#198147475Saturday, September 10, 2016 12:26 AM GMT

Pucci What is this object that I am seeing? Is that a gift from God? This must be something, and so I continue to chase it down.
#198147490Saturday, September 10, 2016 12:26 AM GMT

ZOEY Because Latias and Latios had left her, she now began searching for the two of them.
#198147521Saturday, September 10, 2016 12:27 AM GMT

R. Gear "Interesting... Redcliff mages are powerful. Wonder what this is made of?" I march to the guests, smashing them and blasting them with the laser chaingun. The others were attacking Giantguestus, but soon some guests start attacking Giantguestus instead from Phantom's mind control.
#198147548Saturday, September 10, 2016 12:27 AM GMT

(My Joan post was on the next page. Also, Roq, MAKE AN EVENT FOR BC2 HAGGARD PLOX)
#198148303Saturday, September 10, 2016 12:40 AM GMT

Dr. Freigmund After they left me and Will use my teleporter, appearing next to Joan. I start wheezing and sputtering, "Ach, I should not be teleporting vith it malfunctioning." I say between wheezes. Will My two bodies rush and grab Freigmunds arms I case he collapses and we let go after he recovers. Dr. Freigmund I stand straight again and fix my lab coat. Michael I mill about the place after talking to the trio of people I rescued.
#198148559Saturday, September 10, 2016 12:43 AM GMT

ZOEY While searching, I saw what appeared to be...what the? A b-building? On a mountain? I don't care, I need to tell people inside it about where these two creatures are. I began walking up to that building.
#198149742Saturday, September 10, 2016 1:01 AM GMT

(How am I supposed to make an event for haggard? Oh screw it, I will bring back Tselner. Because I know how much the Bad Company guys like Russians.) Haggard An object seemed to be right infront of you.... It was getting closer as time passed by and when it reached a certain distance you could see that it was a truck- GET OUT THE DAMN WAY YOU FOO- Oh wait, it stopped. And from it came an armed guy with a gas mask. "Who are you?" The man asked, you could hear a Russian accent on there.
#198150789Saturday, September 10, 2016 1:16 AM GMT

(Is it too late to join? xD)
#198150849Saturday, September 10, 2016 1:17 AM GMT

(No. You can join.)
#198152930Saturday, September 10, 2016 1:46 AM GMT

Pucci: For some unfathomable reason, the object slows down, allowing you to catch a glimpse of what it could be. It looked to be some sort of colorful but rather silly-looking bird, with none other on Earth looking alike. It had ridiculously large eyes and gave you a stare before flying ahead. It was easy to tell now that it was guiding you somewhere. In a mere few minutes, you get to an area where some sort of giant -- very unhumanlike, consisting of some sort of building blocks -- was fighting multiple figures. Some were creatures, coming in shapes you never even dreamed of. Others were just like you: a human. Nonetheless, it was your decision to get involved in the battle. The fight looked to be going tough for the main fighters, and the giant had yet to fall. Whether or not Whitesnake is able to take on this giant... that is to be seen.
#198153040Saturday, September 10, 2016 1:47 AM GMT

(R. Gear now wears the Armor of Redcliff, which allows super strength, an aura that prevents allies from negative status effects, and increases armor. Is that allowed?)
#198153339Saturday, September 10, 2016 1:51 AM GMT

Pucci I don't know if my stand could beat such unfathomable opponent. But whatever the case, I'll do it. "Whitesnake..." I say as my stand appears and it releases a thick mist as I approach the battlefield.
#198153394Saturday, September 10, 2016 1:52 AM GMT

(Yo sage you gonna let in the dino?)
#198153798Saturday, September 10, 2016 1:59 AM GMT

(I might, also, since Valentine is currently at another universe, how about you bring in the alternate universe versions of your characters?)
#198153987Saturday, September 10, 2016 2:01 AM GMT

-BC2 Haggard- He took one glance at the Russian before snickering to himself. He slowly pulled out his own XM8 rifle, ready for any sort of action or gunfight. "Ha! Who am I? A better question would be, WHO ARE YOU?" Hags asked before he couldn't hold it. He began laughing. "Did the Legionaire send you just so you could join the others that we squished?"
#198154009Saturday, September 10, 2016 2:02 AM GMT

TRAILER!RUBY Once she finally reached the giant's neck, she stabbed Crescent Rose into it, and held onto it.
#198154587Saturday, September 10, 2016 2:11 AM GMT

