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#195520290Saturday, August 06, 2016 7:06 PM GMT

Original Thread: http://forum.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=146473113 Telamon's Show =Telamon's Phone rings= =Telamon wakes up= Telamon: Hello? Todd: Hello sir...wait don't hang up! Telamon: Why shouldn't I? You're just one of those pathetic telemarketers. Todd: Actually, I'm Vice-CEO of the famed channel, WBS. Telamon: Really? My friend Wookong used to work there! Todd: Well, my boss wants you to work for him. Telamon: But I work for ROBLOX. Todd: But this is a TV Show. Telamon: Wait, did you say TV show? Todd: That's right. Telamon: I'll think about it. Todd: Okay, I'll call you back. Telamon: Okay. Bye. *Click* =Telamon walks into his new son's room= Telamon: Hey, you're up. =Telamon picks up his infant son= =Anna walks in= Anna: Daddy, do you love me as much as my new brother? Telamon: Of course I would! Anna: Well, then would you sign this document? =Anna whips out a document= Telamon: *Sigh* Anna, you know I love you both. Anna: You're just saying that. Telamon: Look, I'd never love him more then you. Anna: Will you love me more then him? Telamon: No. Anna: NO FAIR! Telamon: *Sigh* (A few hours later) Telamon: ...and then I hung up! Matt Dusek: Wow, sounds like a pretty cool idea. Telamon: The only thing though, what if they like me? What if I have to quit my job? What if I move? Matt Dusek: John, sometimes in life you have to do the best decision. Telamon: I guess. Matt Dusek: Plus, you'd have to include me. I need to get on that show. Telamon: So, that's why you're acting so concerned. Matt Dusek: Of course. You think I'd care if you had a job offer? I love TV! Telamon *Sigh* Matt Dusek: Look, I'll help you in your audition. I'll even be your wacky sidekick for the show! Telamon: Okay then. Matt Dusek: No matter what happens, I'll always be there with you...on TV! Telamon: *Sigh* (At the Shedletsky's) Matt Dusek: ...and then I'll say, what shoe? Telamon: I'm not sure if this is going to work at the auditions. Matt Dusek: Oh calm down! Now, I get a stick of butter and I rub it on my forehead... Brighteyes: Honey! It's your turn to change Tim! Telamon: I'm busy dear! Brighteyes: I'm pretty sure you have time for your own child. Telamon: I'm busy at practicing for my possible TV Show! Brighteyes: Never mind, I'll change Tim! =Brighteyes walks out of the room= Matt Dusek: Okay, now after the butter scene, I'll... Telamon: Matt, why don't we take a break? Matt Dusek: Okay =Phone rings= Telamon: Hello? Todd: Hey, umm I know you didn't do an audition, but we need a show to film in a timeslot tonight!!! For some reason, "Bowling Night Sunday" was cancelled for poor ratings. Telamon: All right! Todd: How soon can you get to Hollywood? Telamon: I live a few hours away from it. Todd: Great! See you there! *Click* =Anna walks in= Anna: Hey Daddy, why do you look so happy? Telamon: I got my own show! Anna: You have a TV Show?!?! Telamon: Yes! Anna: Can I be in it? Telamon: Well... Anna: I WANNA BE IN IT!!! Telamon: Okay, you're in it! Anna: Oh goody! =Brighteyes enters the room= Telamon: Good news honey, Anna and I are going to be on TV! Brighteyes: What building did you set on fire this time? Telamon: No! Not like that, we're going to have our own TV show! Brighteyes: Great! I get to be on it too! Telamon: What? Brighteyes: Look buster, I do much more work in this house then you. So I deserve to be part of your show! Telamon: Well... Brighteyes: I'll never ask you to change Tim's diapers again! Telamon: Deal! (The Next Day) =Telamon wakes up to see a picture of a dead actor= Telamon: That's not a good sign! =Telamon walks downstairs= Telamon: Anna! What're you doing out of bed? Its 6AM! Anna: I wanted to get