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#19495692Wednesday, January 13, 2010 9:21 PM GMT

February 8th, 1982. You sit at your favourite cafe, slurping cofee and reading a newspaper. You haven't had a job for a year, but you still carry your weapons around. In the distance, you hear gunshots. They grow slowly louder, until, without warning, a motorcycle comes crashing through the window in a hail of glass and bullets. The rider leaps off his mount and jumps towards you. Realizing his intentions are hostile, you pull out your pistol, and take aim. It seems that this day just got harder. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a Storyform RP that follows no trends, specifically taste and expectancy. In the style of a grindhouse film, you'll get into some pretty mad shootouts in the strangest of locations. Dual wield the heaviest of guns, use the most exotic blades and drive stupidly fast cars into walls. This is not just your average RP... This is Afinity. (Well, yeah, it is quite average actually, but nevermind.) You'll start in the cafe, as more armed goons crash bikes through the window. Work your way down the street, if you want. No killing other players or taking control of them. Standard ROBLOX rules apply. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CS: Name: (Anything you like) Age: (20 is the youngest. Sorry, but no pre-teen assassins.) Gender: Appearance: (Be as creative and mad as you like.) Weaponry: (The fun bit. Go mad with the choices. Melee and ranged.) Bio: (Put whatever you like. Any story works, really.) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#19495958Wednesday, January 13, 2010 9:26 PM GMT

Name: Mike Coulton Age: 27 Gender: Male Appearance: 6"8, 211lbs, Skinny, Grey Jumpsuit, Black Spiked Up Hair, Blue Blood-Shot Eyes, Black Thick Boots, Black/Grey Racing Helmet (Visor Down) Weaponry: MP5K, Silenced 357.Magnum Revolver Bio: Brought up in a poverty filled area, Mike learned how to wield a weapon quickly..He was later raised in the woods..Learning other forms of fighting...He came back into the city to take a break...Seems things weren't all he expected.
#19496422Wednesday, January 13, 2010 9:35 PM GMT

#19498018Wednesday, January 13, 2010 10:02 PM GMT

Seems really cool. Name:John Killer Age: 28 Gender:Male Appearance:Blue jeans with rips and a little blood, White tee with bullet hole, Brown hair, and White soles Weaponry: Dual Glocks, Two daggers, shotgun, and a Sniper Bio: 28 assassin with good equiptment and likes to have parners and not work alone.
#19498166Wednesday, January 13, 2010 10:04 PM GMT

#19498518Wednesday, January 13, 2010 10:09 PM GMT

(Lets start) I sit there amazed at what just happened but then more come "OH cra-" I run down the street shooting at the bad guys I need (huff) to (huff) find my motercycle!"
#19498740Wednesday, January 13, 2010 10:13 PM GMT

I whipped out my MP5K, I shot at the man "Bloody hell! I came back here for this?!"
#19498956Wednesday, January 13, 2010 10:16 PM GMT

I see my bike and Mike "Hey dude need help?" I yell
#19499105Wednesday, January 13, 2010 10:18 PM GMT

I hopped on "Sure mate." I said, Firing at the man.
#19499252Wednesday, January 13, 2010 10:20 PM GMT

"Cool." I say starting my bike and going off "So how are you? I'm John by the way.
#19499339Wednesday, January 13, 2010 10:22 PM GMT

"I'm Mike...I've been in the forrest for uh...About 6 Years and, Uh..Yeah, I come back to this load of crap."
#19499701Wednesday, January 13, 2010 10:27 PM GMT

"Yeah it sucks but oh well." I say while handing a tire strip to Mike
#19502374Wednesday, January 13, 2010 11:09 PM GMT

I took it "Mhm"
#19502609Wednesday, January 13, 2010 11:12 PM GMT

He throws the strip and I speed up "So want to stop at my place to load up our guns?"
#19502839Wednesday, January 13, 2010 11:15 PM GMT

