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#19595526Saturday, January 16, 2010 3:56 AM GMT

Now lets imagine the life of a criminal.Not very fun is it?.Well you gotta' think like one to fit in.In New,York it's no bigie,right?WRONG.The cops are after you.Theonly help you get are your friends,how also are criminals,and know there offering rewards for you to be captured,dead or alive. CS. Name: Gender: Age: Crimes: cop? job: Apperance: weapons: bio: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------mine: name:Rick East Gender:M Age:24 Crimes:robbery cop?NO job:mastermind / chef appernce:tuxedo and fedora,aviators and a robbery mask Weapons:Tommyguns(X2) bio:N/A
Top 50 Poster
#19595904Saturday, January 16, 2010 4:03 AM GMT

Name: Otis Gender: Male Age: 27 Crimes: Killing. Want more info? Find it out. =/ cop? : HECK no Job: Assasinating >:D Appearence: Black Ruffled hair, Blue eyes, Black jacket with a white and black checkered T-shirt, Black jeans weapons: Black sword (Why need guns when you can do it the old fashioned way? Mmm?) Bio: TBR
#19596186Saturday, January 16, 2010 4:10 AM GMT

Name: Veronica Verona Gender: Female Age: 14 ( Yes 14 ) Crimes: Mass Murdering, Robbery, Terrorism, Blowing up houses, Attempted Murder, Running over Cops, Setting Fire to Homes/Schools/Police Stations/Kindergartens, Selling Penguins over the black market, Kidnapping, Destruction of Property ( Awful lot, isn't it? XD ) cop? No job: Theif/Murderer Apperance: White Hair, Blue Eyes, Pale skin, Black Bandit Scarf around mouth, Black robber suit, weapons: A Pistol, and a Butcher Knife bio: Public Enemy #1, Veronica's Reward for Capture is just about 2 million dollars, Veronica used to be a normal girl, but something happened...and Veronica will probably never tell what happened. ( Please note that Veronica is my Criminally insane Character, and she has just about 1 million charges )
#19596364Saturday, January 16, 2010 4:14 AM GMT

( when do we start? )
#19596581Saturday, January 16, 2010 4:18 AM GMT

(know :D)
Top 50 Poster
#19596843Saturday, January 16, 2010 4:23 AM GMT

(Mk) I was hiding in a nearby muesum, disguised as a maniquin of Midevil times. I watched silently and waited...
#19596971Saturday, January 16, 2010 4:25 AM GMT

I put on a robbery mask. I went inside a bank."GIVE ME THE MONEY AND NO ONE GETS HURT!!"
Top 50 Poster
#19597040Saturday, January 16, 2010 4:26 AM GMT

Once the room was full, I lunged out and started slaughtering everyone in sight. Bloody and gorey scene
#19597130Saturday, January 16, 2010 4:28 AM GMT

CS. Name: Adam Drury Gender: M Age: 14 (Yea 14 wanna fight about it?) Crimes: Murder, inpersonating an officer of the law, attempted murder, releasing the animals at the zoo after spraying meat flavored air freshoner, destruction of property, truancy, breaking and entering, disturbanse of the peace, tresspassing, assualt, dealing arms, and........................Yelling in a library? cop? Ive inpersonated one before. job: Strategist. Sniper. Apperance: Light green hair, purple eyes, black cargo pants, a white T-shirt and a black vest. Also wears a black cowboy hat. Dont ask why. weapons: A sniper rifle and a spring loaded knife. bio: Hes on the run.........again.
#19597239Saturday, January 16, 2010 4:30 AM GMT

Name: Harlez (for Harley) Gender: Female Age: 17 Crimes: Vandalism, assault, arson, robbery. cop? Er...NO. job: Stealth? She goes in through roofs and picks locks and jumps through the lasers and stuff like that. She also occassionally goes on assassinations. Apperance: Straight, shaggy hair dyed fiery red with black underneath. Brown eyes. Black tank top, grey-black skinny jeans with a lot of rips in them, fingerless fishnet gloves, black converse. A lot of random necklaces. sort of small for her age. weapons: Dual shotguns in holsters on her hips, and a dagger in an ankle sheath. bio: When she got expelled from school, she didn't bother going to a new one. She knows how to fight. Though small, she packs a punch.
#19597358Saturday, January 16, 2010 4:32 AM GMT

