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#195250645Wednesday, August 03, 2016 9:15 AM GMT

||The Main Deities|| Ikall was created by "The Four", a group of Gods that wanted to see its creation strive. Keo Teró, the Patriarch of the Gods. He is pictured as a masculine, bearded, armored Warrior, wielding an axe and a shield. He represents Strength and Honor. Ishmag, the second in command. He is depicted as an elderly dwarve, with a scroll in one hand and a hammer in the other. He represents knowledge and wisdom. Marí, often seen as a Female Valir. She represents Peace and Tranquility. And lastly, Vagór. A Brute and strong Hokuur, dual wielding War Hammers. He represents War and Blood. _________________________________________________________________________________ ||The Main Races|| For the Realm of Ikall, peace was never an option. There were four Races, mostly waging war one another, or with itself; The Humans were the most common, as most say they were made by Keo Teró himself, the Patriarch of the Gods. They have different cultures, but share the belief in "The Four". The second most-dominant race in the face of Ikall, were the Honkuur. They were bestial and brutal. They had sharp ears and teeth of greater size, they were usually taller, and more muscular than the Humans. Their skin had a tint of green. They are believed to be a curse, but to those that seek glory in battle, being one is a blessing. Their belief consists that the god named Vaqór made the Honkuur in his image, and that he did so to prove that his creation would be the strongest of them all. The Dwarves were a more interesting species. They were far more advanced in technology than the other races, and reside deep underground or in the mountains. Sadly, after all these years of war, it seems as if they vanished from Ikall. A lot of rumors go around, but they are just speculations, as Hundreds of years have passed since they have been seen. They did not believe "The Four" as a whole, but instead in a single deity named Ishmag. A more Royal kind of species were the Valir. They are delicate, Lighter in skin color and hair, taller, and more spiritual than the Humans, they have a strong belief in "The Four". They are scarce and low in numbers. _________________________________________________________________________________ ||The Main Factions|| -Human- The House Of Valenhart. A proud and striving kingdom, full of chivalry and culture. It was founded by Lord Norman Iveswood in the First Age, and has been around ever since, growing. They currently hold the biggest and most economically successful city, Arpton, which it's the capital. They only allow Humans to become part of their great house. Other holds of this House are Fort Dunstread and the town of Waernell. [Depict as Western European Medieval Culture.] Next, is the House of Uvstal. They are less economically and technologically advanced, but have far more pride and strength. It was founded by Lord Odaavar Bjikson in the First Age, but stayed leaned towards the Old Culture. They only worship Keo Teró, and accept any race to become part of them. Their Capital is the large-town of Brevis. Other holds of this House are the Kastir Trading-Outpost, the village of Norwick, and the village of Ustangard. [Depict as Nordic Culture.] -Hokuur- When the Hokuur aren't civilized, they are in their great hordes all around the Realm of Ikall. The Primary horde is the Horde of Garazh. It was founded by Nakguk The Beast in the Second Age as a way to rebel against all the other races. They managed to demolish Valiran Cities to the ground, and bury Dwarven fortresses where they stood. Now, in the Fifth Age, they harass the Human Noble Houses. -Valiran- IN DEV -Dwarven- IN DEV ||If you wish to create a Fan-Faction and make it Official, let us know if you qualify and go along with this lore.||
#195251685Wednesday, August 03, 2016 10:10 AM GMT

Hi Ellis!
#195479396Saturday, August 06, 2016 3:14 AM GMT

karinkov was here.
#195484571Saturday, August 06, 2016 4:37 AM GMT

What's this group about?

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