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#193163266Saturday, July 09, 2016 12:38 AM GMT

||Shows|| To Attend a Show, Watch the group shout to know when they are. All Shows are at Aura° Runway. At the beginning of each show you will do 2 PT rounds. When you start, You will vote between Regular or Elim. In an Elim show, the host will SLOCK the server and ff someone. The ffed person will then select a theme. At the end of each round, 2-6 People will be ELiminated. There can be partners or groups. THE GROUPS ARE 2 GROUPS. DIVIDE THE SERVER INTO 2 GROUPS IF YOU ARE DOING GROUP ELIM. For regular, You will do the same as elim but no slock or elimination. At the end of each round, you will be given awards. At the end, The host will select 1st, 2nd, and 3rd ||Won a Show?|| If you won a show, The host MUST ooStxr me the winners of their show. BUT, When you have reached 3 wins, IT IS YOUR JOB TO PM ME THE TIMES, HOST, AND PLACE of the show so keep that info saved. FOR EACH RANK, YOU MUST EARN 3 NEW WINS TO RANK UP. ||Interviews/Applications|| Want to become an Intern? There will be Interviews! When an HR wants to host interviews, It will show up on the group shout. Just show up, get your number, sit, and wait for it to be called! There will be HR APPLICATIONS IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO BECOME AN HR! ||Fun Activities|| Here at Aura° There are MANY fun activities! If you have a suggestion, PM an HR! ||Contests|| We sometimes have Contests. For example, Decal contests, Logo contests, Designing Contest, etc. Watch the Description for updates on the contests! You have chances on winning prizes INCLUDING robux!! ||Creation Team|| Want to become a Developer/Designer? PM oostxr one of your designs or games!

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