#198121881Friday, September 09, 2016 4:36 PM GMT

(Giantguestus ignores the fact that exploding fireflies just attacked his eyes and nose. GG.) -Origins Richtofen- He rematerialized in New York City, all right, but there was one problem- just like in Gorod Krovi, he had been dumped in mid-air, and this time over the Giantguestus. As he began falling, he remembered his Ragnaroks, so the Doctor yanked them out to begin skydiving even faster, aiming to stab his weapons into the top of the Guest's head. "WHAT COMES UP MUST COME DOWN!" He couldn't help but yell as he slammed them into the head. -Event- As if to emphasize upon this, a small "spike" flying through mid-air stuck itself into the Guest's leg before emitting a powerful electrical burst- exactly when Edward used his Ragnaroks. It would probably be quite a "shock" to the Guestus. -Joan- The French girl frowned at the group before glancing at the others. She picked herself up- and her Sacred Lily- to rejoin the Slacker, Sans, and RW_Y. "...I suppose I am needed for assistance. I shall accompany you," The maiden told them. She gripped her Sacred Lily tightly, her knuckles seemingly turning white.
#198122042Friday, September 09, 2016 4:40 PM GMT

YANG I whispered into Sans' ear, "Psst, you can call me 'Hothead' as a codename." BLAKE She was with Richtofen, but she was falling st normal speed. She aimed to stab the Giantguestus' head.
#198122071Friday, September 09, 2016 4:41 PM GMT

Jacker "We need your help getting past one room in that temple. That room makes us hallucinate and experience bad memories from our past. But since you're pure, we doubt you have bad memories that could affect you." The pumpkin said, putting his hand over her shoulder and taking her to the entrance of the temple, more precisely inside of it.
#198122961Friday, September 09, 2016 5:03 PM GMT

[sans] "all right, hold on tight, this may 'rattle your bones' a bit," Sans winks, as he closes his eyes. They suddenly stretch into thin air. As they teleport, they would see lines upon lines of code, and if they were able to read it, they'd see conversations from earlier. Weiss would suddenly be jerked away from Sans' grip, and is surrounded by complete darkness. If she were to look around, she'd see a figure a rather far distance away. A giant black lump, with bits of white.
#198123035Friday, September 09, 2016 5:05 PM GMT

Valentine The gun fight was a bit too intense. My bullets won't even get to him due to his Tusk ACT 3, and now he's hiding. His nails are no different, one of them was able to lay a cut on my face. "Come out, Johnny Joestar!" I yell "There is no point in hiding. Think about it, this is the universe where in the heroes have failed to defeat the Titan Of Terror, even this so-called God Of Sanity known as "Kraftwork"...."Kwafwort"...."Krapwort"...."Kruddorf"...."Krumborf"...."Kronbok"...."Klondoke"....god damn it, I can't pronounce his name right. But still- oh! Look what we have here, its that red-headed girl by the name of Ruby Rose....too bad she's only a severed head." I drop the head and then I furiously crush it with my feet, making it a mush of blood and flesh. "This is your one last chance, come out and die or I'll you here with the titan himself. With you dead, I will make America great again." I say in a very hostile tone. Johnny I was lucky, that man didn't stood a chance against my stand's abilities. However, without my horse, I'm still at an disadvantage. I am hiding behind a pile of rubble, thinking about my next move. I need to hit him somewhere, but where? I could shoot him again in the head, though that would be obnoxious. Besides, I need to go back to the original universe or else I would end up like those guys. Valentine "I know you're useless without those running legs of yours. You can do nothing but crawl. The flag is still here, but you need me if you are going back to once we came. Your choice, Joestar...."
#198123544Friday, September 09, 2016 5:18 PM GMT

(What are Sage's characters even doing?) -Joan- She was rattled by the teleportation method, and shook her head. Couple that with the fact that she had just recovered from whatever that mystery man had done to her, and it made for a bad combo. Thankfully, she managed to keep on her feet using the Sacred Lily as support before recovering. "What is this place? Something does not feel right about it..." The French girl murmured to the group, glancing around at her surroundings. Unlike Edward, who ha surveyed his surroundings in the temple to try to find clues, Joan of Arc was staring at the decorations around the temple. She felt some evil... Prescence, but from what exactly she didn't know.
#198123976Friday, September 09, 2016 5:30 PM GMT

