells, but barely. At the start you can use it only a few times a day before passing out. It usually takes from an year to three to learn how to use it properly. Often columbian merchants go down into the industrial cities and sell them on insane prices. After that they're resold to other people, most of the times illegally. Rarely they are smuggled into the prairies where brave merchants try selling them to Thundermaw chiefs. The vigors are usually themed as an element - such as fire. Also an user cannot learn more than 1 elemental vigor. (For example - if you have drunk a fire vigor, you will not be able to drink a water vigor.) Others are known to give other powers - such as teleportation. The best known of these vigors is the Azael Blink. When the vigor is drunk the user can teleport by his will. It still takes a lot of practice. You can travel the most around a few miles with this teleport, so no - you cannot teleport, for example, from New Albion to Columbia in one go. (!)The only magic that can be used is the one that is in the in-game shops.(!) The transport vechiles are mostly air-ships. They look alike to the usual ships with sails, a macht and a steering wheel, but are steam powered. In the biggest cities there are also trains, but there are none in New Albion. RACES: Orkin: Orkins the mythical race of GAEA, exclusive. They are very peaceful and often wise. Some choose to use their racial abilities as perks in combat. They’re able to influence their will on others, usually getting people to do what they want, proving the subject isn’t very strong willed. They are not physically strong at all, but are described as “good looking”. There is only a set few, but new ones are created from an unknown source whenever a previous one is killed, much like Valkyries. Their height ranged from 5'0ft to 6'5ft. Valkyries: The Valkyries are a group of maiden warriors who do not visibly age after thirty one. They are capable of freezing their metabolism. They often fight for their own desired cause and are a closed clan. They are usually kind and helpful. They are capable of healing others, however, it takes a toll on their physical health. They usually possess stunning beauty. Their strong suit is in archery and ranged weaponry, while they tend to be weak in close ranged combat. They can live for an unprecedented amount of time. They are known to harbor a strong hatred towards males. Their height ranged from 4'8ft to 6'3ft. Humans: Absolutely normal, they posses no unusual skills. They are the “Humans” of Icarus. Their skin color usually varies. Standard humanoid build. Their height ranges from 5'0ft to 6'6ft Crumblers: As a race, Crumblers are tall and gaunt, with elongated fingers and limbs. They do not fit in very well in society, but they can create illusions to give off the appearance of turning into objects for short periods of time, making them desirable for mercenary work. This is caused by the releasing of hallucinogens into the air via their skin. Many have been hired for spying, especially ones who can hold their illusion for a long time. They are dextrous, but direct combat is not usually their strength. Their height ranges from 4'5ft to 7'0ft. Aelari: Fairly similar to humans, except that they are taller, paler, and possess long, pointed ears. Native to GAEA, Aelari are very aloof, commonly being arrogant or haughty. Generally, an Aelari can be trusted to think it is superior to all other races. Despite their lithe form, Aelari are very strong, and adept at warfare. Their height ranges from 5'5ft to 7'2ft Thundermaw: Savage, and destructive, they are scaled and giant, resembling large crocodilians in form. They are tailed and large-jawed, and skilled with almost any type of weaponry. Thundermaw are nigh-unstoppable in direct combat. Like the Draconids, they descended from the Celaxors, a race that in turn descended from the Dragons. They are commonly superior to their Draconid cousins, commanding them to do as they ask. They are intelligent enough to focus and complete simple tasks, but poor at multitasking. Their height ranges from 8'0ft to 13'0ft Draconid: They live in the desert, scaled and capable of surviving the sandstorms and heat waves, some have been spotted near Steamston. They’re typically very small, and skilled in guerilla warfare as well as small-arms combat. They are cousins to the Thundermaw, though treated very poorly and generally used to perform slave work. Their height ranges from 1'0ft to 10'0ft Bephian: Bephians are beings much like Humans, except for one odd feature; their unusual animal traits. Some were recorded to have cat ears, snake-tongues, goat horns, tentacles, chitinous limbs, but can have any form of animal augmentation or capabilities. Their average height ranges from 5'0ft to 6'5ft but is also highly influenced by the animal they're merged with. Alikan: These are humanoid beings that usually have a large underbite. They are brute, and large, and naturally not very smart. They lived in GAEA, but after controversy of racism and discrimination, they were exiled to live upon themselves. They are often employed as bodyguards, and other menial grunt-labor. Their height ranges from 7'5ft to 11'0ft Orian: Large beings from the Northern Regions, Orians are very powerful and muscular. Built to withstand extreme temperatures and battle, they are master warmongers rivaling even the Thundermaw. They tend not to be talkative, especially about where they come from. Their heigh ranges from 7'0ft to 10'0ft Phantus: Beings made of a strange smoke-like substance, Phantus have no physical form. They are wrapped very tightly in luxurious garments and wrappings to hide their form. They commonly wield exotic weapons and speak in a strange accent. It is unknown how, or even if, they reproduce. Their height ranges from 4'0ft to 7'0ft Cor-Clock: Crafted from an unknown creator, Cor-Clocks are mechanical beings designed to resemble people. They’re very feeble, and tend to not be too good at fighting. However, their technology rivals all, and they’re very bright (like their creator), and are said to be responsible for building the structure of the floating city, Columbia. Their height is different for every model, but most of them are between 4'5ft to 6'5ft. Val’yaant: Winged, and hyper-intelligent, they rarely fight, and have a knack for making and dwelling in massive cities based around mountains. They hardly ever come out of there mountain homes, so to see one otherwise is quite rare. They have hollowed bones, which makes them quite feeble and poor at taking a hit. Their height ranges from 5'0ft to 6'4ft.

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