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#195560878Sunday, August 07, 2016 5:22 AM GMT

Hey Video Game Central. I have been working on a mod for Brawl called project chaos. You can read about it here () because this thread is not to explain that. Instead this thread is supposed to explain its first new comer Jacket from Hotline Miami. So far I have a model, and a moveset but not video to show it off at the moment. Model: Jackets Letterman's jacket, jeans, sneaker, and a Tony Mask. Moveset: Jackets Moveset is based off of Project M's Solid Snake moveset with a few, but drastic changes. + 3x Damage out put + No Landing lag + Moves as fast as Brawl Sonic + Twice the friction of peach (Peach had the highest friction) + Third Jump - Weight is set to 30 (Jiggly puff is 65) - Gravity is higher than fox. (He falls very fast) - Like jiggly puff you will be KO'd if your shield brakes. - Jacket's Directional Influence is awful - Most smash attacks will KO him at 25%. Powerful smash attacks like a fully charged shield breaker can KO him at 0%. Tell Me what you think. I'll link a video to a show case later.
#195590744Sunday, August 07, 2016 6:08 PM GMT

#195591373Sunday, August 07, 2016 6:18 PM GMT

this thread reminds me of sights Fried not Baked
#195605904Sunday, August 07, 2016 9:42 PM GMT

what does that mean?
#195607171Sunday, August 07, 2016 9:59 PM GMT

is modding Wii games allowed?
#195618636Monday, August 08, 2016 12:38 AM GMT

You own the game, You own the console. You are allowed to make any modifications to the Console or Game AT YOUR OWN RISK. So yes you are allowed to mod the games. Pretty much anything but a Wii System Menu hack will work on your warranty too. Seriously though, how many of you guys never heard of the Homebrew Channel or Project M.
#195625728Monday, August 08, 2016 2:12 AM GMT

meh I never liked the Wii enough to keep it
#195640038Monday, August 08, 2016 6:06 AM GMT

Richard mask or gtfo. Also i seriosuly thought you were trolling us with that thread, good luck on your mod. -Russians aren't even human. Think about it: what other country has people who live in areas that are cold and inhospitable? Canada. And as we all know, Canadians are just sentient snowmen. Therefore, Russians are buff snow people.-
#195646497Monday, August 08, 2016 9:40 AM GMT

nah, i like the biker more. give us screenshots when ur done bro. THE CHASE IS INDEED MY FAVOURITE PART
#196127707Sunday, August 14, 2016 4:05 AM GMT

Okay I will make a video shortly, but first I feel it nessary to mute jacket, since he still has snake's voice lines and he does not speak at all in hotline miami or payday 2.

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