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#193318655Sunday, July 10, 2016 10:01 PM GMT

Official Card: Pre-Show (6EST) Originals Memorial Battle Royal Full-Server FCA Wrestlemania (7EST) 1. CyarmMan (c) vs. JacobDaBloxxxa ★Pure Championship★ 2. Brutal Damon (c) vs. KingIVDope ★Intercontinental Championship★ 3. Jason Reigns vs. Karol Ambrose vs. Justin Carter III vs. xImmortalDestroyer vs. Shock Ziggler vs. TemplarXR vs. iiQiunX vs. CA Punk ★Money in the Bank Ladder Match★ 4. UndeadBrock & Tash Rhodes (c) vs. Sane411 & xBossReymundoIX vs. iiCalamityX & iRepulsive vs. xImmortalDestroyer & DeathByKeisuke ★Tag Team Championships) 5. EvilMonsterTruck51, BloodyWillem51, & XxKingIVDopexX vs. MrBacon65, StoneColdCoolAustin, & DevinThaeGod ★6 Man Elimination Tag Team Match★ 6. Aug Cena vs. Chatter Michaels ★DeathMatch★ 7. Shock Ziggler (c) vs. Karol Ambrose ★European Championship★ 8. Cyarman (c) vs. ClutchaDragon ★Hardcore Championship★ 9. Dame McMahon vs. Vader Sanchez 10. DivineDrew (c) vs. Tash Rhodes ★Undisputed Championship★ 11. Ken Rollins vs. The Noob ★World Heavyweight Championship★

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