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#193379457Monday, July 11, 2016 4:12 PM GMT

This post is not racist. The name "Black Lives Matter" is misleading. They support the death of cops and are against racial equality. (You can find on Youtube a BLM group chanting "What do we want? Dead cops!" Yes, there are problems with police brutality. "Black lives matter" is racist; it should be "All Lives Matter". You can find Multi-Million white people supporting BLM. Why? To prevent the lower and middle class from having a stonger political voice. The group is poison on America and the world. Another problem is the Black Sub-Culture. In Germany, the community doesn't hace racial problems because a Black sub-culture doesn't exist. A culture that supports being a thug as cool needs to disappear along with BLM.
#193381878Monday, July 11, 2016 4:43 PM GMT

First off, this post really dosnt belong here. But looking at this from the middle of the spectrum heres what I see. "You can find Multi-Million white people supporting BLM. Why? To prevent the lower and middle class from having a stonger political voice." Thats not happening, no one is trying to hinder the middle class, they have no reason to do that in this instance. And rich white people supporting the black lives matter movement has no direct effect on the middle class. Its just a stupid movement. Yes, stupid. Police brutality which is primarily what this organization tries to tackle is a problem for all races NOT just them. Calling for the death of police officers is disgusting but so is bootlicking when there are murders at the hands of police like we have seen recently. Im not saying you are doing that im saying the extreme right is. just like the extreme left is calling for violence against police officers. People need to stop blindly following one side and open up a bit more to realize there are valid points being given by the other side too. Police brutality is a huge issue... So is people blocking freeways and calling for a violent uprising. In the end I think most of this would not be an issue if people were more open minded. We are completely divided in this nation.
#193382329Monday, July 11, 2016 4:49 PM GMT

Also in response to this... "Another problem is the Black Sub-Culture. In Germany, the community doesn't hace racial problems because a Black sub-culture doesn't exist. A culture that supports being a thug as cool needs to disappear along with BLM." If you are suggesting we try to exterminate a certain culture that is incredibly wrong. the sub culture you speak of is kind of broad, yes there are violent stigmas imposed on black communities but violence dosnt comprise their entire culture. Theres a lot more to it than gangs and crime. To me it sounds like you are saying "Lets take away their identity, the only thing that should be different about them is their skin color" and thats wrong. Taking that away will only make people MORE violent. To put this into perspective with an issue you may pay attention to its kind of like anger towards people who fly confederate flags and live a very southern lifestyle. that right there is a subculture and trying to get rid of it would make you mad right? it would make me mad to because no one has the right to try and make you different unless you are directly infringing on someone else's rights.
#193382553Monday, July 11, 2016 4:52 PM GMT

OP y r u dumb Lobstery, God of Infinite Wisdom and Cruelty, King of the Pop Fans
#193382923Monday, July 11, 2016 4:57 PM GMT

I agree with the 3rd paragraph, but not the 2nd. George Soros is an example is one of the funders. The income distribution is quite shocking when you see graphs and other data. The richest do not want a more rich poor and middle class. BLM is helping prevent this with riots, ect.
#193382979Monday, July 11, 2016 4:58 PM GMT

youre unbelievably stupid
#193383422Monday, July 11, 2016 5:04 PM GMT

I'm not suggesting to exterminate this culture all at once. Like you said, it would only cause more riots and get people angry. Instead, the community should understand that it prompts violence and other bad activities, so they should just slowly move away from this and into a culture that is more beneficial to the community of Black.
#193383548Monday, July 11, 2016 5:06 PM GMT

"the community of Black" I lol'd Lobstery, God of Infinite Wisdom and Cruelty, King of the Pop Fans
#193383611Monday, July 11, 2016 5:07 PM GMT

We should not be looking to exterminate ANY cultures. None. Not slow or fast. Unless you want yours to be up for grabs, thats not an idea you should be getting behind. Grow up.
#193383661Monday, July 11, 2016 5:08 PM GMT

I lol'd [2]
#193383831Monday, July 11, 2016 5:10 PM GMT

I'm not stupid or racist. All races are equal, and the color of your skin does not effect the person who you are.
#193383855Monday, July 11, 2016 5:11 PM GMT

what was the point of making this post i personally don't agree with the black lives matter movement/hashtag/whatever in the hell it is but complaining about it on the internet and changing it to 'all lives matter' accomplishes diddly squat also, i don't get your point about how 'rich white people' supporting BLM means that lower and middle class people won't have a 'stronger political voice'; in this case, i'd imagine their support is probably helping to push it into the mainstream.
#193384164Monday, July 11, 2016 5:15 PM GMT

Yes, a culture that promotes violence SHOULD be at least revised.
#193384342Monday, July 11, 2016 5:18 PM GMT

Tell me right now how their culture promotes violence. Do you even know what a culture is?
#193384874Monday, July 11, 2016 5:25 PM GMT

The white rich support BLM because it prevents the middle and lower classes from having a stronger voice. Think of BLM as a tool to prevent other issues. If the lower classes have a stronger voice, then the rich aren't as wealthy.
#193385223Monday, July 11, 2016 5:29 PM GMT

Dude... Did you drink a bottle of cough syrup or something? Whats up? You are not making sense.
#193386017Monday, July 11, 2016 5:40 PM GMT

Hey another Trump fan and yeah the title is pretty accurate. I didn't bother to read the post, but I'm going to tell you this for future reference. Yes, this is the right place for politics by forum name but not for actual results. Most people here are not into politics or look at it more than based on face value alone. Most people won't be going into the whole statistics/citing stage of debates. If you want an actual group to debate this in, you should try a political group and not one of the forums.
#193386183Monday, July 11, 2016 5:42 PM GMT

@Duck OP is exactly the kind of person you called us
#193386308Monday, July 11, 2016 5:44 PM GMT

I wouldn't really know I didn't read previous posts, because I expected that everyone got insta-triggered and face-rolled incoherent butt hurt replies. I don't need that kind of secondhand embarrassment in my life.
#193386478Monday, July 11, 2016 5:47 PM GMT

Now that I read it, yes that is pretty bad. The first 3 sentences are good but the rest goes off on a tangent.
#193386538Monday, July 11, 2016 5:48 PM GMT

Im not getting butthurt at him im trying to explain why, in my opinion, he is at least partially wrong. I wasnt flinging names or anything. You should read before you assume thats what was going on with everyone.
#193386708Monday, July 11, 2016 5:51 PM GMT

My post still has the same meaning regardless of the results. Every debate I've ever had was either fairly one-sided or the person challenged didn't even respond.
#193387615Monday, July 11, 2016 6:03 PM GMT

I don't feel like posting an argument I've had several different times over the past week. If you want a debate on this go over to CMV on reddit or something because this exact same issue has been posted so many times from both angles that whatever side you're on someone will be there telling you that you're wrong, when in reality both sides are partially right and partially wrong. Lobstery, God of Infinite Wisdom and Cruelty, King of the Pop Fans
#193387690Monday, July 11, 2016 6:04 PM GMT

"I don't feel like posting an argument I've had several different times over the past week. If you want a debate on this go over to CMV on reddit or something because this exact same issue has been posted so many times from both angles that whatever side you're on someone will be there telling you that you're wrong, when in reality both sides are partially right and partially wrong." one side must be right because that is how the world works
#193387805Monday, July 11, 2016 6:06 PM GMT

"one side must be right because that is how the world works" Sadly I can not even tell whether or not you are joking :,(

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