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#194539504Monday, July 25, 2016 8:37 PM GMT

Information: This roleplay is inspired by the manga/anime Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, but has pretty much nothing in common other than stands and the occasional reference. It is not necisarry to watch the show, as it is not related to it. This wil not be a serious roleplay, but it might just be a step up from what you guys are doing here. (I'm talking about the "scenario" roleplays with 0 development) Hopefully you enjoy my second attempt at an actual roleplay. With that said, let's get started! Lore: The year is 2012, and signs of the looming Apocalypse have become apparent all over the world. Weather patterns drastically changed, strange natural disasters occurred in the most unlikely places, and the moon began having strange phases never seen before. Satellite images showed that the Earth had begun to grow closer to the Sun, and has begun to rotate at a new spead, days and night now faster. However, the strangest thing found was that the world was split diagonally, and both sides rotated at a slow yet noticable pace. This allowed for land far apart to meet for several hours, and surprisingly, caused minimal to no damage. Still, this posed as a problem, as Man had a kind of contact that was never experienced before This caused political problems, such as the banning of crossing the Diagonal Split Line. With petty arguing and unrest that the rotation caused, it was not long until war started. However, this was not what HE had hoped the humans would react. HE hoped thr humans would be able to unite because of this newfound rotation. They had sadly failed, and HE was no longer going to try. HE decided it was truly time. HE would start the end of the world. He tried so very hard to unify these petty creatures, but all they did was argue. There was no use in helping them anymore. HE would just need to restart. However, there were people that tried to find peace, and he felt sadness when he realized that if he did this, billions of innocent people would be lost. So he came up with a plan. HE would test the people of this world. HE would begin the Apocalypse, but at a much slower pace, and give those who want peace the ability to stop it. If there were enough people to stop it, HE would spare them all, but if there weren't enough, he would restart. HE would bless those willing to fight with the strength to do so. He would give each person a Stand. Each Stand would possess a unique power relevant to the user, and would also be the key to bringing the Apocalypse to a halt. Of course, HE doubted they were capable, but it just made Him feel a bit better about Himself. He would at least give them a chance. The test was rather simple, find the Holy Objects protected by the Holy Beasts, and bring them together. The problem was not the simplicity, but the sheer impossibility of defeating a Holy Beast. It was possible, but even with increased strength, it was extremely difficult. Only the most dedicated and determined people would be able to fight. Looking at the numbers of people ready to blessed right in the moment, HE frowned, the numbers not exactly high. These numbers would go up as the Apocalypse started, but this number, of only 10,000, seemed so small compared to the billions of indifferent people in the world. Maybe this test was just him giving flase hope, but he had already made his decision, and he began his test. In an instant, 10,000 people around the world were blessed with a Stand. You are one of them, and the fate of the world is in your hands, along with the other 9,999 others. Will you work with the others? Or will you stray from the path, causing the end to draw nearer? Locations:(Recurring in all Major Places) Diagonal Split Line- The border which can take you anywhere if you wait long enough. Your main method transportation. A building much like an airport sits on both sides, and acts as a legal method of crossing. Many people wait inside, as if riding a vehicle, waiting for their stop. Bar- A place to get some information/a drink. Some shady people like to come here too, so stay on your toes. Good for some small conversation with friends as well. A basic dart board, an old jukebox, and the occasional television are the only forms of entertainment. Neighborhood- A quite part of town with simple housing. There are some kids at play, but most stay inside due to the random weather. If anything were to happen here, it would be discussed for years to come, as nothing much occurs. Locations:(Situational, and will not be here forever.) New York- New York City: One of the most Iconic Cities in the United States, it pullsin many tourists due to its variety. --Club J: A Nightclub owned by the aging Joseph