ready to go to the show! Telamon: Well, *Chuckle* Anna we won't leave until 11. Anna: Oh, I better put Timmy back to bed! Telamon: What?!?! You woke up Tim! if your Mom finds out we're dead! Brighteyes: Oh, I pretty sure she found out. Telamon: YIPE! (A few hours later) Telamon: C'mon gang, let's get in the car. I need to pick up Matt on the way. =Telamon drives his car to Matt's house= =Matt Dusek walks out of his house and gets in the car= Telamon: Onward to Hollywood! =Telamon drives his car but Builderman and ReeceMcBlox stops him= Builderman and ReeceMcBlox: WAIT! WAIT! Telamon: What? Builderman: You forgot us. ReeceMcBlox: Yeah. Telamon: WHAT?!?! Matt Dusek: Oh, I might've invited them. =Telamon does a facepalm= =Everyone arrives in the studio= Todd: Whoa! I did not expect you bringing so many people. Telamon: Well, they kind of mooched their way into joining me. ReeceMcBlox: Hey! I don't mooch! Only on Sundays I mooch. Today is Saturday. Todd: Right this way. =Todd leads everyone to FishyPeter's office= FishyPeter: Ah, John! How are you? Telamon: Hey! You're the guy who fired my friend! FishyPeter: That's life. Deal with it. Anyway, I've got a contract for you! Just sign it, and your friends and you will have a show! Anna: Don't do it daddy! I saw this guy on TV thinking he signed a contract for free money, but the contract was for unlimited bills! Telamon: Anna, don't believe everything you see on TV. Matt Dusek: Yeah! Just believe everything you hear on the internet! =Builderman nudges Matt Dusek= Matt Dusek: Ow! Telamon: So, if I sign it I have a show? Fishypeter: Yep! Telamon: Okay then! =Telamon signs the contract= FishyPeter: Excellent! Follow me. =FishyPeter leads them into a studio= Brighteyes: I hope we have a mysterious, dark show! Matt Dusek: Or perhaps a show with a lot of comedy. ReeceMcBlox: You've all got to be kidding me! A talent type show is the way to go! Builderman: Or a documentary show about our lives. Anna: OR A CARTOON! =Everyone stares at Anna= Anna: I can dream can't I? FishyPeter: Here we are! Telamon: What's this?!?! FishyPeter: You're new show! Telamon: This is a cooking set! Anna: See daddy? Always read contracts! Telamon: Unbelievable! This is a cooking set! FishyPeter: That's right! You signed the contract, clarifying that you and you're friends would be part of a cooking show! ReeceMcBlox: That's not fair! Everyone knows John is horrible when it comes to business! Telamon: Hey! FishyPeter: No excuses, you signed it. Telamon: *Sigh* Okay, what do we do? FishyPeter: This show is a live show, so I need you guys to act perfect! Brighteyes (Sarcastically): Oh great. FishyPeter: So, John, and that little one will be the head chefs. Anna: Yes! I get to star in a show! FishyPeter: The complainer one will be the crew. =Everyone stares at RecceMcBlox= ReeceMcBlox: Excuse me, what does the crew do? FishyPeter: Everything! You set up the stage, work the camera, cue the audience track, hand props, get me coffee... ReeceMcBlox: What?!?! I'm not giving you coffee! FishyPeter: Your friend, John signed a contract! RecceMcBlox: Thanks a lot John! Telamon: *Sigh* FishyPeter: The other girl and baby will and the baking. Brighteyes: What! I can't have Tim help me bake! That's dangerous! FishyPeter: My dear lady, everything is dangerous in Hollywood. Brighteyes: ARGH! FishyPeter: And you, Mr. Builderguy. Builderman: It's David. FishyPeter: Whatever. Anyway, you'll be doing the lunch segment. Builderman: What do you mean by Lunch segment? FishyPeter: Figure it out. =Matt Dusek leans over to Telamon= Matt Dusek (Whispering): At least I might get something good. FishyPeter: And, oh yeah. The toothy deer. You'll be cleaning toilets. Matt Dusek: ALRIGHT! (Later) Todd: We're live in 1 minute! ReeceMcBlox: Oh