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#194413273Sunday, July 24, 2016 4:15 AM GMT

BACKSTORY ( Titan 2044.. the planet is threatened by a great evil.. know as "The Yuni" a virus killing off the people of "Titan" there becoming sick and ill.. they shut down all off planet transportation.. the ones that weren't effected unfortunately attempted to get off the planet only one escaped.. his name was Nami #### to the nearest planet "Earth" he figured that to make sure his race survives he needs to reproduce.. so he did "it" with the first women he met.. "May Ashton" Earth 2067... ) Ashton" Earth 2067... ) A Young adult man.. stands outside a futuristic Airport.. he'd cross the road to the parking lot as he yanks keys out of his pocket he'd start up his "Hover Bike" and ride off in the other direction. The man drives a few miles.. and arrives at What used to be "New Orleans" it's now one huge shipyard.. ( And by ship we mean space ship. ) He'd sneak on board one of the cruisers.. A huge flying city. And now you most likely figured out who this man is well you guessed it! "Malakai Ashton." and now he's going to SPACE!! Malakai rides around on this heck of ship For a while until he decides he very VERY VERY! Bored. So he'd do the logical thing and sneak aboard a new ship.. A much smaller but "Cozier" ship.. He'd hit one of the guards in the head with a metal rod then throw a rock at the other he'd mutter something like "Well that was easy." Malakai sneaks into the docking bay and steals a small ship.. And then he crashed through the ceiling and into SPACE! Off.. To do more breaking and entering he'd turn on 80's music and zoom around in his "New" ship. And…………… he crashed into a space station not just any space station the GPA'S Station 5 guard's point lasers at the ship " Step away from the ship." the guard yelled at Ashton he'd get out " I'm sure we can jusThe guard's brought Malakai to the meeting room they'd "Laser-Cuff" him to the chair. A man speaks to him about what he did and how his "Skills" could be useful to the GPA they offered him a job 30,000 [ Whatever Money is in this Universe ] A Day.. He'd look surprised "Okay then it's a deal?" The man replies "You could say that now do you want the job or not?" Malakai say's with a amazed look on his face " Sure why not!" OTHER INFORMATION | Age ; 24 | Eye Color ; Hazel | Hair Color ; Dark Brown | Male | Height ; 5 Feet 11 Inches | Creative, Brave( Or Just Plain Stupid), Irrational.. In one word Unpredictable. | Family ; Nami (#### ; Deceased ) May Ashton ( Mother ; Hospitalized ) Micah Ashton (Half Brother; Healthy) |………………………………………………..Any other family is Deceased or unknown…………………………………………………………………| © Copyright Joe <---- THATS ME! 2016

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