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#195406390Friday, August 05, 2016 3:40 AM GMT

18 year old Catholic black guy in Houston, TX Shoot your questions
#195406433Friday, August 05, 2016 3:40 AM GMT

State of Georgia Vs. Denver Fenton Allen thoughts? I want to abstain from unenlightened, hedonistic pursuits
#195406437Friday, August 05, 2016 3:40 AM GMT

can i interest you in some class struggle Iᴛ ᴀɪɴᴛ ᴇᴀsʏ, ʙᴇɪɴɢ Cʜᴇᴇsᴇʏ.
#195406438Friday, August 05, 2016 3:40 AM GMT

u a travis scott fan?
#195406464Friday, August 05, 2016 3:41 AM GMT

Being exposed to different religions and even non-religious people have you ever though about being agnostic, athiest, etc. ? Personally I was catholic but have disembarked into agnostic.
#195406661Friday, August 05, 2016 3:44 AM GMT

"shoot your questions" "shoot" HA HAHA HA
#195406690Friday, August 05, 2016 3:44 AM GMT

"State of Georgia Vs. Denver Fenton Allen thoughts?" No clue what this is "can i interest you in some class struggle" Go ahead, I'm willing to indulge. Probably going to regret it but whatever, I don't care "u a travis scott fan?" Funny you ask, because not only is he from my exact town, but he went to the high school I'm zoned to and pay taxes toward, and everyone thinks he's some kind of God. Personally I think his music sucks and all of his songs sound the same. "Being exposed to different religions and even non-religious people have you ever though about being agnostic, athiest, etc. ? Personally I was catholic but have disembarked into agnostic." No not really. I never questioned it. My entire family is Catholic except for my dad. My dad was raised Anglican and he's not really religious at all. I don't remember a time he's ever gone to church
#195406729Friday, August 05, 2016 3:45 AM GMT

'"shoot your questions" "shoot" HA HAHA HA' kys
#195406762Friday, August 05, 2016 3:46 AM GMT

basically the best court transcript in history I want to abstain from unenlightened, hedonistic pursuits
#195406808Friday, August 05, 2016 3:46 AM GMT

"No not really. I never questioned it. My entire family is Catholic except for my dad. My dad was raised Anglican and he's not really religious at all. I don't remember a time he's ever gone to church" Do you attend church regularly or no
#195406824Friday, August 05, 2016 3:47 AM GMT

I can't get into Catholicism. Too much "You're a bad person and you're going to hell but live your life like you're goin to heaven, but jk you're still goin to hell"
#195406939Friday, August 05, 2016 3:48 AM GMT

"Do you attend church regularly or no" I'm going to be 100% honest on this thread and I'm not going to lie. I'm an extremely busy person. I have two jobs, I have errands to run sometimes, things get in the way. I don't miss it on purpose. I try to go every Sunday, but there are going to be a few weeks where I don't make it
#195406974Friday, August 05, 2016 3:49 AM GMT

What are your thoughts on Tampa
#195407058Friday, August 05, 2016 3:50 AM GMT

nothing i say will change your mind, if you truly have an interest you can PM me but my experience with liberals on this forum has been largely negative Iᴛ ᴀɪɴᴛ ᴇᴀsʏ, ʙᴇɪɴɢ Cʜᴇᴇsᴇʏ.
#195407067Friday, August 05, 2016 3:51 AM GMT

why is your ego so big man.. i think ur a chill guy but u got an ego like ibra fam
#195407142Friday, August 05, 2016 3:52 AM GMT

"What are your thoughts on Tampa" I'm sorry but Florida is the biggest dump in the world and every experience I've had in that horrible excuse for a state has been negative. I've never personally been to Tampa, but I've been to Orlando and South Florida plenty of times and I have no intentions of ever crossing the state line again. "nothing i say will change your mind, if you truly have an interest you can PM me but my experience with liberals on this forum has been largely negative" Alright so you don't actually have a question
#195407213Friday, August 05, 2016 3:53 AM GMT

"why is your ego so big man.. i think ur a chill guy but u got an ego like ibra fam" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zAXkUbhXQr0
#195407547Friday, August 05, 2016 3:59 AM GMT

dam bro travis scott is the best
#195407581Friday, August 05, 2016 3:59 AM GMT

"dam bro travis scott is the best" i heavily disagree but more power to you i guess
#195407586Friday, August 05, 2016 3:59 AM GMT

Will you fix my teeth when you become a registered dentist
#195407799Friday, August 05, 2016 4:03 AM GMT

me too pls i look like icejjfish
#195407875Friday, August 05, 2016 4:05 AM GMT

What about Florida was terrible
#195408908Friday, August 05, 2016 4:22 AM GMT

"Will you fix my teeth when you become a registered dentist" hell i'll fix 'em now for free "What about Florida was terrible" what wasn't? 1. the people suck. genuinely really terrible human beings. worst personalities in the world. and it's not a coincidence that florida has the most old people in the country. i think there's a correlation there. i've had very few positive interactions with people in florida and i'm non-confrontational 2. the artifically planted palm trees scattered all over orlando. it's so fake and pretentious 3. place is scattered with tourists and tourists really suck 4. the courts and the people inside them. you let george zimmerman and casey anthony walk off scott free and it's illegal to give homeless people food. 5. the scenery is f**king depressing. especially in orlando. i mentioned the fake palm trees but everything is so pseudo tropical that it makes me want to barf
#195409144Friday, August 05, 2016 4:26 AM GMT

the dynamo finally scored how do you feel about that
#195409185Friday, August 05, 2016 4:27 AM GMT

"the dynamo finally scored how do you feel about that" the same way i feel about houston not being new orleans

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