#198124443Friday, September 09, 2016 5:42 PM GMT

Victor I watch the giant mess around, "Nothing but a big baby." I turn around and walk off with my hands in my pockets Dr. Freigmund I look apprehensively at the skeleton, "I don't zink I trust a skeletons teleportation powers. I'd prefer to rely on mein technology." I turn around and pull out an oddly shaped item before pointing at jacker. I press the button and his mind goes fuzzy for a second before I let the button to and lower the device. "Zere. Now I can get to zis god vithout having to deal vith ze small punster." Will Two of my bodies step on the teleporter and follow Richtofen. The other two stay with Freigmund.
#198124935Friday, September 09, 2016 5:56 PM GMT

[☝✌💧❄☜☼] The figure looks up, the large crack leading down to his right eye getting shifted as it's left eye moves to see the figure encroaching on it's realm. It's soulless pits stare intently at the pure white girl. It severely contrasted with the pitch blackness of the void. A grin creaks onto it's face. The creature is suddenly only ten feet away from the girl, and just looking at it would make a chill run up even the most hardened warrior, bright white head with a gash leading from it's head to it's right eye and a similar one leading from it's jaw to it's left eye. It has a black, amorphous, oozing body with two arms of the same colour; and bright white hands, contrasting with the black of it's arms. Each hand has a hole in the centre of each palm. "☞✌💧👍✋☠✌❄✋☠☝" It seems to be speaking in some kind of language completely foreign to Weiss, nothing she's ever heard before. "❄☟✋💧 ✋💧 ✌☠ ✋☠❄☜☼☜💧❄✋☠☝ 💧✋❄🕆✌❄✋⚐☠ ✡⚐🕆🕯✞☜ ☞⚐🕆☠👎 ✡⚐🕆☼💧☜☹☞ ✋☠📪 ✡⚐🕆 ☟🕆💣✌☠📬" The creatures eyes suddenly have a set of white orbs similar to Sans' eyes. "✡⚐🕆☼ 💧⚐🕆☹👎 🕈✋☹☹ ☹☜❄ 💣☜ ☼☜❄🕆☼☠ ☞☼⚐💣 ❄☟✋💧 ✌👍👍🕆☼💧☜👎 ✞⚐✋👎📬" It's grin widens with a sickening crunch and crack as it's jaw accommodates such an act.
#198125079Friday, September 09, 2016 6:00 PM GMT

Jacker "Where did the white-haired girl go to?" (I am lazy right now)
#198127650Friday, September 09, 2016 7:09 PM GMT

(Wait a minute. Did everyone come with Joan, or is it just her by the sounds of it? Everyone else at the lab still?)
#198129620Friday, September 09, 2016 7:47 PM GMT

(Parso forgot all about the arrival timer... It's been more than 5 posts...) -Henry (part-Ninetales)- I dodged the falling building right on time, watching it crumble on impact. I just noticed Kathy starting to climb up the figure... "Kathy!" I yelled through the the com link... "Wait up!" And I started to climb my way up the figure, one jump at a time... I slashed up the path I travelled, as I needed to keep dealing as much damage as possible... -Kathy (part-Ninetales)- I soon caught up to the girl, who was rather pale, thin and she was holding some kind of gun-scythe hybrid... "Umm, hi..." I felt a tingle of electricity run up from the figure... I looked down to see a giant spike in its leg, and up to see fireflies exploding in the figure's face...
#198130021Friday, September 09, 2016 7:54 PM GMT

-Kathy (part-Ninetales)- ... Another human, this time a man, came falling through the air with strange weapons and stabbed them into the figure's head... "There are certainly a lot of people here fighting... What ever this is..."
#198130616Friday, September 09, 2016 8:04 PM GMT