(K, thanks. I'll make my CS now I guess, it's okay if i'm not accepted tho) Name: Fluff Age: 12 (in human years 1K+ yrs) Gender: Female Appearance: Fluff has pale skin, pink hair and a pair of neko ears, along with a tail. Her choice of clothing is a hat that represents an ice-cream cone (and maybe even a dunce hat) and a t-shirt with an ice cream on it along with a pair of black shorts. Species: Cat-Human Hybrid Personality: Bubbly, creative, weird, friendly Powers: The ability to teleport from her current destination to anywhere. Her limit is to teleport approximately 10 days into the future, and at least 4,000 years into the past (due to the fact that there was actually generated history in the past, but the future hasn't been exactly planned ahead yet. So, for Fluff, a force-field would keep her from going any further from her limit). She does NOT have the ability to teleport to anywhere like heaven, the underworld, etc. She also can summon a cloud of flight, but she has yet to discover this power. Weapons: Potaser (a Potaser turns any living substance into a potato it's size), Pretty Princess Wand, Rainbow Katana Residential Universe: The Blinding Justice (Custom)) Other: (The origin of my character) Fluff's home, The Blinding Justice, was just a world of nothing but white. Occasionally there would be a shimmer of gold, but that would be the only color that would be revealed in her world. Fluff stayed in the empty space that was her home for almost her entire life. After 500 (human) years of existence, she discovered her ability to teleport. After a while, however, that got boring too. 520 or so (human) years after Fluff found out that she could warp to places, she was one day just teleporting around because she was bored. Suddenly, she appeared in a different place. It wasn't all white, nor gold for that matter. Instead, there was structures, vehicles, other forms of life, and, most importantly, color. Color everywhere Fluff looked. She was dazed by what she had discovered, and was obviously not at 'The Blinding Justice'. After a couple of (human) years, Fluff got used to living in this new world known as Earth. Then, she began to explore the world. One day, approx. 2 (human) years after she began to cover land, she found a couch and decided to sit on it. Ever since then, weird events gone down. And now, Fluff has come here just because she needs another thing to do.
#198154641Saturday, September 10, 2016 2:11 AM GMT

Valentine and Johnny: A lightning bolt, despite it being clear as day, strikes from atop the buildings. It lands in the middle of the two, disrupting their fight. When the smoke clears, a rather strange and funny-looking creature stands. With yellow skin, what seemed to be a ruby on its forehead, a long neck, stubby flippers, and a white belly, it almost was laughable. However, that powerful lightning bolt most likely came from it. ALTERNATE AMPHAROS YAY
#198155122Saturday, September 10, 2016 2:19 AM GMT

Valentine I look up at the creature and I ask "Who might you be?"
#198155297Saturday, September 10, 2016 2:22 AM GMT

Trainer By normal combat rules... I should have only one pokemon up. If I send Jugg out, I may accidentally hurt the civilians... Guardian, you're up! The Bronzong floated in, and fired a shadow ball with a Flash Cannon. "So, Trainer... did we fight this before?" Lee I start firing my HoloHAC at the giant, while throwing rocks at the guests. "Benson, want to try a combo?" XCOM They split up. Metal, while shooting the guests, ordered his tank to attack Giantguestus while Shock fired blaster bombs at the guests. Phantom started making the guests attack each other, while Commander and Shield kept firing at Giantguestus. A figure came running in and smashed Giantguestus with her stun rod. It was Striker the scout. Ender Squad Steel only fired at Giantguestus, while Blast got in his plane and started bombing the guests and Giantguestus. R. Gear was destroying guests everywhere, while an iron golem smashed in and started smashing guests in the air, with M. Gear firing flame arrows at Giantguestus. Xenon held off guests with his turret and plasma cannons, with 77 slashing Giantguestus with his knife. Blast kept calling in airstrikes, and a squad of planes started bombing the guests. A blue light is seen in the sky, and a storm of lasers from Blast's flagship RCS The Flaming Anvil starts attacking Giantguestus.
#198164820Saturday, September 10, 2016 5:02 AM GMT

Valentine and Johnny: "My name?" The creatures smirks as if you were supposed to know. "My name is Ampharos." He announces in a very thick British accent. "I know who you are, President Valentine. I know all about your Stand, Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap. And I also know what your motives are."
#198167990Saturday, September 10, 2016 6:20 AM GMT

Valentine "Ampharos, were you the one who send that lightning strike the ground? What are your motives? What do you want from me?"
#198168855Saturday, September 10, 2016 6:53 AM GMT

Valentine and Johnny: "I know what you want for your country, Valentine." He states confidently, taking two steps forward. "You only want the best for it. It's too bad, however..." His body begins to spark dangerously, his expression growing serious. "The way you go about it is nothing short of foolish."
#198168903Saturday, September 10, 2016 6:55 AM GMT

#198168931Saturday, September 10, 2016 6:56 AM GMT