"Hold on.." I said, As a motorike pulled up behind us, I shot the driver between the eyes with the 357. I chuckled "Sure"
#19504199Wednesday, January 13, 2010 11:33 PM GMT

Name: Kuroi Torao Age: 25 Gender: Male Appearance: Dusk black hair w/ side swept bangs that cover his right eye, light brown skin, 6"2, a red scar that comes up from the left part of his chin that goes up almost to the eye, long grey scarf that covers his neck and the rest hangs down to his waist, leather black shirt with sleeves ripped, chain necklace, grey long glove with a metal part on the back of the hand, baggy shorts with a light grey rim on the bottom, leather grey shoes with metal bottom and shoe tip. Weaponry: Japanese Naginata, Tora Tiger Samurai Sword(Tora Tiger is just the pattern of the sword), dual pistols (Tell me if I have too many weapons) Bio: Born in a Japanese village, Kuroi was tought how to fought at the age of 5, and was put into professional learning by the age of 14. Staying at Japan till he was 21, he had mastered most of his skills, and had learned the english language by 18. He then moved to the US, away from his family.
#19506924Thursday, January 14, 2010 12:10 AM GMT

I stop by my house and we go in I get my shotgun and sniper along with my daggers "There all set."
#19509143Thursday, January 14, 2010 12:43 AM GMT

"All right" I said, Reloading
#19523580Thursday, January 14, 2010 9:30 AM GMT

Name: Tom Element (Yeah, I'll go with "element" today.) Age: 28 Gender:Male Appearance: Red waistcoat with black jeans and white shoes. Ruffled dark hair with side-swept bangs. Weaponry: Dual Model 500's and a traditional English longsword on back. Bio: Tom is a drifter. He goes from job to job, partner to partner, place to place. He can never settle on one thing, but is always a rogue. Quite the anarchist, his brand of rougish charm has got him quite far.
Top 25 Poster
#19523941Thursday, January 14, 2010 11:32 AM GMT

Name: William Kenka Age: 25 Gender: Male Appearance: Black with neon blue stripes liberty spikes, Pale white goggles,ripped dark blue faded jeans, Black and White sweatshirt Weaponry: Dranonc (Hopefuly I spelled it right cause its a sniper) Baseball bat Bio: He is a old school assassin with the classic weapons, A sniper and a baseball bat. But he doesnt dress old school.
#19524360Thursday, January 14, 2010 12:25 PM GMT

Name: Will Stormwillow Age: 26 Gender: Male Appearance: Black boots jeans red shirt with black splatter leather jacket black bandana around mouth. Shaggy black hair and blue eyes. Weaponry: Dual P90's and Booey knife. Bio: Not neccasarily stupid... but odd.
#19524414Thursday, January 14, 2010 12:30 PM GMT

I saw some goons in the cafe. I threw my knife into ones neck and ripped it out I kicked one shot another jacked a motorcycle and rode after Mike and John.
#19525576Thursday, January 14, 2010 2:12 PM GMT

I slide across the floor in a flurry of bullets, both mine and those of my enemy. There are others in the cafe, and strangely enough, they're armed! They don't look like goons...
#19526097Thursday, January 14, 2010 3:20 PM GMT

I go onto my bike and drive towards the cafe "I forgot something there."
#19526220Thursday, January 14, 2010 3:31 PM GMT

[Kuroi] I calmly stayed in my seat, aware that there's people literally trying to kill me, I sipped my coffee and threw the white glass cup up, and yet, they shot at it, making pieces of glass and drops of coffee rain over me. "Such a waste of money, don't you think?" I asked to myself as I got up from the seat, dodging my way from their bullets, but ending up having some bullet holes in my scarf. "And such an unfortunate event to have my clothes ruined, huh?" I asked myself again, and I put my foot up and made a 180 degree turn while slamming down my foot and the pieces of glass flew up, aiming at the goons heads, either making an instant kill or weakening them. I took out my Tora Tiger katana and slashed at the ones who didn't die instantly, but made it so that it was very quick. I didn't want them to have a painful life, that's just wasteful.

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