no! Reece was busy making Fishy's coffee and didn't realize about the camera ReeceMcBlox: C'mon! Finish mixing you dumb coffee! =The coffee continues to mix= Telamon was getting ready backstage with Anna. Telamon: You know what to say right? Anna: Yep! I say "And my name is Anna!" Telamon: Are you sure you understand? Anna: Yes. Telamon: You understand this is a live show and you can't screw up. Anna: Yes daddy, I understand. Telamon: Are you certain? Because if you mess this up, there is no going back. Todd: Live in 30 seconds! ReeceMcBlox: Oh no! =Reece runs away from the coffee machine to turn on the camera= =The coffee lands on the camera= =The camera goes out of control= =The music starts= Announcer: Live, from WBS Studios, It's Cooking with John and pals! =Telamon and Anna walk onstage= (Meanwhile at Jackinthebox's house) Jackinthebox: What the heck is wrong with the screen? It's upside down! The coffee seemed to have caused the camera to film from an upside down location. Telamon: Hi! I'm John! Anna: And! Uh...Anna and I'm? Telamon: Heh heh. Well, Anna, what're we cooking today? (Meanwhile at Blockhaak's house) Blockhaak: This show looks really weird. It's as if the show is upside down and John and his daughter are on it! But, nah. That's impossible! Anna: Today, we'll be um, making uh, cookies! ReeceMcBlox (Backstage): That's not in the script! But who cares? I'm the prop hander! =Reece runs onstage and trips over a floorboard and crashes= =The prop ham flings and crashes onto the camera= =The camera is cracked= (Meanwhile) Phirefox: HA! This is the funniest show ever! SuperSy: I don't think it's supposed to be funny. Phirefox: Oh come on! It's hilarious! The way they make it seem like it's an actual cooking show is so funny! Telamon: We'll be back after this break! =Camera turns off= FishyPeter: What the heck was that? Telamon: Well you see... FishyPeter: I don't care, just move on to the Lunch Segment. =Builderman hops up to FishyPeter in a bunny suit= Builderman: Uh, boss? Why do I have to be dressed like a bunny? FishyPeter: To promote the new brand of carrots, now get on the stage. Todd: Live in 1 minute! ReeceMcBlox: Uh boss? I can't get the background to come down! It's stuck! FishyPeter: Let me see that! =FishyPeter pulls on the background= The background is an Olaf background. Brighteyes: Wha-? FishyPeter: Don't ask! Just help me lift this up! Todd: 30 seconds sir! FishyPeter: Argh! We don't have time for this! Just keep the background. Builderguy, get out here! =Builderman hops onto the stage= =Cameras turn on= Builderman: Hello there! (Meanwhile) Janice the secretary: Why is my boss on TV? Builderman: My name is David! I mean, Bunny Bob! And today, I have to show these new carrots! If I had them. Reece was meanwhile backstage trying to make more coffee ReeceMcBlox: Oh no! The carrots! =Reece throws a bag of carrots at Builderman= Builderman: GAH! =Builderman tips over the table and falls down= Builderman: HELP! I can't get up in this costume! (Meanwhile) Wookong: HA! This is better then watching the Three Stooges Weekend Hyuk-A-Thon! =Camera turns off= FishyPeter: WHAT WAS THAT? Builderman: I fell over! FishyPeter: Well, don't fall over! You are expected to be perfect! Builderman: Look, I don't need this! I QUIT! FishyPeter: You can't quit, John signed a contract, remember? Builderman: ARGH! =Builderman stomps offstage= ReeceMcBlox: Hey boss! I finally got a new background! =ReeceMcBlox pulls down a large Toilet background= FishyPeter: I don't care! Get me my coffee! Todd: Live in 1 minute sir! FishyPeter: Chirstine! Tim! Get out here! =Brighteyes arrives with Tim= FishyPeter: In this segment, you have to bake this bread for only 3 minutes, okay? Brighteyes *Sarcastically*: Sure, and while I'm at it, I'll juggle