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#194428041Sunday, July 24, 2016 11:04 AM GMT

Well... I'm tired of these 3.0 bacon hairs. Can we just..... Remove NBCers? I mean it does not say in the WNTS but... If you are an NBCer, I'm really sorry for posting this. 1. I know what I'm saying is like the opposite of NBCers saying REMOVE BC ITS UNEVEN, GIVE US MORE BENEFITS! Well... If you keep acting like that, the more us BC players want you remove. 2. I feel that NBCers are just plain stupid. As in, I know we were all once NBCers but the NBCers right now, 5% of these NBCers are the mature ones and the remaining 95% of them are most likely these immature kids. 3. Other online games require you to make you pay for the game in order to play it (pay to play for short) so... Why not do that to ROBLOX? 4. If NBCers are removed, We have a higher chance to get better events. 5. Dantdm and EthanGamer Followers will lessen because ROBLOX will only be for BC. Thus, lessening these 3 year old fanboys playing ROBLOX. Trust me, Dantdm played that crappy Pokemon Go Tycoon. 6. Most likely a higher chance for us to have no safechat. 7. The reputation of ROBLOX will go up higher since 98% of these BC players hate random NBCers. (I mean it supports us. ROBLOX pretty much ruined its reputation with us veterans) Well I know what I'm saying is kinda rude but, We need change.
#194428059Sunday, July 24, 2016 11:05 AM GMT

want you to be removed*
#194429109Sunday, July 24, 2016 11:49 AM GMT

then there'll be a LOT less new players when older players would quit there wouldn't be enough new players to replace them this would make roblox's active amount of players shrink quickly it'd be bad NBC'ers are also people, you know, I just don't see why I should spend money on a digital game, I'm not interested in the benefits of it and that's my opinion -1 & 2: You're acting like all NBC'ers are ignorant kids who don't understand why BC is needed to keep ROBLOX running, but we're not. We don't all make those threads, some of us understand what it's for. Don't make up random percentages assuming they're right. -3 isn't a reason, it's just "other games do it so we should too", there's also games that have been running for years being free to a certain extent. -4 doesn't make any sense, not related to NBC'ers at all -5: nobody cares if there's YouTubers that have fanboys, from a business standing point they just bring more attention and therefore more players to ROBLOX -6: How exactly? -7: Again, how? You only hate NBC'ers because you generalise us, you're just as ignorant as NBC'ers who don't know why BC exists tl;dr: no more NBC'ers means there'll be less new players to buy BC to replace people that leave, which will make ROBLOX's player base shrink drastically and make it less popular ~Regards, that RT alien guy
#194429786Sunday, July 24, 2016 12:16 PM GMT

Lowkey roasted
#194432575Sunday, July 24, 2016 1:48 PM GMT

You're acting like all NBC'ers are ignorant kids who don't understand why BC is needed to keep ROBLOX running, but we're not. We don't all make those threads, some of us understand what it's for. Don't make up random percentages assuming they're right. [2]
#194432870Sunday, July 24, 2016 1:56 PM GMT

What in the HELL did i tell you? Roblox would be PAY 2 PLAY. IT'S A GAME were YOU CAN PLAY FOR FREE. IT'S ALREADY PAY 2 WIN WE DON'T NEED PAY 2 PLAY. Also we would have less members. Also your just supporting Roblox because your just a spoil little kid or OR You have a job in real life
#194432920Sunday, July 24, 2016 1:58 PM GMT

2 words for you your stupid HALLELUJAH
#194432978Sunday, July 24, 2016 1:59 PM GMT

If you actually believe making roblox bc only will fix anything, you are so so stupid and ignorant.
#194432991Sunday, July 24, 2016 2:00 PM GMT

OR we could make Roblox for everybody except gavin001.
#194433127Sunday, July 24, 2016 2:04 PM GMT

This is one of the most ignorant posts I have EVER seen no support.
#194433446Sunday, July 24, 2016 2:14 PM GMT

