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#194990283Sunday, July 31, 2016 1:24 AM GMT

This is the timeline/lore for the upcoming RP game, "Age of Anarchy." 2017 - A mass immigration and refugee crisis ensues, migrants seeking asylum and jobs swarm to the US from South and Central America after a boom in economy. 2017 - A radical movement known as the "National Loyalist Union Defence League", or "NLUDL" for short, gains momentum in congress. 2018 - The National Loyalist Union Defence League is elected with their leader, President John Garret, to run the United States under a fascist, far right rule. This induces mass controversy and triggers panic amongst ethnic minorities. 2019 - TE-WACU places an embargo on the NLUDL. 2019 - The TE-WACU grow concerned of newly stated rule and dispatch a foreign emissary to campaign against the terms of the NLUDL. 2020 - On the mainland, several states governed by ethnically subjugated minorities begin to fracture against newly embellished far-right policies. 2021 - The TE-WACU diplomat is assassinated. 2021 - The TE-WACU declare war. 2021 - President John Garret reposes strict foreign policies in fear of invasion, and that of internal affairs, sparking outrage amongst 'loyalist' movements. 2022 - The North-East ruptures into civil war after a peaceful protest alters to violence amidst clashes in which 116 are killed, with at least 397 wounded. 2023 - US coalitions fracture into what people commonly refer to as "the Divided States" during this period. 2024 - The States are completely split in the middle, the West region favouring a far-right stance whilst the East is backed by the TE-WACU. 2025 - Several cities in the West resort to illicit associations, they are divided furthermore between different political groups. 2028 - After neglect, Alaska suffers with shortages of surplus and essential commodities. Communities begin to suffer. 2028 - Angered, a loyalist front march through the streets of Anchorage in Alaska in protest, gaining swift support. 2028 - A few days after the protest, the Anchorage Union is formed. 2028 - The Union march upon the Alaskan government building a month later, this time more organized and adaptive to the environement having established a headquarters and stakeout in preperation for the protest. 2028 - TAU and the Anchorage PD clash in rallied protests known as the "A.U. Putsch", which lead to riots in several parts of Alaska due to influence and communication. 2029 - The TAU out-number the Anchorage PD (with NLUDL support) 7 to 1. They later claim the government building, taking hostages, holding them for ransom. 2030 - The NLUDL is too occupied with the war effort to intervene, instead President John Garret flies to Alaska to settle negotiations. Yet during this, his flight is shot down, all staff and personnel are killed in the crash, including John Garret. 2035 - With no ruling party to take control of the States, the TE-WACU technically have won the war. Thereafter, remnants of the military form a coup to overthrow the strict policies of the TE-WACU. They win, and impose martial law. 2037 - For the first time, loyalists and seperatists form to overthrow the authoritarian regime after massacres in prominent cities of mainland 'DSE' (Divided States of Embarrassment), a moniker given by TE-WACU war veterans. 2039 - There is a brief scenario of peace, yet most cities lay in ruin or ill-repair after the war. Soon enough, disputes within dystopian societies soon boil over with tension, a second civil war occurs. 2047 - The DSE fractures, losing all authoritarian control. The new system in Anarchy. This is where Age of Anarchism begins. Link to Age of Anarchy: https://www.roblox.com/games/468638749/Age-of-Anarchy ~ Made by kvltist (I just made the years)
#195024177Sunday, July 31, 2016 2:25 PM GMT

u forgot to forum lock noob xdddd
#195027280Sunday, July 31, 2016 3:32 PM GMT

HA LOL KYS KYS KYS KYS If illegal is abuse.Isn't abuse legal
#195035621Sunday, July 31, 2016 5:48 PM GMT

its unlocked on purpose for feedback omg

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