some chainsaws! FishyPeter: Okay. Todd: 10 Seconds! FishyPeter: Places everyone! ACTION! =ReeceMcBlox runs from the coffee section once more to the camera= (Meanwhile) EpicPizzaParty: What the? Why is the screen black? =Cameras turn on= EpicPizzaParty: That's better. Brighteyes: Hi there! I'm Christine! This is my son, Tim! Tim: Aguwato! Brighteyes: Today, we shall bake some- Anna (Offstage): NO! =Anna runs onstage with a makeup artist chasing her= Anna: I WON'T LET YOU COMB MY HAIR! ONLY MOMMY DOES IT! FishyPeter: Cut! Todd: We can't cut sir, we're live! FishyPeter: Oh no! =Builderman hops onto the stage= Builderman: Hey guys! I think I got the hang of this costume! =Builderman trips over Anna and crashes onto a table= =FishyPeter storms onstage= FishyPeter: No! No! No! You're doing it all wrong! (Meanwhile) FileDeleted: Who's that director-looking guy? MrFile: I don't know, but I want to beat him up for what he's doing! =sheriff mc.shootystar arrives on the set= sheriff mc.shootystay: Is this the Wild West Show? FishyPeter: No, that's in studio 7C! sheriff mc.shootystay: No...My letter specifically states, Studio 4B! =Several people try to lift up Builderman= Builderman: It's no use! I can't get up! sheriff mc.shootystay: Why, I wanted to be in that show, and by golly I am! =sheriff mc.shootystay gets out snake= Snake: *HISS!!!!* =Anna continues to run around with the makeup artist chasing after her= =Anna collides into sheriff mc.shootystay= =sheriff mc.shootystay drops his snake= =The snake lands into Builderman's costume= Builderman: YAH!!!!!!! Brighteyes: Hey, what's that smell? =Brighteyes turns over to see the oven on fire= Brighteyes: AHHHHH!!!! =Telamon throws a bucket of water at the fire, but it misses, and catches the bucket on fire= Telamon: AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! =ReeceMcBlox runs in= ReeceMcBlox: Don't worry! I have you're coffee! =ReeceMcBlox trips over Builderman and the coffee lands onto FishyPeter= FishyPeter: AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! =Matt Dusek comes walking in= Matt Dusek: Hey um, so we have this situation with the toilets... =A flood breaks through the wall and crashes into the set, putting out the fire and drenching everyone= ReeceMcBlox: At least we got in on tape! =ReeceMcBlox stares at the broken camera= ReeceMcBlox: Oops. FishyPeter: That's it! You're all fired! Telamon: Nope! I signed a contract! =FishyPeter gasps in horror when he realizes about the contract= FishyPeter: Well, too bad! Get out! Brighteyes: We can't. John signed a contract. FishyPeter: I don't care! Just move it! Matt Dusek: Nope! John signed a contract! FishyPeter: ARGH! =FishyPeter rips up the contract= Fishypeter: There! You happy? Telamon: No! You humiliated us on live TV! FishyPeter: So? What do you want!? Brighteyes: We want cash. Now. =FishyPeter gets out his wallet and gives it to Brighteyes= FishyPeter: Here! Take it! Just get away! ReeceMcBlox: And we want you to make us some coffee. =FishyPeter rushes towards the coffee maker= FishyPeter: Anything else? Builderman: We want you to hop around in a bunny suit, on live TV, to the Bunny hop song, telling everyone how wrong you were, and how they should go onto ROBLOX, and how they should buy lifetime OBC, and...! FishyPeter: Alright already! I'll do it! And so, all the admins returned to their homes. FishyPeter was humiliated and was called the Easter Bunny for 2 months. WBS also went out of business due to the cooking show ending. Everything returned to normal. Until one day... =Sheriff Mc.ShootyStar knocks on Telamon's door= Telamon: Hello? Sheriff Mc.ShootyStar: John! I need your help to get me back to the 5th dimension! Stay tuned for Telamon in Noobland

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