Goldin. It has almost no business, but may just see a new boom with the upcoming events, you being one of them. Inside, it is rather dark, even with the spastic strobe lights. Its pretty cold in here, but some people prefer it that way. --Claus Housing: Around the city are apartment buildings that provide housing. They are extremely cruddy, and most likely overpriced. However, the small building owned by Garret Claus, Claus Housing, has rather good rooms for such a low price! I mean, who could beat these prices? --Generic Alleyway: Just as it sounds. There are tons of these all over the city, the problem is how do you always seem to pick the same one as another person? --Pepe's Pizza: A small family pizzaria that does business with not so family freindly people. Lots of shady deals are made here, and some pretty good pizzas too. --Generic Park: Save the trees by trapping them in an area filled with pollution. Whoever thought of this definitely needs an award. There are some benches made of WOOD of all things, and a statue of some guy on a horse. Litter is well, littered all over the grass, and some animals not smart enough to be literally anywhere else hang around here. --Mickey's D: Because there weren't enough real ones. Now you can order a triple heart attack meal combo anywhere! Just as long as you are in America. People usually come here just to stuff there kids in the play area though, so there's that too. --Sundeer: Come by and get an (Ice Cold?) coffee with your name spelled wrong! Open 24/7. It is usually filled with workers after a long day or just about to go, or teenage girls who like coffee, but not hot coffee. Task: Investigate the area for the Holy Beast. --The First Holy Beast should be pretty easy. Or at least you hope so. You can feel it near, but you cannot find his exact location. The only thing you knwo is that it's in New York City, and you cannot find it without exploring and interacting with the people around here. Stands: Stands are the manifestation of who you are as an individual and can either take the form of a wraithlike being or an object. It has a special power, and cannot be damaged by any force other than another Stand. Stands are only visible to other Stand Users, but still effect everything. Stands are also the only things that can defeat a Holy Beast, and since Holy Beasts are the catalyst of the apocalypse, the only people who can stop the apocalypse are Stand Users. Stands are not limited like a human is, and can grow in power. However, that is all up to if the user can live long enough. Stands have one unique ability, but that one ability can usually be used in several different ways, making most fleixible as long as the user is creative enough. Character Sheet:(Starred objects are necesarry) *Name: Nickname: Age: *Personality: *Appearance: *Allignment: *Biography: Place of Origin(A Real Country): -------------------------------------------------------------- Stand Sheet: *Name(Usually named after something): *Stand Type(Humanoid/Other): *Appearence: *Ability: *Reasons for Ability(Based on Character): ---------------------------------------------------------- Rules: 1. I don't care what you do, but if you get banned its not my fault. 2. Curse like a grownup, and do it appropriately. If you can, curse more like a high priest. 3. Remember to think about the mood. If you can, please avoid breaking it with a joke, unless it makes sense to. 4. Don't assume you are the best because you are a special snowflake. The other RPers are also special snowflakes, and can be stronger/weaker than you. 5. Romance and ODing are 2 seperate things. Explain why in your CS to get accepted. (I lied) 6. Read the rules. 7. If you fail to get accepted 3 times, you are out. 8. Failure to comply with any of the "rules" will result in a warning. Repeated offense will result in a ban. 10. Have fun! 11. Realize i skipped 9 12. Realize I also skipped 5 ----------------------------------------------- We start when 5 people are accepted. We will all start at the Diagonal Split Line. It will be explained once we start, and any new people will star there as well. I hope this interested you, and you think about joining. Thank you for your time, and I hope I can finally be a succesful DM/GM/Whatever the term is.
#194556847Tuesday, July 26, 2016 12:20 AM GMT

#194602467Tuesday, July 26, 2016 4:17 PM GMT

am I not good enough mommy?
#194746154Thursday, July 28, 2016 4:24 AM GMT

One Last Time.
#194801535Thursday, July 28, 2016 8:57 PM GMT

#194802496Thursday, July 28, 2016 9:08 PM GMT

"Weather patterns drastically changed," Do you have any Weather Reports to back up that claim?
#194802916Thursday, July 28, 2016 9:13 PM GMT

^^^ The Sun is litterally going to crash into the Earth.

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