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#195807738Wednesday, August 10, 2016 5:28 AM GMT

But I figured this is the only thread that it is some what relate able on the "story telling part" I just graduated high school and my birthday is next week. About 6 months ago my boy has been saying how we should get jobs and move in together. We literally spoke about it all the time and we even looked up the prices at places near by just to get a feel about everything. Yeah WE wanted to move in after high school and yeah we're young but I liked the idea (it was his) and we actually tried. I have a full time job I hate so much. Like honestly somedays I just want to throw what im done down and just quit. It's 9-5pm and I don't sit down at all, I'm sweaty, I'm talking to sometimes rude people, and I hate my co workers all they do is talk about each other and just cause drama. They're in their 40s-50s and I'm the only young person BY DECADES. He has a job too which is the complete opposite, he likes it. All of his co workers are young and he laughs and has conversations with them and it's all good he loves his job and he's a barista in a small community so it's a great environment. But like 2 weeks ago we were talking about moving in which really wasn't an uncommon topic and it was only brought up because we're both turning 18 next week. His birthday is August 18 and mine is the 19. And he just said that he didn't want to anymore. How can he tell me that he doesn't want to move in together after it literally being the motivation and goal for over half a year. Like that sucked to hear so badly and yeah, I got angry and I was shocked because you can't just say or do something like that because it affects my life too not just his and so last minute. He starts yelling at me... What gave him the right to be angry and raise his voice at me when he literally made all the effort I have done go to nothing. I am so miserable at a job I literally have to talk myself into going to every morning; that I come home tired with an aching back, neck, and feet because I thought the outcome was going to be worth it? How does he have the right to be upset that I am struggling to keep my calm and act this doesn't dent my life, or my view being in the relationship I do love him and this was about 2 weeks ago but I thought I should just write this down somewhere
#195808528Wednesday, August 10, 2016 5:44 AM GMT

#195808624Wednesday, August 10, 2016 5:46 AM GMT

No offense but this is meant for RT so bye now
#195808910Wednesday, August 10, 2016 5:52 AM GMT

Hold up lmao

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