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#194362847Saturday, July 23, 2016 4:10 PM GMT

In 2029, a Military Repair Depot, nicknamed "Haven" after the closest town, was created on the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains in the western part of Virginia. It's primary mission was the repair and maintenance of the US Army's tech. Such as tanks, UR-22,s and other vehicles and pieces of technology. Due to how important this Depot was, it's whereabouts were restricted heavily. Thanks to this, on the day of the Flash, the base was not hit by any nuclear blast, preserving the entire Depot in it's pre-flash state. After receiving word of the nuclear attack, the Depot's staff, lead by Colonel Ward Lawson, voted to remain in the base to wade-out the nuclear fallout, hoping the US government would send word. Food and water was not an issue at the time, as the base was well stocked thanks to the foresight of the US Army. The base also had on-site connection to an underground well deep enough to avoid nuclear fallout, and a water tower that had recently been inspected. They took refuge among the Depots many buildings and hangers, even occasionally doing their old jobs and maintaining the still pristine tech. Due to how remote the area around the base had been even before the war, the USCPF did not make contact with the Depot upon their creation in 2033, so the depot staff assumed the US government had fallen for quite some time. It was in the same year that Colonel Lawson deemed it necessary to preserve what they had once repaired, so that future generations may have an easier time rebuilding the world from the ashes. So, the Depot once again became a hub of repair. Eventually, in 2041, with food and spare-parts running low after the nuclear winter, Colonel Lawson ordered 30 heavily armored troops to venture out into the remains of the US to find or trade for what they needed. If asked who they were, Lawson stated they were what remains of the US Army. So the expedition of 30 broke into two expeditions of 15, one going north and the other south. The first contact came when the southern expedition met the CDF in a scrap-town in North Carolina. They told the expedition that the US government now was the United States Civilization Preservation Force, or the USCPF, and they should conciser making contact with them. The trip was not a waste however, as the expedition members were able to barter for spare food and parts. Meanwhile, the Northern expedition happened to find a small USCPF metal refinery in Pennsylvania, and were quick to get along. Though the USCPF soldiers stationed there did not give up anything they had, they pointed them to local settlements and assured them the USCPF would send a small group back to the depot to establish a trade-link. Both expeditions returned in a month. Several months past, and no word came from the USCPF. A second expedition was being planned, when a small squadron of USCPF troops finally showed up. Either intentional or through miss-communication, the USCPF troops was ordered to attack and kill all of the base staff. The battle for the depot was a short one, and the USCPF were driven out. Lawson, shocked at how his own government would try to kill it's own, set the depot in lock-down. He began debating what the the new name for his group should be. After several joint meets in 2042, the name The Mechanical Enclave was chosen. The faction now became separate from both the CDF and USCPF, and continued maintaining their vehicles and tech. In the early 2050s, Lawson declared that the tech within the Depot was now only a small part of what had to be repaired. The faction's new goal was to find, return, and repair pre-war tech, especially military equipment. Their other objective was to either dismantle, sabotage, or take any pre-war weapons of large destructive ability, ranging from artillery to in-tact nuclear warheads. These goals remain true to this day. Expeditions are still being sent out, even though the depot, now only known as Haven, remains in lock-down. These range as large as fifty members to as small as two. The faction is known for preferring land-travel, and are rarely seen in major settlements. They are equipped with the most advanced of pre-war weapons and gear, along with heavy riot, combat, or even customized armor. To keep their faction alive, the Mechanical Enclave recruits locally, to some extent. Anyone found with advanced knowledge of engineering or combat of any sorts is welcome to join. The expeditions also are allowed to recruit between two and four members they find, however, this is rare. The faction only has about 300 members at a time, though this can fluctuate. In 2096, following the Atlanta Crisis, expeditions into the south have become more frequent, as destroyed CDF and USCPF vehicles and weapons can be salvaged. Trading with the two factions along with the RCO and MEB is extremely rare, and expeditions frequently cross between borders secretly. To this day Expeditions are still sent out to salvage what remains of the old America. Weather it be at the bottom of a decrepit building or in the hands of the USCPF, the Mechanical Enclave will get their hands on as many pre-war relics as they can.
#194367560Saturday, July 23, 2016 5:22 PM GMT

Read it all. Really good.
#194383002Saturday, July 23, 2016 9:12 PM GMT

I did not expect anyone to read this. It's a side-project I'm working on and I decided to get the lore done quickly.

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