[sans] "yeah, where is ice queen?" Sans looks around him, turning in a three sixty arch looking around him. He scratches his bony chin with his thumb and forefinger; eyes closed in thought. "uh... did she not grab on?" He asks the rwby team.
#198131010Friday, September 09, 2016 8:11 PM GMT

(Fighting each other in an alternate universe, Faction In the source manga they come from they're enemies) Pucci: Unexpectedly, the object begins to fly off, but not out of sight. You should still be able to run after it.
#198131175Friday, September 09, 2016 8:14 PM GMT

(Oh. What's with Latios and Latias thou?)
#198132066Friday, September 09, 2016 8:29 PM GMT

(Guys, I'm sorry for jumping between characters over and over again, but I've been considering it, and I feel like I actually just want to play as Saxton Hale with another character, and just have the RED team as some background characters that I can use sometimes. I'm really sorry about that, I hope it's okay. I'll post the CSes in a bit.)
#198133465Friday, September 09, 2016 8:52 PM GMT

(Read the post I posted above and pretend Jacker did that now.)
#198139384Friday, September 09, 2016 10:26 PM GMT

[The Guests] They arrive in NYC, storming the coast with their weapons. The doors open and they all get out with their weapons. Meanwhile, the ships are defending themselves against the military.
#198139457Friday, September 09, 2016 10:27 PM GMT

(Ok, Super. Want to skip the fight and have the Commander contact Hale?) BOOM. A golden flash appeared out of nowhere. While XCOM and Ender were still both firing, they saw R. Gear glow gold and red. R. Gear He slammed his hammer down on Giantguestus. "Hmmm, suit includes super strength..."
#198139838Friday, September 09, 2016 10:33 PM GMT

(Latios and Latias are minor characters that Success and I share. I feel really depressed again... This time, I actually wanna kill myself...only reason why I don't is because I want to keep doing this thread... and I fear death... Success, can you design a CS template for starships so I can put in the nessesarily info, or should I just do it?)
#198141100Friday, September 09, 2016 10:51 PM GMT

WEISS I can't understand it at all, but still. It means trouble for me. I immediately whipped out Mytrenaster and faced the monster. RUBY "I don't know..." Oh man... Now I'm beginning to be scared for Weiss... TRAILER!RUBY Trying to ignore the guests, she nearly reached the Giantguestus' neck, preparing to stab in case she gets close enough. BLAKE She landed on top of the Giantguestus, rolling, yet making sure not to fall off, as she started stabbing the top of the giant's head.
#198143074Friday, September 09, 2016 11:21 PM GMT

(Actually, Gear, I had a little something planned before I do that. I'll tell you when I'm ready. Sorry.) (It's time for some Australian justice, with some spaghetti. Tails, are you okay with me adding Papyrus? If not, then that's okay, I won't roleplay as him, I just need to make sure. Thanks. Anyway, could you please use this pastebin? Thanks. http*://paste*bin.*com/RtCYBSNS Remove the *'s, please.)
#198144207Friday, September 09, 2016 11:38 PM GMT

-Henry (part-Ninetales)- I was halfway up the torso when I got a close shave from a gun from one of those things coming out of those ships that landed... I stabbed the bayonet into the torso, still holding onto it, and restedthe rifle on my knee and fired all five rounds, killing at least 20 of them in collateral damage before reloading and making my way farther up... -Kathy (part-Ninetales)- (was completely ignored by Marc's TRAILER!RUBY...) Uneasy from how I got no response out of her, I leaped from the shoulder to the top of its neck, and stabbed down, and twisted the sword. I looked down to see Henry climbing up...
#198147113Saturday, September 10, 2016 12:21 AM GMT

(I really want Marc to get Zoey to fight the Guests so I can introduce my characters finally. Also Henry, wait 'till ya get to high scholl. Meantime, take life one step at a time. By the way, love how Parso COMPLETELY fails to address everyone.) -Joan- She frowned at the group before deciding to start searching the temple. The French saint began to straggle away from the group, drawn towards the room wherethe others had their visions invoked. -Event- If the fireflies and shock charge wasn't enough, the next attack would be. A grenade was tossed at the giant Guest's feet, exploding into flame once it did- thermite. That would hurt at the very least.