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#195274518Wednesday, August 03, 2016 6:16 PM GMT

The second I spawned into my game that I just finished making, my health started to decrease and kept going until I died. Any answers to how to fix it?
#195275197Wednesday, August 03, 2016 6:25 PM GMT

Look at the scripts wich remove health or search health in the search bar. If you found nothing. Make this a script. ( I dont know if it is a local or normal ) function h1 (plr) if game.Players:GetChildren().Humanoid.Health ~= 100 then game.Players:GetChildren().Humanoid.Health = game.Players:GetChildren().Humanoid.Health + 100 end end function(h1) I dont know if it will work. Because I dont have this problem local msg = Instance.new('Message') msg.Text = '10/10 ign rating' for i = 100000000,0,-1 do msg:clone() ( Signature)
#195287133Wednesday, August 03, 2016 9:01 PM GMT

Did you use free models or plugins? 💰 I like money 💰
#195457294Friday, August 05, 2016 9:50 PM GMT

@SSSpencer413 Neither. I made the game.

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