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#194523853Monday, July 25, 2016 5:01 PM GMT

I know this is sad for a lot of you guys to hear, but I am announcing my retirement after 7 seasons. I've had 2 SB rings in my career with ejected, and enjoyed my entire career, My most memorable seasons were S3(SB WIN) S5(SB WIN), and S7 and S8. I know this is very sudden, but I have gotten busy in life as I am going into my junior year. There are alot of people i'd like to thank for being there throughout my career. EJECTED- got me 2 sb's wins, and i know u probably don't like me anymore but you were still a good coach Get_trekt- Great friend throughout my NFL career Churro- daddy <3 Kinq_wattage- im still gonna see him all the time since we know each other in real life.
#194525113Monday, July 25, 2016 5:22 PM GMT

Bye son :(
#194525976Monday, July 25, 2016 5:36 PM GMT

ggggggggg rage

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