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#193980759Monday, July 18, 2016 9:08 PM GMT

Hello, When many people go into games like ROBLOX high school, online dating is a relatively large problem. Many people do not bother to report these incidents; making it hard for the problem to go away. Paying people to report things against ROBLOX's rules could help. If people were payed 5-10 Robux for reporting incidents based on the severity of the violation of ROBLOX rules, there would be a lot less Online Daters, Scammers, and the list goes on. This also lets people on ROBLOX buy more things, helping many clothing designers and other people who build, scripts, etc. This plan would make ROBLOX players richer, and would make ROBLOX a better place. Techalis
#193981367Monday, July 18, 2016 9:15 PM GMT

wouldn't people just abuse the system?
#193981392Monday, July 18, 2016 9:15 PM GMT

If this was true I will have lots of ROBUX. Free advertising: https://web.roblox.com/games/401020665/Whats-left-of-TIX
#193984566Monday, July 18, 2016 9:57 PM GMT

Well actually, if the admins could see what the accused person did, by looking at their chatlogs, then it should be fine. Techalis

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