(My bad. Messed up.) *Crimes: Murder, vandalism, assault, arson, robbery, possession of drugs.*
#19597608Saturday, January 16, 2010 4:37 AM GMT

Name: Erikon,Rain Gender: Male Age: 26 Crimes: murder, attempted murder, tresspassing, destroyin property inpersianting a doctar and inpersanating a poileice office, robberey, hacking, asullt, arsin ,car jacking, boat jacking plane jacking, fals ID, ID theft, asulting a poileice officer cop?never job: dosent have one he has enough money from waht he steals Apperance: hoodie black hair sneakers baggy jeans weapons: wahtever he can find bio: huge crinalmall around new york hes never been caught once.
#19597722Saturday, January 16, 2010 4:39 AM GMT

as i looked outside,I saw evry criminals worst nightmare,my brother.Mark was hired to kill criminals,no matter the cost,hes already killed rick's brother tom.
#19597740Saturday, January 16, 2010 4:40 AM GMT

Name: James groze Gender: M Age: 21 Crimes: Murder, Bombs And Bomb selling cop?:No way! job: Hitman for the Mafia Apperance: Brown boots, jeans, black shirt, brown gloves, messy red hair that goes down to jaw, blue eyes, sunglasses and a black fedora weapons: Machete And a Dragnov bio: Was raised in kansas, did a few jobs there Before going to NY for a bigger deal, then got in with the mafia. His bounty is 100k at the moment, for Killing and making/selling bombs.
Top 50 Poster
#19597922Saturday, January 16, 2010 4:44 AM GMT

I jumped out of the window of the museum, covered in my blood, many other people's blood, and glass. I start sprinting away
#19597949Saturday, January 16, 2010 4:44 AM GMT

I yawned, stretched, and walked up and alleyway toward the street. I threw on my jacket, which covered my guns, and strolled down the sidewalk, blending in easily.
#19597991Saturday, January 16, 2010 4:45 AM GMT

I walked into a store and walked up to the register " now give me all yure money dont make a seen think if you press that red button under the desk triggering the silent alarm were will that get you il finish this before they can get here" i said" and if you reach for the ememergancey gun under to the pleft of that desk youre death will be slow and painfull so give me the money an be quiet" i warnd him.
#19597993Saturday, January 16, 2010 4:45 AM GMT

I was robbing another home, i swiftly took a jewelery box, some albums, a radio, and 2 wallets ,than climbed out a window, i headed towards an abandoned store to sell my goods.
#19598012Saturday, January 16, 2010 4:46 AM GMT

I saw te bullet coming for me,I didn't know what to do, it missed me,but he came up to me running with a dagger. I ran out the bank,got in a car,and drove, I thought i was safe,wrong was I.HE was on top of the car.i crashed the museam otis was in.i head a thud.it was a person,but i thought it was me.
#19598055Saturday, January 16, 2010 4:47 AM GMT

I Walked up the stairs to the top of a tall building, Directly facing Broadway. I was going to kill a famous movie star. All i had to do was wait for the backstage door to open and BAANG, take the shot!
#19598129Saturday, January 16, 2010 4:48 AM GMT

I sold the stolen goods for a decent amount of money, than started to sneak towards the park to kill the mayor.
#19598135Saturday, January 16, 2010 4:48 AM GMT

#19598180Saturday, January 16, 2010 4:49 AM GMT

mark was going to kill me.but he saw a man in a building about to kill a moviestar,and decided to kill him.so mark left and went inside the building
#19598182Saturday, January 16, 2010 4:49 AM GMT

someone tryed to hit me in the back of the head but i quickly grabbed and twisted his arm making him scream but i picked up a pen and stabed it in his neck and i turned to the man runnning the reqister "so how about that money" i smirked
Top 50 Poster
#19598194Saturday, January 16, 2010 4:49 AM GMT

I got hit by a car, sending me right back near the museum. I groaned.

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