"1. I know what I'm saying is like the opposite of NBCers saying REMOVE BC ITS UNEVEN, GIVE US MORE BENEFITS! Well... If you keep acting like that, the more us BC players want you remove." Removal of BC won't ever happen "2. I feel that NBCers are just plain stupid. As in, I know we were all once NBCers but the NBCers right now, 5% of these NBCers are the mature ones and the remaining 95% of them are most likely these immature kids." Nice sweeping generalization "3. Other online games require you to make you pay for the game in order to play it (pay to play for short) so... Why not do that to ROBLOX? " Because not everything has to be the same? "4. If NBCers are removed, We have a higher chance to get better events." Wtf. This has nothing to do with quality of events. It'll be the same trash. "5. Dantdm and EthanGamer Followers will lessen because ROBLOX will only be for BC. Thus, lessening these 3 year old fanboys playing ROBLOX. Trust me, Dantdm played that crappy Pokemon Go Tycoon." While DantTDM may have caused a massive influx of trash games, it doesn't make much difference as the games page is full of the same games and clickbait and never has variety anymore. "6. Most likely a higher chance for us to have no safechat." There's kids under 13 with BC, too "7. The reputation of ROBLOX will go up higher since 98% of these BC players hate random NBCers. (I mean it supports us. ROBLOX pretty much ruined its reputation with us veterans)" Sounds like a self entitled issue to me.
#194433468Sunday, July 24, 2016 2:15 PM GMT

"-free MMO building game for kids-" Keywords: "Free" and "Kids" This is ridiculous.
#194436553Sunday, July 24, 2016 3:21 PM GMT

1) not gonna happen 2) Just because your parents bought you membership doesn't mean you're mature 3) "ITS FREEEEEEEEEEEE" 4) KIDS, GAME, DO I NEED TO REPEAT MYSELF 5) 3 year olds don't act like spoiled rich kids who's mommies bought them a online membership for a Lego ripoff 6) KIDS GAME 7) Where are you getting the statistics from? Bottom line, stop acting like a spoiled brat because you have a membership
#194440681Sunday, July 24, 2016 4:35 PM GMT

Then atleast 70% of the community will be gone. No support. We were all No builders club once.
#194440744Sunday, July 24, 2016 4:36 PM GMT

no thank you that would be the worst update ever tho I do buy BC.
#194440851Sunday, July 24, 2016 4:38 PM GMT

Their parents probably don't want to buy BC, then boom, they get removed. No support.
#194441004Sunday, July 24, 2016 4:40 PM GMT

Also if you make roblox BC only, it kinda would actually lessen the number of BC purchased.
#194441695Sunday, July 24, 2016 4:52 PM GMT

but then ROBLOX ads cant be like: "ROBLOX, ITS FREEEEE"
#194442072Sunday, July 24, 2016 4:58 PM GMT

@Disguised There wouldn't even be new members, since as soon as they sign up, they'd be banned for not having BC
#194442230Sunday, July 24, 2016 5:01 PM GMT

I just stated this last night. Where's the scientific proof that if you click 'buy BC' it makes you as smart as Albert Einstein? Want some ice in your milkshake? | Your news reporter on RT. | https://forum.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=189687503 https://forum.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=189698198 https://www.roblox.com/The-Usual-item?id=421086079
#194442286Sunday, July 24, 2016 5:02 PM GMT

support $sig = 2011ers FTW
#194442454Sunday, July 24, 2016 5:05 PM GMT

#194443928Sunday, July 24, 2016 5:28 PM GMT

One of the worst ideas to ever reach this website. SO MANY PLAYERS would be banned. BC percentage is below 50 percent, so that would be a terrible thing. NO SUPPORT.
#194452468Sunday, July 24, 2016 7:36 PM GMT

this is the worst idea roblox has ever seen. for real, bad, bad idea.
#194452559Sunday, July 24, 2016 7:37 PM GMT


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