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#193135689Friday, July 08, 2016 6:37 PM GMT

(First of all, I would like you to know this is a story based on a slightly different kind of apocalypse. Second of all, please send me a little form for your character in the roleplay. I will look like this: Name: Age: Gender: Occupation: Equipment: Bio: And finally, this roleplay will be split into parts whenever an extremely important plot twist happens in the story. However, you are still free to continue your part of the story, or you can end your story and start a new one. (The timeline will have a pretty large gap in the beginning.) But anyways, If you have any questions about the roleplay please put parentheses, ( and ), in front and behind your question. I will also put a link in the description to part II later.)
#193135756Friday, July 08, 2016 6:38 PM GMT

I am a heron. I have a long neck and I pick fish out of the water with my beak. If you don't repost this comment on 10 threads, I will fly into your kitchen tonight and make a mess of your pots and pans.
#193138170Friday, July 08, 2016 7:08 PM GMT

(Now, on with the roleplay!) Prologue It was a cold night in Barton, Idaho. The Redwasp Military Research Facility (R.M.R.F) Was buzzing with excitement. An unauthorized flying vehicle was flying strait towards the facility. Inside the facility, a man walked up on stage to address the nervous scientists. "Hello, fellow scientists!" He said, "It is nice to see you. I'm surprised how calm you are, I expected you to be all over the place." A few scientists chuckled. "It is safe here, so don't worry, we are in a completely safe bunk--" Suddenly, the wall burst open. A tall mn in an exosuit walked over. "Don't move a muscle you worms." He yelled. Then, the scientists pankicked. He looked at them, almost sympathetically, and opened fire. The man on stage dove under a table dialing a number on his phone. "Matt" he said, I think its time to activate the endgame." he said. Then, something uncalled for happened, a meteor struck the base.
#193138849Friday, July 08, 2016 7:16 PM GMT

(Now that I did the prologue, here's my form for my character.) Name: Jonathan Prowler Age: 22 Gender: Male Occupation: Scavenger Equipment: Not much, just some food and water. Bio: Born in 2003. Jonathan Prowler worked with the R.M.R.F before the attack by what many called the Japan Technology institute during the war. Now that the war is over, Jonathan has left the R.M.R.F and settled down in his hometown in Barton, Idaho, not far from the old facility. (Also, I forgot to tell you this is meant to be a serious roleplay. So when you make the forms, don't expect me to accept forms that aren't serious.)

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