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#194603886Tuesday, July 26, 2016 4:39 PM GMT

When 'The Flash' occured in 2032,the Government converted it's conventional, pre-war branches into a war-fighting organization, the USCPF. Mostly all of the current service men and women whom survived converted as well, fighting for a noble cause. Over time, however, the flag lost it's meaning and the USPCF lost it's values, values that have been passed down from generation to generation from the pre-war branches and the early stages of the USCPF. Now, in 2115, the homeland is still in turmoil. The USCPF is still seen as greedy and corrupt and fighting a losing battle against the CDF and MEB. Civilian casualties rise due to the on-going war between the USCPF, CDF, MEB, and the multitude of hostile factions in the surrounding areas of the North and South. With all of this occuring, some soldiers began to leave the USCPF and CDF due to corruption, greed, or felt they were fighting for a lost cause. In late 2112, a select few group of Veterans from both sides formed together to reactivate an Operational Detachment Team apart of the Army Special Forces, Operational Detachment Alpha 0311, or ODA 0311, as a dedication to what once was for the United States and it's Military, upholding the values that were passed down by their fathers and grandfathers who served before the Flash and the early stages of the USCPF. Within a few months, the small detachment filled it's team with it's twelve members and established it's primary goal to protect the civilian population by any means necessary. A brotherhood was created. However, the twelve member team began to slowly shrink over time as members were killed off one by one. In August of 2114, the Detachment Commander was killed in action, resulting in the remaining remembers to disband the Detachment due to lack of men and resources. The Detachment was disbanded for eleven months. In July of 2115, Captain Creek, one of the original twelve from the original Detachment, sought to rebuild the Detachment as it was years before. He took refuge from the USCPF up in a Northern Farm and was aided by a former USCPF Special Operations Veteran, Nick Miller, which would soon become his Assistant Detachment Commander. The Detachment's mission has expanded from not only a defensive security force for the Civilian populations of the North and South, but a force to take Direct action against parts of any Faction that builds off of the expense of others or committ unjustifiable acts which harm the innocent. The Team members get most of their gear, weapons, and ammunition through trusted sources within the Black Market. The Detachment is currently regrouping and rebuilding, soon looking to expand. The higher standards and values that the Detachment bears will be upheld and the American Flag will be worn with pride.

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