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#194512082Monday, July 25, 2016 1:38 PM GMT

As we all know the time of year where a bunch of random nerds meet together has happened once more. As usual, we are stuck with a week filled with nothing but comics, funko figures and action figures. However, since we are in a modern age where those simple things do not satisfy, we also have movie trailers. Lets face it: we all know DC hasn't had a good movie since The Dark Knight. We can pretend like Dark Knight Rises was good, but it was just average. DC dropped two trailers this week: Justice League and Wonder Woman. Both, as the name suggests, are massively important. If both are inherently bad, that means doom for DC. Without further ado, lets get started. Right out of the gate, we have the Justice League trailer to start this off. As a whole, the trailer was pretty edgy. Bat-fleck has slightly improved by saying the comment "I'm only real when it's useful" and Aqua-mamoa being a general badass. Yet, the trailer made one massive mistake. That mistake happens to be Barry Allen. Barry Allen was utterly distasteful in the trailer. They combined his character with Cisco and it felt uneven. He simply didn't feel like the Barry Allen we all know and love. He came off as desperate and fanboy-ish instead of a lighthearted individual who simply wanted to help. Then we have the Wonder Woman trailer. One comment I read on YouTube was right. If this film were to succeed, it would be DC's saving grace. DC has been churning out awful films after 2008's Dark Knight. Eight years of bad films gets very annoying. Now with Wonder Woman on the horizon, the last thing we need is the original female to get buried by a Godawful misrepresentation of a strong female lead. As far as the trailer goes, they have the base of her down. The film just came off like a Battlefield video game and made itself seem like a parody. Not to mention Gal Gadot really doesn't resemble Wonder Woman fully. All they have are a similar face-shape. DC could have casted her better, but that's all in the past now. The Justice League trailer gets a C. I honestly would have given the trailer a C+ if it weren't for the new Barry Allen. I am very letdown by his character and will not be looking forward to his solo film. Wonder Woman gets a C+. Her film looks to be slightly (and I mean slightly) better than I expected. Sure, the trailer seemed all over the place, but the important part is capturing the era in which she was created. In all honesty, let's just hope Suicide Squad exceeds our expectations and becomes DC's saving grace instead of what appears to be an average Wonder Woman.
#194547135Monday, July 25, 2016 10:21 PM GMT

The Flash in the trailer is an amalgam of all 3 Flashes outside of Jay Garrick. Which makes sense to me because it's unlikely they'd be able to fit all 3 Flashes in one film series.
#194627646Tuesday, July 26, 2016 9:52 PM GMT

Mario, I find that to be stretching it a bit. If DC is playing their cards the way I think they are, they probably are going to make sequels to the Flash film to introduce the other flashes (i.e. Jay Garrick, Wally West, etc.) Plus, the Barry Allen in the film seemed to be a lot less like any Flash I know. Wally West is a little different than Barry Allen but not by much of an extent.
#194634988Tuesday, July 26, 2016 11:29 PM GMT

Wow I read all of this
#194939529Saturday, July 30, 2016 11:46 AM GMT

And now, your brain has 20% less cells because of it.

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